A Big Frank You!

Courage was the topic of discussion during Crew Anne Frank’s google hangout as we all joined together yet again for an online crew session. But before anything, lets check-in…


 ”If you could do anything right now, what would it be and why?”

Here are some of the things which were shared…

  • Go and see friends…
  • Play football (obviously Mr. Burke)
  • Go indoor skydiving…
  • Come back to school…
  • Go shopping…

However, the standout check-in to crew  was:

”Id make a world in which something like this ongoing virus never existed and people could live a happy life”

We really liked this check-in as not only it shows the compassion we have between students, but the compassion between the students and the world. This check-in promted us to think about the ongoing courage we have seen in the current situation…

What courage have you noticed?

We as students and as a whole crew have shown courage from the start of the virus. But why have we? Because we are in a situation which we never thought we’d be in and it’s pretty scary. We are also taking a new role in learning at home which is tricky and I think some of us like discussed in other crew session was finding It really hard and on the edge, of giving up, but we didn’t.


But most of all what about the NHS and other keyworkers. There is a list of people who are showing courage by risking their own lives to work day in, day out to help combat the virus across the world. The government has also done a brilliant job in placing restrictions and a bigger thank you for all of us out there to follow these restrictions. Instead of talking about this, Crew Frank wanted to share some images of the ongoing courage we are seeing today…














So to everyone staying safe, and helping the world in these hard times, here’s a BIG FRANK YOU!