YEAR 9: New birdwatching world record*

We have a new record in Year 9 for the most birds spotted in a single session.

Kyle in X24 spotted an incredible 60 birds from 14 different species, including a sparrow hawk and two herons.

Whilst we have not set any work for students in Year 9 to complete over the two week break we would love it if they continued with their birdwatching, bug hotels and bird boxes. Please remind them to send us lots of photos. We are in competition with XP for the most birds spotted. This means we need to up our game, as E24 are currently behind X24 in the leaderboard.

*not verified by Norris McWhirter

Highlights and lowlights

I received this card in a parcel this week (another wool delivery to feed my out-of-control crochet habit – don’t tell Mr Parker!) and when I first read it I thought “Yeah, right! No such thing as a happy day at the moment!”  popped it on the table and forgot about it.

And then, Crew happened.

Today we checked-out for half-term with our Lockdown Highlights and Lowlights.

The lowlights were the same for most of us: not being able to see friends/family and a flurry of uneventful lockdown birthdays.  Other lowlights included eating too much cake (never a lowlight, in my eyes!), annoying siblings and, that good old lockdown classic, ending up with a wonky home haircut.

The highlights made us appreciate that, despite the lowlights, we’ve actually had lots of Happy Days during lockdown, too:

  • We’re spending more time with immediate family
  • We’re spending more time outside
  • We’ve switched off gaming consoles and gone out on family walks
  • We’ve had more time to do new things, like gardening and baking
  • Some of us have taken up running
  • We’ve found that we’re eating together as a family more

It’s fair to say that half term hasn’t been met with the usual enthusiasm.  Crew haven’t been buzzing with the thought of having two weeks off: no meeting up with friends in the park or in town, the novelty of having late nights and lazy lie-ins has worn off and we have no holidays or day trips with family to look forward to!  In fact, some of them have admitted that they’re going to miss having school work set because – let’s face it – there’s nothing else to do!*

However, having heard how Crew are enjoying the extra time with family, spending time doing things they wouldn’t normally do, I think there will be more ‘oh, happy day’ moments to look forward to.

So, before we check out for a well deserved break, I just want to say this:

Crew – it’s been a tough 8 weeks, getting used to our new normal.

You’ve all dealt with it in your own way. And that’s OK.  There is no right or wrong way to deal with this situation.

Some of you have adapted really well and have embraced the challenges of home learning.

Some of you have struggled with the changes and have had to withdraw from us for a while.  And that’s OK. Crew have been right here waiting for you. It was lovely to welcome you back today.

What you’re doing – right here, right now – is good enough.

Enjoy the break and stay safe,
Mrs Parker x

*I have suggested to those who are behind on work to use these 2 weeks to catch-up and I’ll be available to help!  I’ll be sending emails out to those this applies to.

Crew Bingo!

Crew Frank during the last crew session played a little bit of Bingo!

The idea sprang to Crew whilst discussing possible activites we could all do to help prevent boredom during our time at home. So that’s what we did…

Crew members designed their own bingo card, looking something like this…

After a tough, breathtaking, very intense game of bingo, with numerous professional Bingo calls by the Bingo Master (Mr, Burke) 🙂 we finally gained some winners!

Game 1: 1 Line – Winner (Ava)

Game 2: 2 Lines – Winners (Charlie & Arjun)

Game 3: Full House – Winner (Arjun)

Thank you all for taking part and if you would like to try it out at home with family members or friends online, here are some easy steps to take…

  1. Using a piece of paper or google documents, create a 5×5 grid like above in the pictures. (be creative and add some colour!)
  2. Fill in the 25 separate boxes by picking random numbers between 1-80 ensuring all boxes are filled with a number.
  3. Have a bingo number generator which can be found on the web, or prepare questions for the chosen number, for example ( 5 x 5 + 4 – 1 = ) you will then have to work the sum out and cross the number out if you have it. Always remember to keep a track of the numbers you have called.
  4. Play games of 1 line, 2 lines and a full house!
  5. Finally, make sure you all have a Bingo dabber and off you go.

Next Crew session, we will be taking on quiz master Caitlin in her general knowledge quiz, keep tuned to see who wins!

Crew Mercury

Another great week from Crew Mercury, every member is producing real quality learning and also enjoying their time at home.


Kaylen has been learning many new skills during this time, including learning to play the guitar, doing lots of gardening and baking.


Have a look at this bread!


And my favourite new skill he has learnt…how to crochet! I’m sure I’ll have a new crochet buddy when we get back to school!












As well as all of this, Kaylen has been doing amazing with his online learning. He has done so well working independently! Mrs Collinson is very impressed with his Spanish saying how she is ‘really proud of his courage and commitment’.

I can’t wait to get back to school to hear all about your new skills Kaylen.

Take care everyone!

Stay Positive!

This week, Crew Shackleton has been very busy! 

I thought I’d share the positive take Crew Shackleton has taken from being at home with their families. I’ve been amazed by the emails I’ve received from the parents of our crew, sharing what they’ve been up to this week.

After school work in a morning, Jacob has been helping his mum do the chores, then he’s been in the kitchen cooking up a storm. Jacob and his sister made lots of treats this week, including home-made burgers and biscuits. Don’t they look delicious! And to top it off, Jacob has been on several walks and bike rides in the countryside with his family. 

Faith and her sister have been busy decorating their dad’s house with pretty chalked patterns, showing their thanks to the NHS. Faith has also been on many bike rides, keeping fit whilst scoping the local wildlife.

Nikodem has taken the opportunity to spend some time to enjoy this lovely weather, either on his bike or out exploring near his home. He has also enjoyed completing some of his work. As we can see, he’s in full concentration mode. Good job Nikodem!

This week, Zach has been on several nature walks along the river Don. On his journey, he learnt some new skills. Zach learnt how to forage for wild plants! He picked some wild garlic with his brother and sister. I wonder what he’ll make with that.

This week Zach has been in the kitchen, baking his mum a birthday cake. So sweet! To celebrate, Zach and his family had afternoon tea in the garden. They also had the pool up this week as it has been warm. Zach has been touring round his local canal on his family’s boat, looking for all kinds of wildlife.

This week, Lilly has really enjoyed baking cakes as well as helping her parents with meals, encouraging them to eat healthy. She has spent time with her family, having BBQs in the garden and playing on the new VR headset. Lilly has been keeping her fitness up too alongside her sister. And of course, she’s been watching lots of Netflix in bed. Lilly even cut her sister’s hair this week!!!

Each day this week, after a long day at school, Woody went home to spend some quality time with his pet cat, Sox.

It’s great to see everyone enjoying themselves at home, spending some much needed time with their families. I just had to share Crew Shackleton’s positive vibes during this trying time.

Can’t wait to see what you all do next week! 

Stay positive!

May the fourth be with you…

This week has been a highly eventful week for Crew Turing, starting at the end of last week with Lexi’s birthday, followed by Alice and Torran’s on Monday. Each crew member has reportedly enjoyed their lock down birthdays despite not being able to see friends, we made sure to include some fun on our crew hangout.

With Alice and Torran’s birthday coinciding with May 4th, we did a Star Wars themed quiz on Kahoot! Congratulations to Lewis for winning top prize, with Ralph and Lewis in close second.

Academic crew: getting smart in lockdown

This week I have added a further ‘drop in’ non compulsory crew slot that I invited people to join for an academic crew. I was joined by multiple members of my crew, we shared a doc that we collaborated on to support one another with their learning. This week’s focus was hums, we built background knowledge about the new expedition, ‘Wave after Wave’. It was fascinating to learn about the Early Modern Period, I’d like to appreciate Molly, Reece and Lexi for reaching out, and for how well you worked together on this. It was almost as good as being back in school!



Callum has been (& always is, let’s be honest) a star in crew this week, he’s been cracking on especially hard while in school this week, and has received an e-postcard from Mr Pearson, for the high quality spanish work he’s producing. Not only this, on Thursday afternoon I recieved a heartwarming email from Mr Burke:

‘Bless Callum Ando! what a kid he is. He’s done right well with his maths. Such a nice lad!’

I love hearing about how my crew have been getting on. Keep it up Callum!


Another student who needs a mention in this blogpost is Mollie, for her frankly astounding work for HUMs on crime and punishment in the Elizabethan times, you are clearly working extremely hard Mollie. I loved reading your notes from the work set this week, you absolute superstar!!


We ended the week with a bit of a daft crew session where we celebrated my dogs first birthday! I asked people with pups to bring them on hangout and we did a quiz on dogs.

I’d like to appreciate Coco (Ralph’s Pug, see picture below!), Rebel (Jess’ new puppy), Lewis and his pug Sid, Rufus (Dylan’s Labradoodle) & Mollie for sharing her pictures of her gorgeous Labs with me and making Iggy Pup’s quarantine birthday one to remember!

Important Updates for this week:

  • I’ll be hosting crew on Monday at 11:30AM, and Thursday at 2:00PM
  • I will also host another academic crew on Tuesday and Thursday to help my crew with any work, time tbc. This is a drop in session, they do not have to join!
  • I’d like them to complete a slide on the ‘Turing Memories’ slides I have shared for Thursday, or share pictures/email me with what they’ve been up to & I’ll add it to their slides
  • The students are on half term from Friday [2 weeks off!]


A bit of birding!

It was great to see most of Crew at the Y9 STEAM hangout on Tuesday where Mr Smith and Mr Said set them off with the immersion task, which was to go outdoors, do a bit of bird watching and take pictures of nature.

I’m lucky to live in quite a rural spot and do spend a lot of time outdoors either walking the dogs, running, or just pottering around my back garden.  But, as much as I enjoy being outside, I can’t say that I ever really stop, look or listen to my surroundings; I kinda take it all for granted.  So the immersion task to record how many birds we see has really made me take notice and appreciate what’s in my own back yard.  I’ve spotted sparrows, robins, blue tits, pigeons and goldfinches.  And those birds in the picture above flying over the fields behind my house aren’t actually called “them flipping noisy screechy things” like I thought, they’re actually black headed gulls!

But what I like the most about this immersion activity is that it’s something you can all together at home whilst out on your daily walks or just from your kitchen window (I never knew there were so many different birds visiting my garden!) Crew have access to the birding sheet via the STEAM google classroom, or contact me and I’ll send you one.  I’d love to see pictures of what you find on your walks or of the birds you’re spotting, so please share!

Note of caution: although this sounds like a lovely family bonding session I feel like I should give you a bit of a warning: Mr P and I have daily arguments over what some of the birds we spot are; we can’t agree if we’ve got thrushes or blackbirds nesting in our roof!!

There are also a couple of optional challenges you could all work on together: build a bird house or build a bug box.  Send in pictures if you make anything!

You can find out more about the STEAM expedition – including what the guiding question is – on the ‘Here Comes the Sun’ expedition website.


I couldn’t keep up with the amount of praise postcards that have been sent out to Crew this week!  Super proud of those who are continuing to work hard and produce high quality work, but special mentions go to Thomas, Tom, Aden, Ali and Noah.

I’ll share some of their beautiful work in a future blog post, but for now I’ll share what could quite possibly be my favourite praise card ever sent (from Miss Wilmot to Ali)

A huge well done to Thomas from me, too for sending in these pictures of him practicing his DofE first aid skills on his brother.  Great work, Thomas (and Lewis!)

Have a lovely weekend, all.  Stay safe.

Mrs Parker


Cracking week from Crew Young!

This week I’ve received countless positive comments from Crew Young students and our staff that work with them, and it’s been a great end to a shorter working week than usual. I also asked them to identify a celebrity who they would like to share a Google Hangout with and why, and these were their thoughts:

Lewis would probably choose last year’s NBA league MVP Giannis Antetokounmpo or the iconic Lebron James due to his passions around basketball, whilst Maclaren would prefer to share a Hangout with family members that live in Australia.

Summer would host So Hyang, a South Korean singer who is often classified as the best Vocalist of modern day. She has survived cervical cancer and can no longer have children, and uses this story as her power when singing.

Keisha would interview Kylie Cantrall because she’s a really good actress and singer; she’s only 14.

Here are some of the appreciations and recognition from staff this week:

Crew Young have also been busy working on their Duke of Edinburgh bronze award skills challenge. Here are Lewis and Summer placing family members into the recovery position:

I’m really impressed with how versatile and creative Crew Young members are being whilst subject to the lockdown measures. Great work everybody!

E24 – Closing circle hangout meeting

This afternoon at 3.00pm we will be hosting a hangout for all of Year 9 across both schools to find out how they have been getting on with their STEAM immersion challenges.

Students can join the meeting by logging into their school account and going to:

Attendance for the launch hangout was fantastic. Thanks to all of our families for your continuing support.


What are you looking forward to?

Our Crew check-in this week on our Google Hangout was “what are you most looking forward to when lockdown ends?” and we had some lovely answers!

  • Eating at McDonald’s came to mind for Marshall
  • I think all of us are looking forward to seeing family and friends
  • A number of the Crew are just excited at the thought of being in school (XP East is just that good!)
  • Cerys is really looking forward to ice skating – not something you can really practice from home!
  • Going to festivals – Zak has tickets to Leeds Festival in August and it is still happening as far as we’re aware…
  • What are you most looking forward to?

And what have we been getting up to, to pass the time when we’re not doing our school work?  Leoni has been doing mindfulness colouring, Zak is continuing with his basketball and Cerys with her baking – check out the cake below!

Charlie and Ruben have both shaved their heads to keep cool in the warmer weather and keep their hair under control – though we haven’t got photographs to share yet!

In recognition of his participation and commitment to Crew Hangouts every week, I also nominated Marshall for a mention on Mrs Poncia’s Associate Principal blog:

It’s also great to see several of the Crew going above and beyond in their learning, even when working remotely.  Special mentions in the last week or so go to:

  • Ruben for getting ahead on his HUMAN work and asking for even more before the new expedition started!
  • Cerys, Caiden, Leoni, Marshall and Zak for full completion of their HUMAN immersion.
  • Cerys, Charlie, Marshall, Ruben and Tom for going above and beyond in Maths on at least one occasion, in Cerys’ case, with every single task!
  • Billy, Leoni, Marshall and Ruben completing their STEAM tasks way ahead of this week’s deadline on 8th May.
  • Great completion rate across the Arts for Leoni and Cerys, again ahead of the deadline in Leoni’s case.
  • Zak, Ruby, Leoni, Lacey, Charlie and Cerys all receiving e-postcards from Mr Pearson in Spanish.

I’m really impressed that there are so many names of our Crew members mentioned by staff in a positive light in the various meetings we have each week.  Let’s make sure any deadlines we are behind on are caught up and that we keep helping one another to be successful despite the wait until you can all have a celebratory McDonald’s!