We had our second Google Hangout this Monday and I’m glad to say we had almost a full-house! It was lovely to hear from you all; it’s really important we have that contact each week to make sure everything is going ok. We had two students missing, so I have been in touch with them and next week we will be aiming for all 13 online together.
The Crew Challenge this week was for each member of the Crew to come up with an idea of something they wanted to do or work on during the time spent away from the classroom, particularly for some of our students who live further from the school site, who are gaining in some cases almost 2 hours a day in saved travel time! Here are some of the ideas they have had so far:
Caiden – he and his dad have built a vegetable patch and he even took his device out into the garden to show us. We’re looking forward to seeing how it goes, with potatoes and carrots being just some of the vegetables they plan to grow.
Charlie – keeping fit, as Charlie is a keen footballer and obviously can’t play with his team at the moment!
Ruby and Leoni – Ruby and Leoni have been tidying their rooms, getting it all in order and Ruby really wants to have a solid plan in place for next week’s Crew session. There’s a lot to be said for setting aside time to organise the space you spend so much time in.
Tom – learning to solve a rubix cube. We have requested a video of him doing it once he has mastered the skill!
Marshall – alongside putting a focus on his schoolwork, Marshall has dedicated time to playing family games with his parents and younger siblings
Zak – developing his basketball skills is on Zak’s to-do-list, including perfecting his slam dunks. We’re waiting for some photos of his makeshift basketball net!
Mrs Townson – alongside keeping my two small daughters busy, I have been reading, playing board games with my husband and taking time each day to develop my meditation skills – some of the Crew enjoy it when we take a few minutes to quietly refocus in Crew – some of them feel a bit silly sitting still with their eyes closed, but they humour me and do it anyway!

A few of you mentioned getting a bit bored once your schoolwork is out of the way each day, so remember the resources on our Crew Google Classroom to inspire you, including the Duke of Edinburgh resources to develop your Physical fitness, your Skills and also ideas to allow you to do Volunteering, even whilst in lockdown. We won’t start D of E until Year 9, but the ideas apply to people of all ages.
Looking forward to our next Crew Hangout next week!
Mrs Townson