Shackleton Craftsmanship and Quality

It’s been an absolute pleasure to receive emails about some of the amazing things being done in Crew Shackleton while at home this week.

Special mention for April – what an amazingly gifted and caring young lady. Not only has she been working hard on school work, but she’s been using her sewing machine and old donated materials to make masks and headbands for NHS staff. i was clapping for April at 8pm this evening too.

If there was an exam for kindness, April would get a grade 9. Take a look at some of her handy work…

(Thank your mum for the photos!)


And it’s brilliant to get emails from teachers too showcasing the brilliant work being done in lesson at home. Mr Nixon emailed me today to share some of the amazing work completed by Lilly, celebrating the standards we’ve come to expect from her.

Take a look…

Outstanding craftsmanship and quality. I’m a HUMS teacher so I’m taking Mr Nixon’s word for it that the maths is good! Well done, Lilly.

And not forgetting other conversations I’ve had about James and his work ethic and beautiful work at home; Nikodem completing all the tasks each week on time and to a high standard; and all the students in Crew Shackleton who are showing great independance and resilience to keep going despite these challenging times.

You will all be sorely missed. Keep up the amazing work.

Beautiful Work – XP East / XP

It’s been brilliant over the last 3 weeks to receive daily updates and work from Year 9 in both XP and XP East. It is a personal highlight of the week / day when an email arrives with titles such as ‘here is my extension task’ or ‘these are the notes I made’ .

During their time at home students have been immersing themselves into our new expedition entitled ‘Empire’ using the the google site which can be found here

Our guiding question for this expedition will be ‘Do we need structure to make society stable?’

Our anchor text is Animal Farm and we will explore the content through one of our three case studies. The other two have yet to be revealed to students…

In this post I’ve tried to capture a snapshot of the great work we have received.

Students have looked at Russia both in its past and present formation. Explored the different ideologies behind Socialism, Communism and Capitalism and how these ideologies were part of the Cold War. Analysed historical sources and the poem Hawk Roosting by Ted Hughes.

A special mention must go out to Theone for creating a facebook profile on Ted Hughes in the first person, Milo who carried out some detailed research and to Noah and Maclaren who thought about the finer details and decided whether they would have befriended him and gave him a specific number of friends.

I hope the slides give a sense of how hard students have been working from home.

Ella’s Fantastic Cards!

Have a look at these amazing cards that Ella from Crew Mercury has been making this week!

Ella has been giving these cards to her mum so she can pass them on to her fellow front line workers in social care. A lovely way to show her appreciation for everything they are doing in these difficult times.

I’m sure these cards have been massively appreciated, such a wonderful thing to do Ella! I am very proud!

Crew Mercury

It has been great to check in with crew and see what we have all been getting on with our learning. The learning that you are producing is fab, and we’re getting lots of praise from teachers. Well done everyone!

I’ve also enjoyed hearing about what crew have been getting up to in their free time.

For this week’s post I’m going to share what Lewis has been up to. He has been enjoying taking Thor for a daily walk. Look how big Thor is!!




Lewis is particularly proud of his maths learning, and I’m sure Mr Nixon is super impressed too! Mrs McCarthy also said she is proud of what you have done so far Lewis, keep it up!



Check back next week when we have an update on another member of Crew Mercury!

E26 are creating beautiful work in their art sessions

E26 pupils have been using watercolour paints to create beautiful sunsets and silhouettes inspired by African landscapes.

I am extremely impressed with E26 and their enthusiasm to create their artwork. We have some very talented young people at XP East! Well done!

XP East – General Election 2019

Last week was a monumental, for both our school and our country. General elections come round very rarely, and while our students are not able to vote currently in any national elections, the importance of being educated on why we vote and who we might vote for is still of utmost importance.

Students started engaging with politics the week prior to the election, they were given the following learning target in crew:

DLT: I can explain the importance of voting and engaging in political issues

Students were asked to digitally rank issues from least to most important, and express why they had chosen certain issues over others. The issues were the environment (which was very popular), mental health, affordable housing, employment and crime. My crew paired up with the Y10s, and it was excellent to hear them make links between all these issues and their interconnectedness.

The following crew sessions, crews were given broad overviews of the four main political parties standing in the general election, and their stances on the issues they’d discussed in previous crew sessions. Crews came together to write up questions for party leaders, if they had the opportunity to ask them about one of their policies or pledges. It was fascinating looking at the key similarities and differences on issues like Brexit.

On the Wednesday before polling day, my Y12 politics students held a hustings where students were able to put the questions they’d been working on in crew to my experts! Each party had prepared a short speech that was in response to my guiding question:

How can political parties bring about positive change for our community (XP East)?

They then welcomed questions from the students. There was lots of interest in the NHS, in environmental policies and pledges, and some great questions about Boris, Jeremy and Brexit. It showed how much students had engaged with the work that had been done in crew and I was delighted to see how passionate and thoughtful the debate was between both my sixth-formers and lower school.

The following day, XP East went to the polls. I collected all ballots in crew and we counted them in the politics session. We treated each crew like a constituency, so the first past the post voting system was used – just like the actual general election. Some members of my crew were still struggling to choose a party on the morning of the election, as all the speakers at the hustings had done so well!

The Green Party won a majority of seats (8) with a 38% of the vote, followed by the Labour Party with 3 seats and 25% of the vote, Lib Dems were close behind on 21% but with no seats due to the electoral system, and finally the Conservative Party won 2 seats despite gaining less votes than the Lib Dems, just 16%.

It’s been a really exciting couple of weeks at XP East, and I hope that although the voting is over and the election is through, that we keep revisiting what is going on in Parliament and how we can engage further with politics after learning how important it is to get your voice heard.

E26 and E25 have been learning about warm and cool colours in their X Block art sessions.

They have a really good understanding of this, as you can see from their work!

E24/Year 9 How to build a rollercoaster workshops

Year 9 have been lucky enough to experience another fantastic day of fieldwork, helping them build background knowledge for their STEAM expedition, ‘Slow Down’. In a few weeks time, their learning will culminate in a final product that answers the guiding question:

What does physics and maths have to with saving life?

This Thursday, the year group visited Alton Towers’ education department to learn about how they assess the safety and functionality of their roller coasters. Students were briefed on how they might want to design their own roller coasters using the principles of physics and mathematics.

They also applied their knowledge of algebraic substitution by calculating gravitational potential energy, as well as velocity at each hill of their roller coasters and centripetal acceleration. Students were then given a workbook to fill out as we travelled through the park – they were able to explain why they felt so weightless during the drop on oblivion, and were able to calculate GPE on the coasters across the theme park using the knowledge gained in the workshops. Plus, we all had a lot of fun on the rides!

We will be picking up this new physics and maths content once we get back into school this coming week and applying it across the STEAM sessions.


E24 Explorer and Pioneer

E24 started off their immersion for the expedition ‘Why do we still need Charity?’ Creating contextual studies from the artist: Karl Schmidt-Rottluff. What a great start to beautiful work! Some have been carefully using a craft knife to remove sections: creating contrast. Others have been using pen to block out areas. All students will do both pieces of work.

This is just some of the beautiful work they have produced. Keep up the hard work! Can’t wait to work on the final product with you (we are creating a product that runs alongside Hums).

Community Gardens Taking Shape

Our new staff crew have been today working on their final product for their Learning Expedition Slice. Having completed two case studies looking at social inequity in Doncaster and the wider socioeconomic impact of environmental breakdown, staff crew are now putting together a community garden in our school grounds. This garden will have a legacy in that food grown will be donated to the food bank in Thorne and Moorends which formed part of the fieldwork for our first case study. Staff crew will maintain the gardens, but they will also be a learning resource for their crews too in the next academic year and beyond.

Beautiful work!

A massive appreciation to our experts too:

  • Kate ap Harri
  • Peter Wyatt
  • Alfie L (Year 8 X24)