Crew Young reaching out to Crew Rowling

This has been a short, but extremely positive week for Crew Young. Following my pride in no fewer than four successful Passage Presentations so far – from Summer, George, Adam and Maclaren – Crew Young returned to their DofE Volunteering role this morning, as they listened to members of Crew Rowling reading aloud, or practising their SLC presentations.

Crew Young were reminded to give their younger reading buddies some non-verbal feedback and encouragement, mindful of exhibiting positive body language such as maintaining eye contact, nodding and smiles, as well as checking for comprehension of the reading material. Awareness of body language and its effect on the audience is one of the four core aspects against which Passage standards are assessed.

Crew Rowling read with confidence and fluency and some seized the opportunity to practise their Student-Led Conference preparation with their more senior counterparts.

Well done everybody!

A week of highlights for Crew Turing

This week was kicked off with the most moving presentation of learning that I’ve experienced so far at XP East, with the preview of the ‘Should I stay or should I go’ documentary at Cast theatre. I remember a few weeks ago having a conversation with crew about whether the UK should welcome refugees and asylum seekers. There was a real mixed bag of responses.

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Crew Finch Check In!

We’ve been a bit quiet on the blog post front, but it certainly hasn’t been quiet in Crew!

Since coming back after the Christmas break (Happy New Year, by the way!) we’ve been super busy making sure we’re ready for our Passage Presentations, which start next week.  If you haven’t booked your slot yet, please do so here – I can’t stress enough the importance of attending this presentation.  You’ll get to hear your child reflecting on their progress so far, and where they want to go in the future (pro tip: bring tissues!)

We’ve also had our eye on the latest data drop.  The results are in and, I have to say, last term looks like it was another cracking term for Crew Finch!  But more on that next week…

It also looks like we’re having an excellent start to this term too. Just 3 weeks into the term and we already have several reasons to be proud! We’re top of this term’s attendance league (currently third overall) and we have the lowest number of entries on the conduct form.

I’m also seeing some fantastic entries on the praise form for my Crew from other staff.  I’m especially proud of Bryn, who has received praise from Miss Haughey for his amazing effort and time spent completing his maths homework.  A massive well done to Mackenzie, too (pictured above) not only for making me the perfect brew during our recent Crew breakfast, but for also getting himself on the praise form 10 times already this term!  Your hard work and contributions in class are not going unnoticed, Kenzie.

Two brilliant examples of students working hard and getting smart, and I just know that there are more great things to come for Crew Finch.

Crew Young and Crew Mercury work together.

During crew this morning Crew Young and Crew Mercury came together for student led conference prep (SLC). Students from Year 9 modelled what an SLC looks and sounds like. It was fantastic to see how our Year 9 responded to the challenge, finding out only 5 minutes before our Year 7s arrived.

In the closing circle students spoke about their experience, discussing the quality of questions asked and the respect shown by Year 7 during the presentations. Crew Mercury gave great critique to Crew Young about the quality of the presentations and thanked them for helping out. We are CREW ! A massive well done to all involved this morning.

Nexus Dance Performance Hall Cross Upper School

The Key stage 3 Cheerleading squad will be performing their routine at the Nexus Dance show.

Rehearsals are on Friday 24th January 4.15-5.15 (times have changed for pick up) we will arrive back at school at 5.30. This is for students only.

Dance Show Wednesday 29th January 6pm-8pm. Students will leave from school at 4pm. Students will receive 2 tickets for the performance all other tickets can be bought on the door at £3.

If you require anymore information please contact Miss O’Grady

Year 8 students have been experimenting with oil pastels this term in their art sessions to create some beautiful sunset inspired blends. Can’t wait to see the finished pieces.

Crew Young explore rites of passage

In an attempt to explore the social, moral, spiritual and cultural reasons behind rites of passage practised by communities throughout the world, we spent Crew time this morning studying the Apache and Fulani tribes. It quickly became apparent that Crew Young were largely ignorant of the term “rites of passage” and its significance in E24 Year 9 at XP East.

We watched Dashina, of the Mescalero Apache Tribe, prepare for the trials of womanhood, by enduring four days of ancient tests of strength, endurance, and character before taking her Apache woman name of “morning star feather”. We saw two adolescent boys of the Fulani tribes of Benin, Western Africa engaged in a whipping trial to prove their strength and courage before tribal elders.

We then considered the similarities and differences between these two cultures and made a connection between these rites of passage, and “passage” that is being planned for this term.

It was the French anthropologist and folklorist Arnold van Gennep, who coined the phrase rites of passage in 1909. In 2020 at XP East our students’ preparations for a more academic “passage” are well under way.


What will 2020 bring?

Crew Turing have just reunited for their first week of crew in 2020 after a joyous 2 weeks off celebrating Christmas and getting some well deserved rest! We started check-in on Monday by sharing any new year’s resolutions that we had thought of. Some included

  • Lexi wants to gain confidence in gymnastics so she can accomplish more
  • Reece would like to learn certain skills with his surfing that he wasn’t able to master last summer
  • Many students wanted to improve their organisation – making sure they had their equipment and homework was completed on time
  • Lots of us spoke about increasing time for reading

I invested in a crew calendar to help with the resolution of improving our organisation. In the coming weeks, we will have SLCs to prep for, a HUMs presentation of learning, and various other deadlines to meet. Crew agreed that by tracking this we’d be much better prepared for what we’ve got coming up so we can hold each other (including myself) to account.

On Wednesday, we ate breakfast together in the student kitchen and created a ‘Crew To-do list” for the student led conference preparation, which included dates for when work needed to be completed by. It was nice to refresh ourselves of the whole process and what we would need to do. We agreed that rather than doing SLC prep in crew every day, that this time some of the work would be set as extended study. I trust that my crew can work well independently on these tasks now they’re a whole year wiser, and I can’t wait for them to share their expeditionary work with me.

I’m going to be putting on Monday night sessions where students can come and work in my room (A04) to get scripts completed.

We ended the week with a little inter-crew competition of capture the flag. I loved how my crew discussed their defensive strategies and were working as a team to fend off the other crew. It was also lovely to get a bit of fresh air and get our blood pumping after an exhausting first week back!

Above all, compassion, Crew Young

It’s fair to say that this week Crew Young have needed reminding of why the XP Trust sign: “above all, compassion” greets them as they enter the school premises. We decided to re-boot our concept of Crew as a result of recent issues involving relationships within our group. Starting with a focus on our character traits – courage, integrity, craftsmanship and quality, respect and compassion – we considered where students have exhibited these in sessions and around school, and, remaining with the latter we contemplated the guiding question: “what do we want compassion to look, feel and sound like in Crew?”.

Following a silent conversation protocol, we collated our ideas:

  • using kind words and empathy
  • being sensitive towards others
  • being able to feel comfortable in Crew
  • feeling that everyone is there for each other
  • supporting others when they need it, e.g. Crew can support someone subject to reflection

This is a work in progress, and it’s likely that we’ll need to return to this character trait and develop our ideas further after the Christmas break, but at least for now we’ve started the ball rolling.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Casting our votes!

Never mind what’s been happening in Westminster, something much more crucial has been going on here as the whole school spent last week finding out more about the different parties, taking part in debates, and casting their own votes in the XP – East General Election (please do have a read of the blog post; it’s ace!)

I have to say, it was one of the best weeks we’ve ever had in Crew with lots of intelligent and well considered discussions and … erm … “lively debates” (arguments?!) about politics and democracy in our country.  We really do need to keep young people engaged in these types of conversations. Now more than ever.

A MASSIVE appreciation to Miss Haughey and her A-Level Politics students for organising and facilitating the XPE General Election.