E28 Crew Malala Term 2a Roundup

Term 2a was full on for Crew Malala. We have completed our SLCs, where students spoke in detail about their learning over the past term and their current progress. They also reflected on their Habits of Work and Learning. It was great to see Crew being able to talk about both their strengths and areas for improvement, as well as considering how they can start to prepare themselves for the upcoming mock exams.

Over half of crew are attending the Valencia fieldwork in two weeks’ time. We can’t wait to hear about their adventures!

Crew’s expedition for Term 2a was Raiders and Invaders – a study of the Vikings. The Guiding Question for this expedition was “How far did the Vikings forge a legacy?” Students learned how the Vikings lived in their homelands, travelled to other lands, traded, raided, and invaded, and the influences that they have left behind. The expedition culminated in a Presentation of Learning where students presented what life might have been like in a Viking village, including the foods they ate and how they forged metal weapons.

Please enjoy the selection of photos from Crew Malala’s SLCs which were held over the last two weeks. We are looking forward to Term 2b and what it might bring.

Mrs. Collinson & Mrs. Batty

C28/E27 Superb Focus and Effort in English LOOL

Over the last half term we began a project focused on the documentary ‘Blackfish’ about the plight of orcas at Seaworld.

After completing our research and extending our comprehension skills last half term, this half term we are starting to apply this to our GCSE Component 2 English Language Transactional Writing tasks. 

Today in LOOL students started to plan a persuasive e-mail which we will be sending to the governor of Orlando, Florida explaining why we feel orcas and other sea animals should no longer be held at Seaworld.

The focus and engagement of all the students involved has been superb and I am very excited to see what they produce.

Well done guys!

Mrs Desborough – Trust Leader of English

Crew Malala – Day 1 D of E Bronze Expedition

Crew Malala had a very long, very warm, but very successful Day 1 of their D of E Bronze Expedition. Students packed up and left school this morning, setting off for a 10K walk from Norton Junior School to Brockadale Nature Reserve and back again. Students worked on teamwork, listening skills, supporting one another, and digging deep. It was a tough but rewarding day. Please check out the first round of photos. More to come tomorrow!

Mrs. Batty & Mrs. Collinson

Y9s sharing Portfolios with our visitors from Northern Ireland

Last week we had 30 visitors from Northern Ireland visiting our schools in order to learn more about ‘how we XP’, and I wanted to celebrate the quality of the session where 5 our Y9 students shared their portfolios with them.

To say that Owen, Alex, Isobel, Danny and Holly smashed it would be an understatement! Our visitors were stunned at the quality of their explanations around how we use rubrics, assessments, SLCs, Passage. All students spoke eloquently about our expeditions, final products and they answered all of their challenging questions in relation to helping the visitors to understand what we do, and how we do it.

Great work Owen, Alex, Isobel, Danny and Holly!!!

C28: Exciting opportunity for optional fieldwork to Valencia in February 2025!

I am pleased to announce that there is a brilliant opportunity for C28 students for optional languages and cultural heritage fieldwork to Valencia 14th – 17th February 2025. The fieldwork will include various cultural visits, such as a tour of the world-famous Mestalla football stadium, a paella cooking workshop, a visit to Valencia Cathedral and old town, a flamenco workshop, and a visit to the City of Arts and Sciences museum. Please see the letter below for details. Students will receive a hard copy of this letter to take home with them tomorrow morning.

Places for the fieldwork are limited, and there is a tight turnaround on registering interest in order to secure places. To register interest for your child, please fill in the Google form linked here by no later than Monday 29th April. There will be a randomised draw to allocate places, and students will be notified of place allocation on Tuesday 30th April, as the initial deposit of £150 is then due in by no later than Thursday 9th May.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected].

Thank you,

Miss Barton

XP East Lost Property 22/02/24

Crew Ardern have collected the lost property this week at East. Please take a look and claim items belonging to you at XP East reception. Anything which remains will be donated to charity next Thursday 29th February

Thanks Crew Ardern

Crew Malala – achievements this week

Its been a really busy week for Crew Malala! We have begun our Passage Presentations, with Will setting the standard through his thoughtful reflections on his character growth, work and readiness for GCSE’s on Monday.

In Crew time on Thursday Malala showed a lot of courage and compassion as they supported a Year 7 Crew in their script writing and preparation for their first Student Led Conference.

We have also been carrying out our DofE volunteering and had a very successful litter pick on Thursday.

Finally, a huge congratulations to Alex who is now a member of the Doncaster Youth Council. He will be representing XP Trust and the views of young people aged 11-18 from across Doncaster. What an achievement!

DofE Charity Work – E28 Crew Ardern

During this DofE session Crew Ardern began to work in groups to think about what charity organisations they would like to fundraise for as part of their volunteering section of their Bronze DofE Award – Watch this space for more information about events.

Y9/E28 Immersion: ‘Happening History’

It was great to kick off our new Y9 expedition during Immersion week with a visit from ‘Happening History.’ 

Our visitors acted as experts for bringing to life the medical theories that prevailed during Medieval England. Through demonstrations, role play, and interaction with students, the team explored key knowledge surrounding what drove the different beliefs, and how religion, astrology and Greek Philosophy dominated the ‘medieval mind.’ 

The big reveal for our expedition title and guiding question will take place by the end of the week… stay tuned!