The digital pledges that C24 created during the Stand Up! expedition have been printed, curated and installed! We now have a first instance of beautiful work up on our walls.

Even the CEO of Doncaster Council, Jo Miller, has been tweeting about it.

Jo Miller’s pledge was: In everything I do, I want to ask ‘What do young people think about it? Have you engaged with them? Have you asked them what they think?’


Year 7 student Bob not only assisted with installing the curation, he also offered his insight on where the pledges could go. After discussing one pledge in particular, he said it should go in the centre as it was “like putting a candle in a corner of a darkened room”. Excellent work Bob, I think we have a future artist and curator!

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.”
— Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird

STEAM C25 Peer Assessment

After a number of practical sessions and conducting a circus of experiments in STEAM, C25 have started the write up of the particle model using rubrics to peer assess their work. All students have worked hard during the session however outstanding feedback was given by Ruben, Sami and Ruby. They really helped other students to include key scientific words in their write ups to move towards excellence!


Next week we will be investigating how gas was used as a weapon in the trenches of WW1!

Inspired by Doncaster’s Architecture

This week in X-Block, C24 are starting draft one of their screen print designs:

After researching the local architecture across Doncaster, the classes each created an outline of the local museum in the session today. Over the past two weeks we have been delving into the rich history of the town and its many desolate buildings. We’ve made some incredible discoveries, for instance, that the Beatles played a gig in the old Gaumont Cinema which sadly no longer exists!

I loved how some students adopted a minimalist style in their artwork today, while others worked hard to show the detail and intricacies of the museum’s architecture.

Here’s examples of Theonie’s, Aran’s, George’s and Holly’s work from the session:


















I love how unique they are, and I can’t wait to see what each student picks for their final design next week and to continue through this drafting process!

Miss Haughey

Here is Theone’s most recent piece of homework in Spanish. She was asked to write a detailed description of her house and its location, rooms, and describe bedroom furniture using prepositions:

Theone Chan                       Mi Casa

Vivo en una casa. Es vieja y cómoda. Está en un pueblo en Inglaterra. En mi casa hay cuatro dormitorios y el dos bano arriba. Abajo hay la cocina y el salón, y fuera hay un jardín y hay garaje. Me encanta mi dormitorio blanco porque es grande y bonito. En mi dormitorio blanco hay una cama marrón, un armario marrón, una lámpara gris, una ventana, una mesa marrón, unos pósters, una  silla negro, una puerta blanco y una alfombra rosa. El armario está a la derecha de la mesa y debajo de los pósters. La lámpara está encima de la mesa y debajo de los pósters. La cama está a la derecha de la puerta y delante del armario. La ventana está encima de la cama y a la izquierda del armario. La mesa está a la derecha del armario y debajo de la póster. Los pósters están encima de la mesa y encima de la silla. La silla está delante de la mesa y al lado de la cama. La puerta está delante de la mesa y a la derecha de la mesa. La alfombra está detrás de la mesa y debajo de la silla.

Theone’s response to written feedback and critique:

When I read your email I was so thankful and proud of myself of what I have achieved. I am very shocked that I have reached my goal of going above 100 words by getting 196 words“.

C24 Chefistry Final Products

Chefistry is a Year 7 expedition at XP East, run between January and February which looks at the science involved in cooking.

These videos was produced by C24 students to show what happens at the particle level when they cook, and also animations which help to explain the practical uses of ratio and proportion in cooking.

To find out more about this expedition and other expeditions completed so far click here.

Excellent Spanish from Chloe

We’re delighted by the craftsmanship and quality of Chloe’s recent preparation work for her Spanish assessment. As you can see from the photo, she produced a draft that was far above and beyond the minimum output needed to generate her MEG in this subject.

An excellent piece of written Spanish, with copious evidence of conjunctions used to link, develop and extend her ideas. ¡Muy bien Chloe por tu trabajo fenomenal!

We’re delighted that Alesha chose to spend her extended weekend by being productive and creative with a recent homework task for HUMAN. She has clearly spent a considerable amount of time on her design….and the quality and craftsmanship speak for themselves. This will really help her and other students to visualise the essence of chapters 2 and 3 of To Kill a Mocking Bird.

Very well done Alesha!



Donations to Food Bank

This morning Noah, Alfie and Courtney took some of the gifts all our staff, students and families have donated to the Food Bank. They took 6 sacks with them today but there are still some more to send! Many thanks again to all those who have donated.

They also met some of the Frenchgate team there who took many more bags that their team, retailers and customers had donated.

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C24 describing teachers and subjects

Hola. This week our C24 Explorer group played “feel-the-food”, with their audience asking and stating the snacks they eat with drinks in Spanish, whilst two blindfolded students raced each other to locate the items heard. We used this to help check learning and progress. ibuen trabajo!

Our C24 Pioneer group practised expressing and justifying positive and negative opinions of school subjects. Those who were able to link their reasons to work covered last session on describing teachers’ personalities were evidencing the excellence standard. Particular mention to Aden who was outstanding in his spoken responses. iFenomena!

Fantastic work !

After hearing so much positive feedback from our students SLC’s over the last few weeks, I was so lucky to be invited to Alanis’ SLC. I was so impressed with how well she spoke about her learning and the use of her portfolio throughout. Her confidence is growing and her personality really shone through.

It is easy to forget that our students are only in their 12th week at XP East and secondary school, especially when listening to them articulate what they have learn’t.

Thank you to Alanis and a huge well done to all of our students on completing your first SLC.

Good luck to those who have got theirs over the coming week.