As you may remember, Crew Rowling previously raised money for the local charity Big C Little Warrior. Once again we would like to support them and our latest fund raising activity is a bake sale. This is going to be held on Wednesday break for students and staff. Crew have been busy making posters to promote the event in crew and have really taken their time to ensure their craftsmanship and quality is of the highest level. We will update you after half term with how much we raise for this fantastic charity.
While most were at home during the staff day on Monday last week, two members of our crew members were part of a group of students who delivered a keynotes speech to the whole staff trust. Harvey and Shawn were incredible! As crew leader I was very proud!
Crew have been doing some amazing work since being back and it has been lovely to hear so many positive comments from your teaching staff. Here are just a few examples of students working hard and beautiful work.
Unfortunately this week, Harvey is unwell but in his usual positive spirit he joined us online via hangout for crew and once again we had’ virtual Harvey’ on a chair in the circle.
I firstly want to say how amazed I am of the compassion shown this week in Crew Rowling. There have been ups and downs but we have pulled each other through and had great fun along the way.
To start off we had a day in Crew and we were introduced to our guiding question which was ‘How can we get everyone to the top of the mountain?’. This got us thinking about how we are going to tackle both year 10 and 11 and the all important process to sitting GCSEs. Crew got straight on with this and I loved hearing about their ideas, concerns and ways we could overcome these.
The second day we had a day packed full of team building activities from WiseUP. These tasks tested Crew’s ability to work together, their compassion, resilience, perseverance, patience and communication skills. As a Crew we did tasks such as the magic carpet, crazy maze, baton pass, shepherd and sheep and say what U C, to name a few. This day was full of laughter and we had an amazing partnership from Charlotte and Harvey, who were determined to conquer the most difficult of tasks (switching places on a beam). Every single member of Crew Rowling took part, whether it be planning, voicing strategy, reading or selecting the activity card and all worked together in the tasks which was great to see.
Thursday we went off to Flamborough where we walked from North Landing to South landing, stopping half way at the lighthouse for lunch. The conduct from students was impeccable and it was so lovely to see them showing respect to members of the public by letting them pass by and saying ‘hello’ or ‘thank you’. We were lucky with the weather which meant we could admire the stunning views whilst walking with the rest of E26.
Friday we planned a product of learning to deliver to the other Crews in E26. This needed us to work together to give each of our thoughts on the week. We then split into two teams to begin designing our roadmaps to success. These are not quite finished as we want to get the craftsmanship and quality just right so these can be added to our Crew wall. So watch this space as a further update on these will follow! The POL which was presented in the afternoon really captured who our Crew had worked together so brilliantly all week and I was extremely proud of each one of you! We then has a small awesomeness community meeting which allowed students to appreciate each other. We ended our first week back with a Crew game of mafia which as always, had us in stitches.
It has been a fantastic start to year 10 for Crew Rowling. I can’t wait to see where this coming year takes us but after this week I know that Crew Rowling can get through anything together.
As Y7 and Y8 go off on their Outward Bound adventure, Y9, Y10 and Y11 will also spend the first week back with their crews undertaking various activities because, if we get Crew right, we get everything right 🙂
The plan for the week is above, and you will notice that it includes a coastal walk to Flamborough. Details of the coastal walk for each year group have been posted on separate blog posts:
As ever, we will be kicking off our first week back at school by regrouping and rebooting Crew.
On Thursday 1st September – our C26 students (new Y10) will be going on a coastal walk to Flamborough.
Students should arrive at school between 8am-8.15am so that we can leave at 8.30am. We are aiming to be back at school by 3.30pm, but will keep you updated on the day.
All students will be expected to bring the Outdoor Kit listed below:
Appropriate rucksack for walking.
Packed lunch (those on FSM will be provided with a school pack lunch.)
Water bottle: approx 2 litres (no energy drinks, milkshakes or fizzy pop)
Waterproof jacket
Appropriate walking trousers/shorts/leggings for the weather.
Walking top/base layer; made from synthetic, man made material (polyester, nylon etc). This type of material removes sweat away from your skin keeping you cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather
Appropriate outdoor shoes (sturdy trainers, walking shoes or walking boots are compulsory – no open toe sandals, canvas shoes or sliders)
Sun hat/Sun cream
For further information or questions please email your child’s crew leader.
C26 will be presenting their learning from the expeditions ‘You Give me Fever’ and ‘Hold Back The River’ on Wednesday 20th of July at 4pm.
The students will be showcasing their work and what they have learned in the last two expeditions of year 9. In Y.G.M.F the students were focused on the peoples health and the healthcare system and in H.B.T.R their focus was on how water has shaped our world.
We would like to invite all parents and guardians who can attend to see the beautiful work our students have created over the last few months.
Crew Rowling along with the rest of E26 went out on fieldwork last Friday to Edale. The feedback from staff that accompanied them expressed how impeccable their behaviour was, I love hearing such feedback as crew leader! It sounds like a great day was had by all. I also managed to get my hands on some gorgeous photos by Harvey and Olivia from the fieldwork.
Monday morning we took on the challenge of walking a mile in crew to promote sport within school. Luckily the sun was shining and C26 had a pleasant 4 lap walk around the 4G court.
‘Leading our Own Learning’
Students seem to be settling well into their chosen pathways on a Wednesday afternoon. I can’t wait to see them expand and further their knowledge in whichever path they are following.
As you will know, year 9 have undertaken their passage presentations over the past couple of weeks and as crew leader I have been absolutely blown away. The outstanding craftsmanship and quality has shone through each and every one of Crew Rowling’s presentations.
This has been a turbulent journey and I’m sure that crew will agree that there have been plenty of ups and downs while preparing for their passage presentations. The preparations have taken, what seems like a lifetime but I am very proud of the determination and resilience that each student has shown. The professionalism that each student showed was incredible and it was very clear that passage meant a lot to them.
There were a few nerves leading up to their presentations for some but the amazing friendships and support from crew really shone through with daily debriefs about the passage presentations from the night before and some even stayed behind to give moral support to other crew members. This was something that did not go unnoticed by other staff and experts that joined us.
Here’s just a few snaps I managed to get along the way…
I am incredibly proud of each and every single member of Crew Rowling and we had a 100% pass rate which was incredible!!
Huge well done once again, I can’t wait to watch you all take on the next chapter at XP East.
As you may remember, before Christmas Crew Rowling were raising money for our chosen local charity Big C Little Warrior and Rhys volunteered to cut his hair to raise funds for them to go towards hair accessories for those going through cancer treatment and potential hair loss from this.
A few weeks ago, Crew were surprised and humbled to receive a sweet parcel each from Big C Little Warrior as a thank you along with a lovely card which now is pride of place on our Crew wall.
This week we were so pleased to be able to welcome Annette Powell into our Crew at XP East for a short visit. Annette wanted to come and personally thank Crew Rowling for the amazing fundraising achievement and we were very proud to be able to present Annette with the money we raised which totalled £720! It’s amazing to think how many people this will support, making a very difficult time that little bit more bearable.
We can’t wait to continue supporting Big C Little Warrior even more in the future.
Meanwhile, time is ticking closer and closer to Crew getting the chance to share their Passage Presentations. It’s been great to hear snippets of conversations regarding their thoughts on what they may want to do after their GCSEs. They have all given each other so much support throughout this process and this for us as their Crew leaders makes us very proud. They have all worked so hard on these and I can’t wait to watch the final polished products.
The Fight the Power final product is being officially launched on Friday 3rd December at 2PM, at Sir Nigel Gresley Square (just outside of CAST).
We’d like to say a massive thank you to parents, carers, and our community for supporting the crowdfunder, and we look forward to launching it with students and those involved with the expedition.
If your son/daughter is in C26 (Year 9) and you would like to attend the event to celebrate its launch with us, please join us – feel free to email [email protected] if you have any questions about the grand reveal.