Crew Finch, along with other Y11 Crews, have been giving back to the school community by offering their help and expertise to their “buddy” Crews.
This has involved running Crew sessions for Y7 and Y8 focussing on Crew team building and character traits. For example, Dakota and MacKenzie led activities in the sportshall for Mr Currie’s Crew:

Meanwhile, Noah, Ali and Callie have been helping Y9 Crew Mercury prepare for their upcoming Passage Presentations.
Here’s Noah’s explanation of how they have supported in these sessions, by drawing on their own experiences of Passage:
“These sessions have consisted of individual peer critique and how it could be improved. Whilst others may have seen a fishbowl activity, where somebody would read out a piece of work for everyone to hear, which would then be critiqued by ourselves and others in the crew. This ultimately prepares them the best they can so that they have the best key points to make and that they have already built up the confidence to speak in front of an audience.”
Moving on – we will be focussing on how we can give back to our wider community. Crew Finch have already done some amazing fundraising for Firefly and collected items for our local foodbank, so we are looking forward to being able to make more positive impacts throughout the rest of our time together.