XP East – General Election 2019

Last week was a monumental, for both our school and our country. General elections come round very rarely, and while our students are not able to vote currently in any national elections, the importance of being educated on why we vote and who we might vote for is still of utmost importance.

Students started engaging with politics the week prior to the election, they were given the following learning target in crew:

DLT: I can explain the importance of voting and engaging in political issues

Students were asked to digitally rank issues from least to most important, and express why they had chosen certain issues over others. The issues were the environment (which was very popular), mental health, affordable housing, employment and crime. My crew paired up with the Y10s, and it was excellent to hear them make links between all these issues and their interconnectedness.

The following crew sessions, crews were given broad overviews of the four main political parties standing in the general election, and their stances on the issues they’d discussed in previous crew sessions. Crews came together to write up questions for party leaders, if they had the opportunity to ask them about one of their policies or pledges. It was fascinating looking at the key similarities and differences on issues like Brexit.

On the Wednesday before polling day, my Y12 politics students held a hustings where students were able to put the questions they’d been working on in crew to my experts! Each party had prepared a short speech that was in response to my guiding question:

How can political parties bring about positive change for our community (XP East)?

They then welcomed questions from the students. There was lots of interest in the NHS, in environmental policies and pledges, and some great questions about Boris, Jeremy and Brexit. It showed how much students had engaged with the work that had been done in crew and I was delighted to see how passionate and thoughtful the debate was between both my sixth-formers and lower school.

The following day, XP East went to the polls. I collected all ballots in crew and we counted them in the politics session. We treated each crew like a constituency, so the first past the post voting system was used – just like the actual general election. Some members of my crew were still struggling to choose a party on the morning of the election, as all the speakers at the hustings had done so well!

The Green Party won a majority of seats (8) with a 38% of the vote, followed by the Labour Party with 3 seats and 25% of the vote, Lib Dems were close behind on 21% but with no seats due to the electoral system, and finally the Conservative Party won 2 seats despite gaining less votes than the Lib Dems, just 16%.

It’s been a really exciting couple of weeks at XP East, and I hope that although the voting is over and the election is through, that we keep revisiting what is going on in Parliament and how we can engage further with politics after learning how important it is to get your voice heard.

E26 and E25 have been learning about warm and cool colours in their X Block art sessions.

They have a really good understanding of this, as you can see from their work!

PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE OF DATE FOR THIS EVENT (now on Tuesday 17th December, not Thursday 19th as previously stated)

E26 (Year 7) will be holding the Presentation of Learning for their current expedition ‘Over the Top!’ on Tuesday 17th December, 5.30-6:30pm at XP East.

Students have been working extremely hard throughout their expedition and have been working on answering the guiding question: ‘Does war unite or divide?’

This will be their first formal opportunity at XP East to share their learning with parents, carers and visitors and we very much look forward to seeing you there.

E25 (Year 8) STEAM Presentation of Learning

The Year 8 STEAM presentation of learnings will be held on:

  • Pioneer: Wednesday 18th December, 5-6PM at XP East

  • Explorer: Thursday 19th December 5-6PM at XP East

The students look forward to sharing the work they’ve been studying in the STEAM expedition, where they have been working towards the guiding question “What is the state of the nation’s health and what should we do about it?”

We welcome you to invite family and friends to the event, sign in will begin at 4:45PM on both nights. We also ask that students remain in school from 3:15PM until the event, if there’s an issue with this don’t hesitate to drop me an email: [email protected]

Take a sneak peek at E25’s final product!

Students in E25 were joined by visitors from the Conversation Club on Tuesday morning where they hosted ‘Minute to Win It’ games.

As part of our expedition ‘Should I Stay or Should I Go?’ we are answering the guiding question, ‘Why Should We Care About Migration?’, which means we have spent lots of time meeting and interviewing asylum seekers from our local community, finding out what it is like to move from one country to another and what the difficulties are.

During the morning we moved away from interview questions and instead focused on building a sense of community. Students really enjoyed teaming up with friends from the Conversation Club in order to compete against each other, whilst having fun- with a few surprises along the way!

We would like to appreciate those that took time out of their day to join us, with a special thanks to Nic for his extra games providing us with lots of laughs! See why here:

I am very proud of all of the students in E25 for the compassion they have shown throughout the expedition, it was heart warming to see the smiles on everyones faces this afternoon!

E25 Sponsored Run

As you will be aware, E25 were due to complete their 5k sponsored run/ walk around Lakeside today afternoon (26th Nov) but unfortunately due to unforeseeable circumstances and staff absences this has had to be postponed until next week, Tuesday 3rd December. Could we please ask that all sponsorship forms are brought into school by Thursday 28th November. Sponsor money will should be brought in by Friday 6th December – thank you to those who have already done this.

Image result for postponed

Please be aware that students are still expected to bring in their PE kit on Tuesday. 

We appreciate all of your support in helping us to fund an education and support people in Doncaster’s Community.

A special mention to Aaron and Denim who have raised between them £55! – this is fantastic and any amount sponsored will be much appreciated, it’ll all add up!



Marginal gains in Crew Turing


I’d like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Green for coming in and doing a session on careers with my crew! I can’t wait to build on the work she did helping my crew come up with careers they might be interested in or suited to based on the questionnaires they filled in. This week we’ll look further into some options and what they will need to do in terms of qualifications or work experience to enter certain industries or careers.

This week, my crew have been focusing on our position on the crew dashboards comparatively with other crews in E25. I’m delighted that we have almost no entries to the negative conduct form and that on the whole, extended study is handed in on time and equipment is organised amongst my crew.

There were two aspects of the dashboard that we acknowledged needed working on: praise form entries and our attendance. There were lots of bugs being passed about last term, even I ended up really poorly at one point! However, we’ve made an agreement that this term we focus on making marginal gains in terms of our attendance percentage as every day at school mattered.

We even did the maths, since our average attendance last term was just 90%, as a collective crew we’d miss out on over 100 days of school if we carried on like this! I’m already seeing a great improvement this week.

The issue of our praise form entries was something that we also needed to intervene in as a crew. We discussed how we could improve our number of entries on the praise form, and we decided to set a challenge. Daily, each member of my crew were to record how many times another crew member put their hand up and answered a question or posed a question to a teacher to help clarify their understanding. Here’s how they got on:

I’d like to massively appreciate Torran for his improvement from no entries on day 1 to 5 by day 3 and Dylan for increasing his to 13 on one day! Most of my crew really rose to the challenge and I, amongst others, noticed a real difference in sesion. We even went from the bottom scorers on the praise entries, to the 3rd crew in the year, making gains of +4.0 in our entry average. I’m going to carry this on next week until we reign supreme at the top of the crew dashboard, I’m determined that each marginal gain will have a huge impact on our comparative scores across the crews.

Another focus we’ll be looking towards as a crew this week is the general election and taking a wider look at the world around us. I’ve got us a subscription to National Geographic magazine which I’m going to make the focus of this week’s accelerated reader crew, I can’t wait to delve into important issues in our global community!

‘Just one thing’ about Crew

We didn’t have the best start to Crew this week.

I received an email from Mr Pearson telling me that (with the exception of 2 students) Crew Finch hadn’t behaved very well during Friday’s DofE session.  They’d been disrespectful to him and to each other.  To top it off, other teacher had similar feedback about certain members of Crew.  As you can imagine, I was not a happy Crew Leader!

So they spent Monday’s session writing out reflections on what they’d done and how they were going to put things right with Mr Pearson, myself and with each other.

However, what struck me about their reflections is that there was no sense of accountability in any of them and that they were all blaming each other!  We had a discussion about this during Tuesday’s Crew session, and it became apparent that Crew are actually a bit fed up with one another at the moment, be it because of general conduct, missing extended study deadline, or not respecting each other during Crew time (talking over people is a major issue in my Crew!)

I thought it was worth regrouping and revisiting what Crew should be, and all it has been to us in the past.

I set up an activity where they had to tell me “just one thing” about Crew, focussing on the following areas:

  • Crew makes me feel…
  • Without Crew I would be…
  • How has Crew helped me?
  • How have I helped Crew?
  • What could be improved?
  • If I could give one piece of advice to another Crew it would be…

We used the silent conversation protocol for this – a dialogue using writing rather than speech –  meaning that we all had chance to have our ‘voices’ heard.

It was heartwarming to see that Crew is still something special: it makes us feel safe, welcome and not alone.

There were lots of examples of how Crew had helped one another (Aden broke the rules here and added 3 things rather than just the one!)

The ‘What could be improved?’ sheet gave us the chance to reflect on what is going wrong at the moment, and open up discussions on how we are going to fix these issues.

The activity really helped to clear the air and we’ve now got a plan to get back on track.  I guess like most relationships, we will have falling outs and annoy each other from time to time, but what matters is that we make the time and space to address the issues and make things right!

An appreciation goes out to Libby for making an apology to Mr Pearson on behalf of Crew Finch during our Y9 community meeting.


Crew Parkinson’s Clean Up Crew

This week, Crew Parkinson had our clean up crew session. We went out litter picking on the school grounds and braved the weather to do our bit. We discussed stewardship and why it’s important to clean up litter for environmental reasons and to make our area look better so it’s more enjoyable to be in. Here we are in action:

E25 Sponsored Walk for the Conversation Club

On the 26/11/19, E25 will be taking part in a 5km sponsored walk or run. This will be part of their HUMAN expedition ‘Should I Stay or Should I Go?’ and will take place during their PE session.

We will be raising money for the Conversation Club, a charity in Doncaster who supports asylum seekers and refugees. This charity is vital in creating a support network for people who have had to flee their country due to political and religious persecution.

Earlier in the expedition, we were lucky enough to be visited by a group of asylum seekers who are supported by the Conversation Club. It was lovely to see the students so engrossed in listening to the stories of each of the asylum seekers but also sharing a laugh with them too! The students were shocked by some of the reasons why our visitors had to flee, what would’ve happened to them if they had stayed and were moved by the stories of being separated from their family and the emotional impact this has. It was also interesting to hear how many misconceptions there are in society about asylum seekers and by speaking to our visitors we all learnt a lot about this.

We were pleased to hear our visitors enjoyed the experience of visiting our school as much as we enjoyed having them!

Asylum seekers have to live on only £37.75 a week and any support they receive from the Conversation Club is funded through charity and the kindness of volunteers. E25 and X25 will be taking part in this event (separately) so we have the potential to raise a lot for this charity.  We will be taking part in other fundraising activities throughout this term to raise more money towards this cause.  If each student can be sponsored £1 then it will be a massive help in reaching our target amount for the charity, but feel free give as little, or as much as you can.

Students were handed a sponsor form last week in crew but if they have lost it then they can ask myself or Miss Johnson for another one.

Without wanting to get political it is important to remember instead that these are people who just want to secure their safety. Our character traits of respect and compassion ring out in the students when they get involved with members of our community in this way and I am be proud to work with such mature and compassionate students at XP EAST.