C28/E27 Superb Focus and Effort in English LOOL

Over the last half term we began a project focused on the documentary ‘Blackfish’ about the plight of orcas at Seaworld.

After completing our research and extending our comprehension skills last half term, this half term we are starting to apply this to our GCSE Component 2 English Language Transactional Writing tasks. 

Today in LOOL students started to plan a persuasive e-mail which we will be sending to the governor of Orlando, Florida explaining why we feel orcas and other sea animals should no longer be held at Seaworld.

The focus and engagement of all the students involved has been superb and I am very excited to see what they produce.

Well done guys!

Mrs Desborough – Trust Leader of English

Crew Malala practise mindfulness

Yesterday E28/Y10 students had a visit from With Me In Mind, a local organisation which helps students manage anxiety and other mental health concerns. One of the strategies they talked about was mindfulness, and so this morning we are putting that into practise by doing some mindful colouring to start our day.

Crew Malala Roundup

This term we have begun to use part of our Thoughtful Thursday. Crew have identified their priorities and begun to use time to revise, recall and develop their knowledge of a range of subjects.

Next week we will be looking at revision techniques and bring back to Crew how we have found flash cards, revision diagram and the revision clock.

Crew also received their certificates for successfully achieving our Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award.

Crew Malala – Day 2 D of E Bronze Expedition

Walking through nettles. Sitting in the shade. Following the Countryside Code. Helping each other. Making friends with a horse. Digging deep. Laughing. What a day.

Congratulations to all of Crew Malala for completing their D of E Bronze. Massive thanks to Mrs. Mawby who supervised us and made sure we made it through safely. Well done everyone. We are so proud of you.

Mrs. Batty & Mrs. Collinson

Crew Malala – Day 1 D of E Bronze Expedition

Crew Malala had a very long, very warm, but very successful Day 1 of their D of E Bronze Expedition. Students packed up and left school this morning, setting off for a 10K walk from Norton Junior School to Brockadale Nature Reserve and back again. Students worked on teamwork, listening skills, supporting one another, and digging deep. It was a tough but rewarding day. Please check out the first round of photos. More to come tomorrow!

Mrs. Batty & Mrs. Collinson

Valencia Fieldwork 2025 Information Evening Thursday 16 May @ 16:30

There will be an information evening for the students and parents who are going on the fieldwork to Valencia, Spain in February 2025. The information evening will be held in XP East on 16 May at 16:30 and will last approximately one hour. This is an opportunity for us to go through the finer details of the fieldwork and to answer any questions you may have. Looking forward to seeing you on the 16 May at 16:30.

The Spanish Team

C28: Exciting opportunity for optional fieldwork to Valencia in February 2025!

I am pleased to announce that there is a brilliant opportunity for C28 students for optional languages and cultural heritage fieldwork to Valencia 14th – 17th February 2025. The fieldwork will include various cultural visits, such as a tour of the world-famous Mestalla football stadium, a paella cooking workshop, a visit to Valencia Cathedral and old town, a flamenco workshop, and a visit to the City of Arts and Sciences museum. Please see the letter below for details. Students will receive a hard copy of this letter to take home with them tomorrow morning.

Places for the fieldwork are limited, and there is a tight turnaround on registering interest in order to secure places. To register interest for your child, please fill in the Google form linked here by no later than Monday 29th April. There will be a randomised draw to allocate places, and students will be notified of place allocation on Tuesday 30th April, as the initial deposit of £150 is then due in by no later than Thursday 9th May.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected].

Thank you,

Miss Barton

Y9/E28 Fieldwork to Thackray Museum Leeds

The following has been emailed to parents / carers of Y9/E28.

On Monday 25th March Y9/E28 will be taking part in fieldwork to Thackray Medical Museum in Leeds.

This fieldwork has been planned to support their learning in ’You Give Me Fever’ and is a brilliant opportunity to bring the students’ learning to life in an exciting and engaging way. The experience will be used to support the expedition by developing a deeper understanding of the Science and History content that they have been studying this term.  

We will depart at 9am and our expected arrival time back at school is approximately 2:45pm. Should there be any issues, we will provide updates on our ETA via the school website as this can be impacted by events out of our control such as traffic.

Students will need a packed lunch for this fieldwork. If your child is in receipt of free school meals, a lunch will be provided.

In addition to a packed lunch, students should bring their usual school supplies including pens and iPads.