Y11/C25: What’s on our plate w/b 17th April

We’ve kicked off the new term with Y11 students heading straight into their Art exam. Next week, Spanish students have their Speaking exam, and we then begin the final countdown to the full GCSE exam window.

We are going to keep you up to date with all our important information/reminders/messages leading up to the exams by publishing our weekly ‘what’s on our plate’ (WOOP) briefing. This is shared with students during Monday’s Crew session.

Mountain High!

Crew Rowling have once again been busy over the last few weeks. Cerrina, Thomas and Harvey were presented with certificates for their writing achievements during our E26 ‘awesomeness’ community meeting.

Some of our crew members have started up a chess club at lunch, they even attempted to teach me how to play. It is great to see such positivity between students at lunchtime while playing chess. I pledge to attempt to learn how to play chess in the near future so that I can join in!

Some of our crew members also were selected to join a breakfast for students who consistently have really great behaviour. The criteria for these breakfasts will change each term so that everyone has the opportunity to be selected to attend but for this term the students who were selected and attended were Logan, Shawn, Harvey and Cerrina. All of the students who were selected to attend were praised in our community meeting, along with Shawn showing off his hot chocolate skills.

Another great opportunity that I would like to highlight was that two of our crew members attended an event for the premier of the Flying Scotsman documentary. After the event an email was received by Mrs Burns praising the students who attended for their manners and general engagement with the event, so a huge well done to Layton and Cerrina for being asked to attend and for how they conducted themselves.

I have also heard amazing feedback about how much effort crew are putting into their sessions, especially their upcoming English speaking exams. From the snippets I have seen they will do great!

I am also pleased to see that every single member of crew has received praise points in the last few days. There is certainly a positive buzz around students in E26 at the moment and how hard they are working. 

Keep it up everyone, you are all amazing!

Mrs Barnes and Miss Johnson 🙂

LOOL Students Getting Smart with the Police

Year ten leaders of their own learning students, hosted two expert police visitors in session yesterday. The session was a Q&A style focused on consolidating their knowledge around their exam topic Rights and Responsibilities!

Year ten were thoroughly impressed with the officers who attended and appreciated the stories shared from the Police.

A great session of getting smart for all!

Celebrating our awesome Y10 (E26)!

Today’s Y10 Community Meeting focused on some of the good things that have happened this term.

We celebrated praise points, exceptional progress and improvements (Scarlett C is definitely our Y10 Superstar this term!) and handed out certificates to those who have had work published as part of the national Young Writers competition.

We celebrated some of our Student Ambassadors who really impressed our visitors from the Outward Bound Center in Ullswater recently – so much so that they have given them the opportunity to attend one of their summer camps.

We also celebrated and appreciated the efforts of the Spanish Group who have produced some absolutely amazing work for their final product. We shared Faith’s and Thomas’ recordings which were espectacular! You can view all of their beautiful work in this blog post.

Y10 – you are all super awesome and we’re all super proud of the progress you’re making!

Mrs Parker 🙂

Y10 (E26) Superstars

Last week we took the opportunity to appreciate our Y10 superstars with a celebration breakfast.

These students have consistently great HOWLs and always demonstrate excellent character values throughout the school day.

Massive appreciation to you all!

Mrs Parker 🙂

Year 11 Extended Study Support Sessions

Dear Families of students in Year 11,

Further to the Spring Newsletter which you will have received earlier in the year, please find the attached letter which details some additions to our current offer of Extended Study and study support. This will come into effect fully after next weeks mock exams and leading up to the start of the summer GCSE examinations which begin during the next half term.

Best wishes,

Mr Voltaire

Guess who’s back…

Hello everyone, long time no see. Tonight in Crew Rowling, we won Inter-Crew, have had SLCs and Harvey (with critique from crew!!) writes a blog post.

So, Crew Rowling has finally won a sport! And the sport I hear you ask? Corner Hockey. Crew were determined to finally win something, and through team work, we finally came out on top. 2nd place, Crew Obama ended with 35 points while we ended with 7 points more, a whopping 42 points! Our star players were Layton and Shawn, who were clinical in their shots. 

So with the exciting news out of the way, we now move onto our Student-Led Conferences. Every single member of our crew has completed our Conferences, and what can I say except they were a success. Unlike our Passages previously, this was a more casual environment where we discussed our work. Well Done to Crew Rowling, we’re all proud of you!!

In other news, our crew has been enjoying the content taught to us currently. In History, our crew are engrossed in the Rise of the Nazis while in English we are enthusiastically reading ‘An Inspector Calls’. Shawn seems to enjoy playing Eric Birling while Harvey seems to be a great Mr Birling. 

So, that’s a summary of our term. Eventful, enjoyable, and the ever-looming challenge of GCSEs. Something to look forward to is the upcoming week off, so enjoy the time to relax! Let’s hope to come back even stronger than ever!

Harvey Wells

Crew Rowling

Y11 GCSE Revision Support

We would like to appreciate everyone who came to our GCSE Support evening. We hope you found the information useful and that you and your son/daughter feel more confident about where and how to access revision support for each subject.

We know there was a lot of information to take in on the night so we have attached the presentation for you to go through again in your own time.

As mentioned at the evening, the GCSE Revision Support website is now live with subject specific resources, links to Y11’s 2023 calendar, our current revision timetable and lots more information for students and parents. Please bear in mind that this is a work in progress with new links and information being added as we speak!

If you do have any more questions, here’s a reminder of who to contact (please include your child’s Crew Leader in any emails you send.)

Citizenship[email protected]
Spanish[email protected]
English[email protected]
Maths[email protected]
Science[email protected]
History[email protected]
BTEC Sport[email protected]
Art, Craft and Design[email protected]

If you have any other questions your feel weren’t covered in the presentation, please contact your child’s Crew Leader or Phase Lead: Angella Parker for XP East ([email protected]) and Mel Cocliff for XP ([email protected])

We’d also like to take this opportunity to say a massive ‘well done’ to all the Y11’s who have completed their Student Led Conferences over the past few weeks. This was their opportunity to reflect on their mock exam grades (which most did with honesty and integrity!) and discuss how they are going to keep focussed and motivated during the next few weeks leading up to exams.

Thank you all for your support.

Angella and Mel.

Crew Turing SLCs

Our Crew SLCs have kicked off this week and it’s been really interesting to hear our students talk to us and their parents about their recent mock results, what worked well with their revision leading up to mocks, and what they want to improve on moving forward.

Crew members have spoken with integrity, managed some difficult conversations and the level of self-reflection has been really impressive.

Special appreciation to those of you have taken the time to seek feedback from ourselves or your fellow Crew members, and have presented some of your most recent work to us during your SLC.

During SLCs, we have asked Crew what we can do to help them achieve their GCSE targets. So far, all have requested that we schedule in additional Academic Crew sessions. This is something we are more than happy to facilitate. We have agreed to focus on developing revision strategies and will create a subject specific timetable next week. Plans are already in place to create a Quotation Wall to support our English Literature exam!

We’re looking forward to more SLCs next week.

Mrs Parker & Miss Cocliff

Y11 – D6 is on this week!

Our Saturday provision, D6, is still on this week despite the staff days today and Monday!

XP East School will be open from 9:30 – 12pm! Our student coaches (ex year 11s!) are in attendance to support with revision techniques, practice questions, or any content you need support with. Alternatively, you are more than welcome to just come and use the space to study independently!

We had a good turnout of students last week who enjoyed their morning and gained lots from it.

We hope to see you here in the morning! 🙂