E28 Crew Malala Term 2a Roundup

Term 2a was full on for Crew Malala. We have completed our SLCs, where students spoke in detail about their learning over the past term and their current progress. They also reflected on their Habits of Work and Learning. It was great to see Crew being able to talk about both their strengths and areas for improvement, as well as considering how they can start to prepare themselves for the upcoming mock exams.

Over half of crew are attending the Valencia fieldwork in two weeks’ time. We can’t wait to hear about their adventures!

Crew’s expedition for Term 2a was Raiders and Invaders – a study of the Vikings. The Guiding Question for this expedition was “How far did the Vikings forge a legacy?” Students learned how the Vikings lived in their homelands, travelled to other lands, traded, raided, and invaded, and the influences that they have left behind. The expedition culminated in a Presentation of Learning where students presented what life might have been like in a Viking village, including the foods they ate and how they forged metal weapons.

Please enjoy the selection of photos from Crew Malala’s SLCs which were held over the last two weeks. We are looking forward to Term 2b and what it might bring.

Mrs. Collinson & Mrs. Batty

Christmas Jumper Day – Thursday 12th December

Shaun the Sheep is helping us make Christmas Jumper Day 2024 the best day ever!

As the charity’s new ‘Head of Wool’, Shaun has collaborated with Save the Children to make the world better with a sweater and wants children across the UK to join the flock

Christmas Jumper Day will take place on the 12th December 2024.

Put on your favourite Christmas jumper, donate £2 to Save the Children and help kids everywhere get the best future ever.

On the same day, the school kitchen will be cooking Christmas dinner for staff and pupils and our fabulous PE department are running a ‘Santa Dash’ (so please also bring a Santa hat for the day).

If you can, please donate via our school just giving page rather than bringing in cash in on the day.

Looking forward to seeing you in your Christmas jumpers.

Valencia Fieldwork 2025 Information Evening Thursday 16 May @ 16:30

There will be an information evening for the students and parents who are going on the fieldwork to Valencia, Spain in February 2025. The information evening will be held in XP East on 16 May at 16:30 and will last approximately one hour. This is an opportunity for us to go through the finer details of the fieldwork and to answer any questions you may have. Looking forward to seeing you on the 16 May at 16:30.

The Spanish Team

LOOL Students Getting Smart with the Police

Year ten leaders of their own learning students, hosted two expert police visitors in session yesterday. The session was a Q&A style focused on consolidating their knowledge around their exam topic Rights and Responsibilities!

Year ten were thoroughly impressed with the officers who attended and appreciated the stories shared from the Police.

A great session of getting smart for all!

E26 Mercury

A new term a new start. Mercury got a shock on their first Wednesday back. As a crew, we should work together and run crew in the way that we want it run. This is obviously within the ethos of the school! I was very shocked that by Y10, Crew Mercury, are under the impression that this is simply so that we can “use it as a stick to beat them with”. With one response being “why just ask to us repeat everything that you would say”. At this point I explained to crew that I was going to leave them for 10 minutes (I didn’t go far) after 10 minutes I went back and they were creating their Norms poster, they immediately said “we’re not done yet can you give us more time”. I was very proud that they took this on and completed it, knowing that it is their thoughts.

In addition to this, before the end of last term, students took it upon themselves to add pictures from their experiences in Wales to our crew wall. Awesome.

Mrs Goddard

E28 Spanish Presentation of Learning

The E28 Year 7 Spanish presentation of learning will take place on Monday 11th July starting at 4:00 pm and finishing at 5:00 pm. The students will presenting work from their Spanish expedition. During this expedition the students have learned how to talk about themselves, their local area, their families and friends, and their life at school.

Students will be expected to stay on site until the presentation starts, and parents should come to reception and sign in. The presentation will be held in the heart of XP East school.