C28/E27 Superb Focus and Effort in English LOOL

Over the last half term we began a project focused on the documentary ‘Blackfish’ about the plight of orcas at Seaworld.

After completing our research and extending our comprehension skills last half term, this half term we are starting to apply this to our GCSE Component 2 English Language Transactional Writing tasks. 

Today in LOOL students started to plan a persuasive e-mail which we will be sending to the governor of Orlando, Florida explaining why we feel orcas and other sea animals should no longer be held at Seaworld.

The focus and engagement of all the students involved has been superb and I am very excited to see what they produce.

Well done guys!

Mrs Desborough – Trust Leader of English

Crew Malala Mindful Painting

Crew Malala spent a Crew session quietly creating beautiful art in watercolours. We put on some quiet music – pianist Ludovico Einaudi – and losing ourselves in colours and creativity. During our debrief, students said how much they enjoyed the activity and that it’s something they’d like to do on a regular basis.

Mrs. Batty/Mrs. Collinson

C28 Working Hard and Getting Smart in HUMS

C28 have spent several HUMS lessons this week learning about the life of and impact of Malcolm X. We have compared his life and ideas to that of Martin Luther King. Students are really grappling with the complexity of Malcolm X’s ‘Ballot or Bullet’ speech. They have really developed their analysis skills, pulling meaning from the text and considering how and why a range of language techniques have been used. Great work on a very sensitive and complex topic. We are really starting to see what it means to be human!

Identifying literary devices in Malcolm X’s ‘Ballot or Bullet’ speech
Superb engagement and focus in sessions

Beautiful exit tickets that make links across the expedition

Even MORE Beautiful Work from E25!

This time, the beautiful work has come from E25 Explorer in Science!

Explorer have been working hard on understanding DNA – And these are just some examples of the Craftsmanship and Quality of learning taking place in Mr V’s classroom this morning.

This is an example of a quality diagram from Kris of a DNA Nucleotide – a building block of our DNA.

And some beautiful examples of the double helix that DNA molecules form, from Lucie, Billy, Faith, Lewis and Caiden !

Keep up the fantastic work!!

Miss Cocliff & Mr Voltaire 🙂

Beautiful Work in E25!

I’ve been SUPER impressed with E25 since I’ve worked with them this year! The quality of work being produced is astounding – both in sessions, and outside of the classroom too!

Check out some examples below from Denim in History, and Mollie and Fin in maths, demonstrating excellent Craftsmanship & Quality across subjects.

I’ve also experienced a wonderful gallery walk – Miss Cross transported us to the silent floor of Brumley Museum – some great silent conversations, excellent notices, questions, and wonders!

And finally, I wanted to highlight a beautiful piece of work from Jess R. Jess has been working on this in her own time, as horses are a big interest – but look at the detail on this artwork. Phenomenal – excellent work Jess!!!!

Keep it up, year 10 – I look forward to seeing what you achieve this year!

Miss Cocliff x