What an awesome first week back, Y11!
I’ve been popping in and out of sessions all week and have been blown away by the hard work and focus of every single student, in every single lesson as they prepare for their upcoming mocks. One of the highlights of my week was seeing Aden give himself a little victory fist pump after successfully working through a particularly tricky maths question!
I’d like to give a massive appreciation to all staff for going above and beyond to support students this week, especially to Miss Poncia and Mrs Desborough for putting on extra revision sessions during lunchtimes this week. This was reiterated during student appreciations at our year group community meeting. As Louie said, these revision sessions have been “amazing.”
The Y11 team are putting together a timetable of subject specific ‘learning labs’ which will run during lunchtimes and after school – full details will be posted here very soon.
D6 is also restarting on Saturday 13th November, 9am-12.30pm. This is open to all Y11 students with Student Coaches on hand to help them with their studies and exam prep.
As I said, all students have been working extra hard this week, but a special mention has to go to Lewis D and Tom D for working exceptionally hard in lessons at school, revising at home and for actively seeking out extra support and advice from subject teachers – this is what getting smart is all about.
We’re in for an intense couple of weeks so I’d just like to end by saying that even though it’s important to stick to revision timetables, it is just as important to schedule in some downtime to focus on your own wellbeing. Go for a walk, watch a film, read a book, check in with family and friends, eat well and get plenty of sleep!
Mrs Parker 🙂