What an absolutely cracking start to the year. Both year groups across both schools have been absolutely on it! Some of our Y10 students are already getting smart by creating revision resources to help them over the next 2 years, whilst our Y11s have come back ready to work hard for their GCSEs.
This week we held our first year group community meetings and, as you can see from the slides below, we already have lots to celebrate!
Year 10 Appreciation Slides:
Year 11 Appreciation Slides:
Crew blogs:
Your child’s Crew Leader will keep you up to date with what’s happening in crew via their crew blogs. You can find these here:
X26 | E26 |
Crew Blessed | Crew Frank |
Crew Kahlo | Crew Obama |
Crew Pankhurst | Crew Mercury |
Crew Thunberg | Crew Rowling |
X25 | E25 |
Crew Piper | Crew Ali |
Crew Rosa Parkes | Crew Anoa’i |
Crew Stan Lee | Crew Parkinson |
Crew Tomlinson | Crew Turing |
A couple of reminders:
We have asked all students to re-familiarise themselves with our dress code policy. We understand that our lack of uniform allows students to express themselves, however we do still have guidelines. If students persistently break the dress code guidelines, they will be challenged and required to complete after school reflections. We want to avoid this, so they can attend revision sessions instead to achieve their best grades at GCSE level!
Could we also ask for your support please in ensuring your child comes to school every day with appropriate equipment. This should include a pen, pencil, ruler, water bottle, and fully charged device (we don’t allow students to work on mobile phones). In Y10/Y11 we find devices are used a lot more, so please make sure students are bringing their chargers to school too! It’s vital that they have access to these devices to achieve their full potential through work in sessions and revision. Students may find it beneficial to have a notebook for revision material too, but that’s personal preference!
As ever, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions and we look forward to meeting some of our Y11 parents at our work experience launch on Wednesday 14th September 🙂
Mrs Parker (E25/E26 Phase Lead, XP East) and Miss Cocliff (X25/X26 Phase Lead, XP)