What a great start to the new year Crew Mercury have had!
I was so pleased to see everybody and to see the crew members in person.
This year we have started Crew Curriculum, and crew have really embraced Thoughtful Thursday. As a crew we looked at out most recent data for HOWLs and grades, then each member made an academic pledge.
Check out some of Crew Mercury’s pledges…
Josh – ‘I pledge to achieve a 3.0 or higher in HUMS by asking more questions’

Jayden – ‘I pledge to improve my be kind HOWLs to at least a 3.0’

Ella – ‘I pledge to improve my HOWLs in PE and crew are going to support me by giving me lots of encouragement’
Even with COVID-19 nothing has stopped us having our weekly whole school community meeting. Every Friday we have had the community meeting via Hangout and lots of appreciations, apologies and stands have been made.
Would just like to give a big shout out to Lynden for making his first stand during the community meeting. Well done Lynden! Lots of courage shown!