In April we told you about changes to our DofE delivery in this blog post.
We now know that students won’t be able to complete the Outdoor Expedition within the original timescales set.
Unfortunately, this means that our Y9 students won’t be awarded the full Bronze Award this academic year.
However, DofE still want to recognise and celebrate participants’ achievements so far – and rightly so! – and will be awarding a Certificate of Achievement to all those who complete the Volunteering, Physical and Skills sections before the end of the year (31/12/20 is the official date but we will be setting our own school deadline, which is likely to be much earlier!)
Students will receive the full Bronze Award once they have completed the Outdoor Expedition, and we already have plans in place to get this done as soon as we can!
It is important to note that students will NOT receive the full Bronze Award if they don’t have the 2020 Certificate of Achievement before the end of the year.
We really hope you continue to support and encourage your child through their DofE journey.
Here’s the WHY:
Outdoor Education is a huge part of the XPE experience; it starts with Outward Bound and carries on through fieldwork and the DofE Awards we offer from Y9.
DofE in particular helps students build key life skills – not least compassion, resilience, and teamwork – reinforcing what our CHARACTER TRAITS, HOWLS and CREW. We want our students to be the best versions of themselves, and truly believe that DofE helps them to achieve this.
So, here’s a quick summary of where we’re at at XPE:
Students have completed the Volunteering section. This was done in school with Y9 students becoming Volunteer Reading Mentors for Y7.

We have asked all Y9 students to complete the St John Ambulance First Aid Course. Details have been uploaded onto the DofE Google Classroom.
I’d like to give a massive appreciation to the the following students who have been working through the weekly First Aid tasks that are being set for them:
Thomas H, Ben, Aran K, Rhys, Summer, Maclaren, Kaiden, Keisha, Theone, Eleanore and Chloe
Thank you all so much – I’m really impressed with what you’ve all done so far and would definitely feel safe being out on expedition with you guys!
There are still quite a few of students who need to join the classroom, or who have joined but have yet to start – it is really important that they make a start as soon as possible and get these tasks done!
Many students were using out of school activities as evidence for this section. However, once we went into lockdown, these activities were stopped and some students haven’t been able to collect enough evidence to complete this section.
However, students still need to continue with evidencing some form of physical activity and we have made some suggestions of what they could easily be getting on with: walking, running, gardening, Joe Wicks’ daily PE lesson on YouTube to name a few.
These sessions can be added to any which were previously recoded before lockdown (so you don’t have to start the 12 hours again!) but you MUST agree this with your Crew Leader. New evidence sheets are on the DofE Classroom.
Submitting Evidence
All evidence will be submitted via the eDofE mobile app. It’s really easy to use and I’ll be in touch with each Crew to talk them through the process.
Thank you.