DofE with a difference

Following on from this previous post about continuing with the DofE Award at home, we’d just like to explain some changes we’ve made to our programme delivery.  This information is mainly aimed at those doing their Bronze award (Y9 students) but it might also help those doing the Silver and Gold awards, too.

As you know, the Bronze Award is made up of 4 different sections:

  • Physical
  • Volunteering
  • Skills
  • Outdoor expedition

Obviously, the outdoor expedition is on hold but students can still carry on working towards achieving the other 3 sections. We would like all Y9 students to follow this adapted programme – Crew Leaders will be in touch to discuss.

In the meantime, click through the slides below to find out more:

Checking-In with Crew Churchill

It was great to touch base with crew Churchill on Friday afternoon.  We held our weekly hangout and there were ten of us present.  We were also joined by Mr. Smith.

Things seem to going well for our crew, with students completing the work which has been set and, if they are finding it tricky, getting in touch with teachers so they can lend a hand.

Here are some of our ‘What’s Working Well’s so far:

Adam has now developed a good routine so he knows when he is doing school work and when he can go in his garden to play basketball or play on his XBox.

Denzil has been working hard on his maths and science but also finding time to go outside to play football.

Kaiden is ‘cracking on’ with things, having established a good routine, including not staying up  late!


Sisterhood Pledge – Well Aware by Linda

After checking in, we also made pledges for the week to come.  Take a look:

Kyle pledged to ask email his teacher about Citizenship as he isn’t sure about what he has to do.

Niven pledge to ‘chip away’ at his work now that his device is sorted.

Ruby pledged to make sure that she ‘hands in’ her work as she sometimes forgets to do this.


Finally, I would like to share a special appreciation for Theone.

Check-Ins with Crew Churchill

It has been lovely to touch base with each member of crew Churchill since we finished school.

We have been liaising through regular email updates and today we held a Google Hangout.

It was wonderful to be able to talk to crew and find out what they have been up to.

So far, things are going well, with crew reporting that they have established good working routines, with many using the timetable to help them structure their days and they are successfully completing the work which is being set.

Check out some of the STEAM work Theone and Tyler have completed:

I’d also like to send a big ‘SHOUT OUT!’ to Tyler, Theone, Kyle, Ben, Aran, Rhys and Kaiden for completing all of their maths tasks and achieving high scores.  Super stuff!

We finished our crew session by checking out with the question: ‘If you could be an expert in anything at all, what would it be?’

There seemed to be a running theme as Adam, Rhys and Ruby wanted to be experts in business and make lots of money!  Kaiden said he’d like to be an expert in Space, along with Ben, who has the wonderful ambition of being an expert in all things Aeronautical and Space, too.  Theone would love to be an expert on how the brain works and Alyssa would like to be an expert in cooking.  When asked why, she said ‘because I can’t cook anything at all!

CBeebies - Big Cook Little Cook

So, see on you all on Friday, Crew Churchill, for our end-of-the-week check-in!

Remember: Stay Safe!



E24: Visiting Sheffield Hallam University

Day 3 of E24’s first week back saw students visiting Sheffield Hallam University.  This fieldwork was designed to further develop students’ knowledge and understanding of how to get to higher education, what opportunities are available and what university life is like.

Throughout the day students discovered the different ways to get to further education, whether this is by completing A Level courses, maybe BTECs or through an apprenticeship, some of the many different types of degrees which could be studied (who knew that Surf Science was a degree?) and what else makes up life at college or university – anyone for a game of Quidditch at the Harry Potter Society?

A tour of the university allowed students to see the different facilities that are available.  The size of the lecture theatre made students gasp and the flight simulator, used by students studying aeronautical engineering, had them asking insightful questions.

At the end of our visit, feedback strongly showed that the majority of students would like to go to university and now feel more confident knowing how they can access this amazing opportunity.

Well done, E24!  Now, don’t forget your hiking boots tomorrow!

E24: Smashing it!

Following on from a great first day back, E24 (Year 9) have had another excellent day!

It has been wonderful today to see such high levels of engagement, focus, co-operation and graft!

The day started with a crew session where crews were given four different challenges to solve.  These included: Radioactive Isotope, The Floor is Lava!, Precious Trophy and Scientific Breakthrough.

Here we are working as crew!

The next part of our day saw us building on our careers sessions from yesterday by finding out what potential employment opportunities might be suited to us.  Using a programme called ‘Start’, we discovered which careers matched our qualities, skills and interests.  We also researched what salaries different jobs would pay and the availability of specific jobs throughout the country.

Ali discovered that being an author could earn her anything from £9,800 a year to over £2million a year!  She’s already started writing her bestseller!

Rhys is interested in becoming a paramedic.  He researched the qualifications he needs to achieve this and found out that there are over 2,000 job opportunities in this field across Yorkshire.  We’d all be in safe hands with Rhys!

Throughout this session, learning and conduct behaviours from ALL students were exemplary!

The final session of today saw students introduced to ‘Passage Presentation’ which is an important piece of work students complete during Year 9 to demonstrate that they are GCSE ready.  More information to follow about this…

So, tomorrow, we are heading to Sheffield Hallam University.  We can’t wait!

As this academic year ends, we’re already looking forward to our first week back!

School starts again on Tuesday 27th August, 8.30am.  Students will require a PE kit for Tuesday and Wednesday, along with their usual stationery (pen, pencil and ruler) A kit list has been provided for Friday’s activity.

**There is no extended study during the first week back**

Tuesday: In school with a normal finish time of 3:15.

Wednesday: In school with a normal finish time of 3:15. 

Thursday: Students are out of school today, within normal school hours.  They should wear their usual everyday clothes and bring their bags and stationery. They will also need a packed lunch and a bottle of water (provided for students on FSM).

Friday: Students need to be at school for 7.45am.  We will be out of school all day so students will need a backpack with a packed lunch, a bottle of water, hiking boots and waterproofs. Students on FSM will be provided with a pack lunch.

Please check the kit list below for further details of the required clothing.  Please can students come to school in trainers, not their walking boots.  We are expected to be back at school for around 5pm (to be confirmed during our first week back.)

Please refer to these important docs and ensure you and your child are familiar with them.  A medical form will be sent home on Tuesday 27th; please return this to us on Wednesday 28th.

Have a wonderful summer break!


Getting Smart ‘Theone’ Style!

E24 are busy preparing for their STEAM exam which is taking place today.

In Crew, students have used revision notes to help them revise.

Some students have gone over and above by revising at home for considerable lengths of time.

Take a look at how Theone has been revising…

Total number of revision cards – 77!

Wow, Theone!  Well done and good luck!

SLCs and Data Drop 3

As part of their preparation for their upcoming SLCs, Crew Churchill were eager to find out their new academic grades and HoWLs.

This information forms part of Data Drop 3 and was shared with students during crew at the beginning of the week.

As a crew, we were delighted to see how grades had improved.

Tyler is ‘smashing’ his MEG in HUMAN.

Alyssa is ‘smashing’ her MEG in maths and Spanish.

Denzil is ‘smashing’ his MEG in maths and science.

Adam is ‘smashing’ his MEG in science and all his HoWL grades are now 3.0 and above!

Kyle is ‘smashing’ his MEG in Spanish.

Ruby is ‘smashing’ her MEG in maths and all her HoWLs are 3.5 and above!

Theone, Aran and Ben are ‘smashing’ their MEGs in ALL subjects and all their HoWLs are 4.0 and above – brilliant!

Can’t wait for your SLCs now, Crew Churchill!  Well done!



Churchill Clean Up Crew!

As students of XP East School we know that we have a key role to play in the stewardship of our school and its surrounding area.  To ensure that our school grounds, both inside and out, are kept in top condition, each crew takes part in ‘Clean Up Crew’.

Last week, it was Crew Churchill’s turn so, armed with grabbers and gloves and dressed in our high-vis vests, we tackled the rubbish in Car Park 3.

We collected five bin bags full of rubbish, ranging from McDonald’s packaging, to nappies to car parts!

Churchill always work hard during Clean Up Crew and feel proud that they have had a role in keeping our environment clean and tidy.

Final Product Check-In

Today in academic crew, we have been sharing the drafts we are currently working on for our HUMAN final product.  We are designing a propaganda poster to persuade the public to think twice about the news and information that they hear and see in the media (fake news).

As we shared our first drafts, we explained to crew the reasoning behind our slogans and images.

Kyle spoke about how, in order to fight fake news, people need to ‘cut the strings’ as different media sources play us like puppets.  His image symbolises us breaking free.

Ben shared his draft and explained how he had drawn the real face of fake news: a demonic being that shouldn’t be trusted and that could harm you.  Wow!

Niven had used the concept of an anonymous figure which represented the idea that you don’t know who is behind the news you read.  He said, “Make sure you read it and think carefully before you believe it.”

Aran posed the question: Are our minds vulnerable to fake news?  She had used the image of a brain to indicate that people are easily brainwashed by fake news if they are not careful.

Do you recognise the phrase, ‘See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil?’

This was the inspiration behind Theone’s propaganda poster as she has depicted a news reporter who is being encouraged to say ‘No!’ to fake news.

Absolutely cracking work so far, Crew!

We can’t wait to see your final products!