There will be an information evening for the students and parents who are going on the fieldwork to Valencia, Spain in February 2025. The information evening will be held in XP East on 16 May at 16:30 and will last approximately one hour. This is an opportunity for us to go through the finer details of the fieldwork and to answer any questions you may have. Looking forward to seeing you on the 16 May at 16:30.
A Student Visit to Doncaster Museum In a quest to delve deeper into the history of World War I, If students from our school would be able to visit Doncaster Museum for extended study, this would broaden there knowledge immensely, Stepping into the museum, I was immediately captivated by the array of artefacts and exhibits dedicated to the Great War. From personal letters to authentic uniforms, each display offered a glimpse into the lives of those who lived through this pivotal moment in history. Guided by knowledgeable staff, I gained valuable insights into the local impact of WWI, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for the sacrifices made by our community. My visit to Doncaster Museum was more than just an educational experience—it was a journey of discovery and remembrance, leaving a lasting impression.
In the ‘Fight the Power’ expedition, Year 8 have been studying Macbeth as our anchor text. We have been focusing on the theme of power and how Macbeth’s power rises and falls during the course of the play as well as the power dynamics between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.
Students have been so engaged and working really hard getting their teeth stuck into Shakespeare so we are very excited about our upcoming fieldwork!
To support our expedition students, in Year 8 will be visiting Leeds Playhouse to watch a performance of Macbeth.
XP East will be attending on Wednesday the 13th March. We will be leaving during school time but as it is an afternoon showing we expect to be back at school between 4-4:30pm, depending on traffic.
XP will be attending on Tuesday the 19th March. Students will be setting off promptly so please make sure your child arrives no later than 8:30am.
Students will need to bring a pen, water bottle and packed lunch. Lunch will be provided for children on Free School Meals.
As always, the school will provide fieldwork free of charge but if you would like to support us please see our voluntary parental contribution letter.
Year 8 are currently studying the Fight the Power expedition. In Hums we are focusing on the theme power in Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the power of the earth in geography, by examining tectonic processes and natural hazards, power in Christianity and the fight for and against power in history over time by studying the Peasant’s Revolt.
Today both classes undertook a workshop with the help of Miss Buckley who was joined by Alex and Deanna from year 9. We began in small groups by showing how power changes or is shown in key scenes focusing on Lady Macbeth, Macbeth and the witches. Finally each class prepared and performed Act 3 Scenes 3-4 where Macbeth sees Banquo’s ghost. It was great to see the courage and talent shown by those who took on a leading role and everyone else getting involved, even if it was pushing themselves out of their comfort zone. Mrs Woodward and Miss Wilkinson give massive appreciations to you all!
Its been a really busy week for Crew Malala! We have begun our Passage Presentations, with Will setting the standard through his thoughtful reflections on his character growth, work and readiness for GCSE’s on Monday.
In Crew time on Thursday Malala showed a lot of courage and compassion as they supported a Year 7 Crew in their script writing and preparation for their first Student Led Conference.
We have also been carrying out our DofE volunteering and had a very successful litter pick on Thursday.
Finally, a huge congratulations to Alex who is now a member of the Doncaster Youth Council. He will be representing XP Trust and the views of young people aged 11-18 from across Doncaster. What an achievement!
Now that students have sat their first round of mock exams this year, their exams have been marked, moderated and have now been graded. Students will receive their mock grades during Crew time tomorrow morning. Students will also receive a set of predicted GCSE grades for the real exams which take place in the spring. Whilst these predictions are informed by the mock exams, they are also based on other assessments of student work and their current Habits of Work and Learning grades.
Students will reflect on their mock grades and predicted grades in the upcoming Student Led Conferences which will commence from next week. Your child’s Crew Leader will be in touch this week to book in a day and time for their student led conference. The timing of the SLC will allow students to consider any personal pledges that they need to make in advance of the next round of mock exams which takes place in February. More information on the February mock exams will follow closer to the time, but again this will be an opportunity for teaching staff and students to gauge their progress, revise predictions and look at other areas of support before the final exams.
There are a small number of students who may have been absent for some of the mock exams and as such, there might not be a grade provided on their grade card that they receive. These students will have the opportunity to sit missed exams in a formal setting this week and will have their exams marked and grades reported back to them.
If you have any questions in the meantime about any of the above, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your child’s Crew Leader in the first instance.
Students in E30 Year 7 will be visiting the National Coal Mining Museum on Wednesday 4th October. This fieldwork will be part of students expedition “From the Ground up”. We will leave school at 8.30am and return by 3.15pm. Students will need to bring a bag with:
A packed lunch (students on free school meals will be provided with a lunch), a pen / pencil / pencil case to complete work during the day and a warm coat as part of the day is outside.
If your child needs to take any medication, please inform their crew leader so that any necessary arrangements can be made.
The whole English team would like to appreciate all the C26 students who attended the Learning Lab tonight. Nearly every student across both schools attended and they were all fully engaged in some superb poetry revision.
This commitment and effort will pay off in the long run. Remember this is a marathon and not a sprint. Think of these session as a key part of your training.
It has been wonderful to hear students discussing exam technique, the alternative meanings of some of the quotes and considering complex poetic techniques such as iambic pentameter, free verse and colloquial language.
Thanks so much guys, you made Mrs Desborough’s day!
After a well-rested summer holiday, Crew Rowling arrived back at school to relearn the meaning of crew. During this first week, Crew completed many tasks, challenges and activities which brought our crew closer together.
On the first day back, to build back up the bonds of crew, we went on a hike in Langsett and the Peak District. While this walk may have been difficult to some, with crew by their side, we were able to complete this hike in record time. Some (well, maybe just Harvey) had fun!
The following day, time was spent together in our new Crew room, doing activities to build up our sense of crew. During this time, we played a (improved) version of Mafia, created and led by Lily. We also tackled the ‘30 Ways to XP’, where Crew created postcards full of inspirational quotes and advice and Ben and Oliver even cleaned the Crew room 🙂 We also thought about revision techniques and looked at important dates for year 11.
On Thursday, Crew tackled games of rounders and other fun games organised by Mrs Nixon. Crew’s determination saw them fiercely winning rounders, as well as Extreme rock paper scissors! After Crew fought through ‘the floor is lava’, Shawn and Layton’s epic chopstick skills meant we smashed the next game, where we had to get as many pieces of dry pasta into a cup. After fighting through a few more activities, Crew felt more competitive then ever!
We look forward to looking back at our week as a whole tomorrow and sharing our thoughts and experiences with the rest of C26.