Crew Frank are Back!

After a rather unusual summer off, and Crew nearly being as tall as Mr. Burke now, the return of the students has been nothing but brilliant. The attitude, work ethic, and maturity has impressed me during school. Crew Frank, however, has started off the return by making pledges. Each crew member had time to reflect on Y7’s pledge to the crew and reflect on this. This enabled them to adapt and create new pledges for the start of Y8.

Here we have a beautiful display of each crew member’s pledge.

I really like this pledge that Caitlin Revell for Crew Frank made… ”I pledge to support my crew unconditionally no matter what the situation”. I love this and it just shows what the crew is. The compassion and thought that has gone into this pledge are fantastic.

Although making pledges is a really good way to set goals, it is really hard work to achieve them. This is why in the crew we always refer back to our MEGs and HOWLs, holding each other accountable for pledges we make. As a crew, we have discussed about the importance of motivating each other and picking each other up when we are struggling or feeling down or even given each other a kick to refocus.


After a few weeks off blogging, i couldn’t miss out on the opportunity to express how proud I am of Crew Rowling for their attitude, hard work and dedication to getting stuff done!

We decided to set up a new deadlines doc for this term, one whereby the students could project manage their own workload and track their progress. And WOW. I’ve been blown away… i can’t even count how many people i’ve bragged to already, and now i’m here to brag even more! Just look at all the completed tasks on here:

I mean LOOK AT IT!

A Crew average of 98% completion rate!!!

We’re working our socks off!!


So I know you want to know, how do we do it?!

Every Monday i sign on to my laptop with messages, which will usually have already been replied to:

Crew are keen to use Google Chat to check when hangouts are and send regular reminders which means no one can forget:

Sometimes we struggle and we need a helping hand, we know we can ask teachers but in our crew we have our own experts:











If we can’t resolve it over a chat, we take to a hangout:

I so wish i’d have recorded this so you could hear how well Harvey explained these tasks!

If we can’t solve the problem over a chat or a hangout, we leave it to the experts:

We continue to hold each other to account (they even catch me out!):





But most importantly, we recognise how hard people are working:

So as you can see, our fantastic outcomes are as a result of Crew continuing to maintain their fantastic HOWLS throughout lockdown, sticking together, supporting each other, holding one another to account and knowing there is no ‘i’ in team. It’s no good one of us being at the top of the mountain after all!

I couldn’t be any prouder as a Crew Leader.

To me this proves, ‘if we get crew right, we get everything right’. 

It doesn’t get much better than being blessed by these smiling faces twice a week (yes, we even get 100% attendance on those!) Keep going, we’re nearly there. I’m so proud of everything you have all achieved so far.

Thank you Crew Rowling, and your parents for all their support!

This Weeks Beautiful Work…

There has been some brilliant work this week coming out of Crew Anne-Frank. Let’s take a look at what they have been up to…

ART Work:

As part of E26’s Artwork, students have designed visual diaries for photos, observational drawings, reflections, and experiences during the lockdown, with different weeks focusing on different topics. Amelia, however, has been focusing her week on the Nature around us. Although the weather hasn’t been the best this week, Amelia and others have created some beautiful drawings and paintings of what nature is in their garden and around them. Beautiful drawings Amelia! Great Stuff!

HUMS work:

Undergoing new expedition ”Above all, Compassion” looking more in-depth into the Amazon Rainforest, Olivia has produced a detailed explanation of all the positive and negative things about building a farm in the Amazon. Brill detail and use of words to highlight such great points in your work Olivia, well done!

Crew Bingo!

Crew Frank during the last crew session played a little bit of Bingo!

The idea sprang to Crew whilst discussing possible activites we could all do to help prevent boredom during our time at home. So that’s what we did…

Crew members designed their own bingo card, looking something like this…

After a tough, breathtaking, very intense game of bingo, with numerous professional Bingo calls by the Bingo Master (Mr, Burke) 🙂 we finally gained some winners!

Game 1: 1 Line – Winner (Ava)

Game 2: 2 Lines – Winners (Charlie & Arjun)

Game 3: Full House – Winner (Arjun)

Thank you all for taking part and if you would like to try it out at home with family members or friends online, here are some easy steps to take…

  1. Using a piece of paper or google documents, create a 5×5 grid like above in the pictures. (be creative and add some colour!)
  2. Fill in the 25 separate boxes by picking random numbers between 1-80 ensuring all boxes are filled with a number.
  3. Have a bingo number generator which can be found on the web, or prepare questions for the chosen number, for example ( 5 x 5 + 4 – 1 = ) you will then have to work the sum out and cross the number out if you have it. Always remember to keep a track of the numbers you have called.
  4. Play games of 1 line, 2 lines and a full house!
  5. Finally, make sure you all have a Bingo dabber and off you go.

Next Crew session, we will be taking on quiz master Caitlin in her general knowledge quiz, keep tuned to see who wins!

Crew Mercury

Another great week from Crew Mercury, every member is producing real quality learning and also enjoying their time at home.


Kaylen has been learning many new skills during this time, including learning to play the guitar, doing lots of gardening and baking.


Have a look at this bread!


And my favourite new skill he has learnt…how to crochet! I’m sure I’ll have a new crochet buddy when we get back to school!












As well as all of this, Kaylen has been doing amazing with his online learning. He has done so well working independently! Mrs Collinson is very impressed with his Spanish saying how she is ‘really proud of his courage and commitment’.

I can’t wait to get back to school to hear all about your new skills Kaylen.

Take care everyone!

Another Week Full of Fun and Achievements! :)

Another week goes by where online learning seems to be getting easier for Crew Frank. This week has highlighted the uplift in spirits and positivity in which the entire crew has shown. Whether this is through the quality pieces of work which have been completed or the enjoyment they are having during these tough times.

Let’s take a look…

Here is Caitlin and her family taking their postponed camping trip to their very own back garden. I love this and what a brilliant idea to keep the positive vibes around the campfire. Nice one Caitlin! 🙂

Id like to also mention Amelia from Crew Frank also…

Amelia has been working super hard on her maths and perfecting every single piece of work she does. After an email from Mr. Nixon, Amelia’s maths teacher, this just blew me away…






This is year 10 work Amelia has produced and she’s only in year 7!!! Amelia never shy’s away from difficult tasks and shows real resilience in ”getting it” and then helping others around her. So well done, and keep up the good work Amelia.


The ending of  Y7 expedition ‘Only Joules and Houses’ in STEAM is yet another achievement for all those involved. Although we wish we could have finished this in school, it has been brilliant to see Olivia, Caitlin, Amelia, Charlie, Oliver, Jacob, and Thomas, show 100% engagement with tasks, making sure they are all attempted and completed whilst they are at home. Email from Mrs. Townson shows how impressed she is with you all, so a big well done!





Olivia from Crew Frank has a real passion for music and takes time to learn new instruments and sing in and out of school. To top this week off, Olivia shared with me a video recording of her singing which she had been working on for her Granny, so we could see what she had been up to. Olivia can’t see her Granny at the moment so she uses facetime to communicate with her. She says her Granny really supports her music and therefore created this video for her.


Click the link and check it out!

This is fantastic Olivia, what a brilliant voice. Keep up the good work from Crew. P.S. we love Granny!


A big well done to all Crew members for working hard at home and also a big mention to parents/carers for supporting our students. This would be impossible without your help. Thank you again!

Crew Frank

Rising to the Challenge!

I think it’s fair to say that, even though we’re not in school and have the challenge of working at home, our staff and students in E26 (Year7) and E25 (Year 8) are still Working Hard, Getting Smart and Being Kind.

Over the last couple of weeks, we have seen determination (when the work has been tricky), compassion (when helping our fellow crew members who have been stuck) and the completion of so much beautiful work, ranging from stand-out science assessments, amazing artwork, passionate speeches and marvellous maths!

Here are just a few appreciations for students and their beautiful achievements:

Oliver. S. (E26):

Jayden (E26):

Marcus (E25):

Cerrina (E26):

Raphael (E26):

Marshall (E25):


Crew Obama Live Bake-a-Long!

Inspired by my talented crew who love to bake, I decided to do a live bake-a-long on Youtube for my crew. This is so we could bake together, give students a break from school work, do something fun and be part of our new routine.

This week it was banana bread which seems to be a new craze at the moment since going into isolation! I had pictures sent from Crew Obama parents and crew members of their versions of banana bread… they looked even better than mine!

Click on the image below and check out my baking superstars.

If you are interested in doing the live bake-a-long here is the link to my Youtube channel with the past and upcoming videos:

The ingredients and equipment are in the description box of each video (click on the video and press show more to see this) which are posted a week in advance.

Stay safe & happy baking!

Crew Mercury

Another fantastic week for Crew Mercury, lots of hard work finishing off expeditions and completing final products.

Have a listen to how amazing Poppy’s speech is for the final product of the expedition ‘Get Up, Stand Up’ with the guiding question ‘When is it right to make a stand?’.

Poppy Speech


Mrs Poncia was over the moon with it! Well done Poppy!

As well as the fantastic learning Poppy has been completing, she has also been enjoying spending time with her sister baking…looks yummy!

And of course, Poppy being the amazing dancer that she is, she has also been doing lots of dancing!

Look at this…!

It was fab catching up with Crew Mercury on our Crew Hangout on Monday, I look forward to seeing you all again next week!

A Big Frank You!

Courage was the topic of discussion during Crew Anne Frank’s google hangout as we all joined together yet again for an online crew session. But before anything, lets check-in…


 ”If you could do anything right now, what would it be and why?”

Here are some of the things which were shared…

  • Go and see friends…
  • Play football (obviously Mr. Burke)
  • Go indoor skydiving…
  • Come back to school…
  • Go shopping…

However, the standout check-in to crew  was:

”Id make a world in which something like this ongoing virus never existed and people could live a happy life”

We really liked this check-in as not only it shows the compassion we have between students, but the compassion between the students and the world. This check-in promted us to think about the ongoing courage we have seen in the current situation…

What courage have you noticed?

We as students and as a whole crew have shown courage from the start of the virus. But why have we? Because we are in a situation which we never thought we’d be in and it’s pretty scary. We are also taking a new role in learning at home which is tricky and I think some of us like discussed in other crew session was finding It really hard and on the edge, of giving up, but we didn’t.


But most of all what about the NHS and other keyworkers. There is a list of people who are showing courage by risking their own lives to work day in, day out to help combat the virus across the world. The government has also done a brilliant job in placing restrictions and a bigger thank you for all of us out there to follow these restrictions. Instead of talking about this, Crew Frank wanted to share some images of the ongoing courage we are seeing today…














So to everyone staying safe, and helping the world in these hard times, here’s a BIG FRANK YOU!