What a cracking start C26 have had to our new school year!
So far, students have spent time with their crews both in school and out of school thinking about our guiding question for our first week back: ‘What does it mean to be Crew?
In school, crews have taken part in several inter-crew activities which have required our character traits of respect, courage, integrity and compassion. Craftsmanship and quality has also been crucial to succeed in each challenge. Students have had to go on a magic carpet ride, take part in a tea party and make sure their knees didn’t tremble too much!
Students have also had to dig deep and show real courage whilst they have travelled to Derbyshire to go caving and abseiling. Being crew has really mattered as some students were incredibly nervous about this but, with the support of crew and by making sure no one gets left behind, everyone succeeded! Take a look…

Tomorrow morning, students are once again heading out of school to take some time to reflect on their week as Crew and to think about their answer to guiding question.
An Invitation:
In the afternoon, students will be presenting their reflections of the week and we would like to invite parents to join us. This is a very exciting opportunity for us all as it will be the first time since Year 7 that we can all meet together again. Current COVID guidelines now make it possible for parents and carers to come to school and see the fantastic work which students have been working on. Students will be presenting at 2.30pm in the heart of both schools. Parents will be able to park in car park 3 and then enter their child’s school and join us on the stairs. Face masks are optional and we will ensure that both spaces are well-ventilated.
Please join us if you would like.
Kerry Poncia (Phase Lead C26)