The Floor is Lava for E28!

Welcome back to E28. Students spent the morning resetting Crew by playing a round of The Floor is Lava! Students had to work in Crews to move their whole crew across the sports hall without touching the floor or the obstacles on it, all the while keeping a tennis ball in a bit of drain pipe. Students developed their teamwork and communication skills, all while having a great time!

The E28 Team

Donde quiera que vayas

E28’s Pioneer had an outstanding session in Spanish on Today, they started off by going through ‘things they could do’ at the weekend and how to say this in Spanish along with where they would do these. Such as, Voy al cine. Voy a ver una película’ (‘I am going to the cinema. I am going to watch a film’). 

Students then made their way outside of the classroom to conduct their surveys of what their peers were doing over the weekend, in Spanish of course!

During this task the students were impeccable in the way that they conducted themselves.

From their surveys they were then asked to write a paragraph of what they had found out about their peers’ weekend plans. This encouraged students to use the guidance provided to push to ‘excellence’ on the rubric given to allow them to assess where they are at.

Throughout  the session, Pioneer’s HOWLs and character traits were fantastic, they showed courage, integrity, compassion, showed craftsmanship and quality, worked hard, got smart and were all kind to others.

Well done!

Señor Pearson and Señora Barnes

E28 Crew Malala Student Profiles

Crew Malala are profiling one student per week, showcasing their hidden talents! This week’s student is Alex, who is a budding magician. Alex has recently started learning card illusions, and he performed one for us this morning in Crew. A student was asked to choose eight cards from a deck, and then one card from those eight. Once the card had been shown around Crew – but not to Alex – the card was put back into the pack of eight which was split into two packs of four. Abracadabra…without knowing which card it was, Alex made the student’s card jump from one pack to the other!  Amazing! Well done to our future illusionist!

Mrs. Collinson & Mrs. Batty

E28 Yorkshire Sculpture Park Fieldwork

Students in E28/Year 8 will be visiting Yorkshire Sculpture Park in Wakefield.

This will form part of their immersion for their first expedition of Year 8. 

Students will be visiting on Tuesday – 6th September 2022.

We will be travelling by coach, departing at around 9:15 AM and returning at approximately 15:00 PM.

Students will need to bring a packed lunch unless they access free school meals, in which case school will provide one for them. 

This is an outdoor site so students will be required to take a waterproof jacket/coat in case of wet weather, and wear suitable footwear (old trainers).

Usual school rules will apply in terms of mobile phones and these should not be used by students on the bus. Students may wish to take devices such as iPads to take any photographs or to make notes.

If your child needs to take any medication, please inform their Crew Leader so that any necessary arrangements can be made. 

All medication should be labelled with their name, and passed to a member of staff.

If you have any questions about the day, feel free to contact [email protected]

E28 Yorkshire Sculpture Park Fieldwork

Students in E28/Year 8 will be visiting Yorkshire Sculpture Park in Wakefield.

This will form part of their immersion for their first expedition of Year 8. 

Students will be visiting on Tuesday – 6th September 2022.

We will be travelling by coach, departing at around 9:15 AM and returning at approximately 15:00 PM.

Students will need to bring a packed lunch unless they access free school meals, in which case school will provide one for them. 

This is an outdoor site so students will be required to take a waterproof jacket/coat in case of wet weather, and wear suitable footwear (old trainers).

Usual school rules will apply in terms of mobile phones and these should not be used by students on the bus. Students may wish to take devices such as iPads to take any photographs or to make notes.

If your child needs to take any medication, please inform their Crew Leader so that any necessary arrangements can be made. 

All medication should be labelled with their name, and passed to a member of staff.

If you have any questions about the day, feel free to contact [email protected]

First Week Back: Crew Immersion

As Y7 and Y8 go off on their Outward Bound adventure, Y9, Y10 and Y11 will also spend the first week back with their crews undertaking various activities because, if we get Crew right, we get everything right 🙂

The plan for the week is above, and you will notice that it includes a coastal walk to Flamborough. Details of the coastal walk for each year group have been posted on separate blog posts:

Y9 (C27)

Y10 (C26)

Y11 (C25)

Crew Leaders will go through the kit list with crews before we break up.

If you have any questions, please contact your child’s Crew Leader.


Due to the rising temperature. The Presentation of Learning for Year 7 will be changed to Wednesday the 20th of July.

Year 7 XP East students would like to invite you to their Presentation of Learning. This presentation is the final one for year 7 until their next one in year 8! It is a great opportunity to see all the learning your child has done during their expedition “What a Wonderful World”. This will start at 4pm and last until approximately 5pm. We look forward to seeing you there.