Crew Malala – Day 2 D of E Bronze Expedition

Walking through nettles. Sitting in the shade. Following the Countryside Code. Helping each other. Making friends with a horse. Digging deep. Laughing. What a day.

Congratulations to all of Crew Malala for completing their D of E Bronze. Massive thanks to Mrs. Mawby who supervised us and made sure we made it through safely. Well done everyone. We are so proud of you.

Mrs. Batty & Mrs. Collinson

Crew Malala – Day 1 D of E Bronze Expedition

Crew Malala had a very long, very warm, but very successful Day 1 of their D of E Bronze Expedition. Students packed up and left school this morning, setting off for a 10K walk from Norton Junior School to Brockadale Nature Reserve and back again. Students worked on teamwork, listening skills, supporting one another, and digging deep. It was a tough but rewarding day. Please check out the first round of photos. More to come tomorrow!

Mrs. Batty & Mrs. Collinson

E28 Crew Malala on Bronze D of E Litter Pick!

Every other Wednesday Crew Malala get their high viz vests on and head out to do their litter pick towards their Bronze D of E award. Crew splits into four teams of three, we use a timer for ten minutes, and divide and conquer the site into zones to make the most efficient use of our time. During debrief of the activity, Crew said that they found these ten minutes really productive, and because they have a fixed amount of time, it goes really quickly and everyone has a job to do. Crew agreed that Pickers of the Week are Will, for retrieving the most amount of litter, and Deanna for taking responsibility for the bin bag. Nice work Crew Malala!

Mrs. Collinson & Mrs. Batty

Crew Rashford – Bronze DofE Adventures 🥉

Crew Rashford DofE Adventures

Last week, the Bronze DofE Expedition of Crew Rashford took place, and what an incredible journey it turned out to be.

Here are some of the highlights and some of the memorable moments from our expedition.

Witnessing the crew unite and navigate their hike was truly awe-inspiring. They showed remarkable crew-work, providing each other with encouragement and support throughout the expedition. Both as a group and as individuals, they demonstrated exceptional resilience, determination, and compassion. Along the way, there were inevitably moments of disagreement, but what truly mattered and proved invaluable was their ability to overcome these challenges together.

It was truly humbling to hear some students sharing their thoughts of achieving their Silver award while simultaneously undertaking the Bronze level. Their dedication and commitment to personal growth is truly commendable.

We are the mighty Crew Rashford!

Mrs Watson is sooo proud! As you should be of yourselves!