E26 Mercury

A new term a new start. Mercury got a shock on their first Wednesday back. As a crew, we should work together and run crew in the way that we want it run. This is obviously within the ethos of the school! I was very shocked that by Y10, Crew Mercury, are under the impression that this is simply so that we can “use it as a stick to beat them with”. With one response being “why just ask to us repeat everything that you would say”. At this point I explained to crew that I was going to leave them for 10 minutes (I didn’t go far) after 10 minutes I went back and they were creating their Norms poster, they immediately said “we’re not done yet can you give us more time”. I was very proud that they took this on and completed it, knowing that it is their thoughts.

In addition to this, before the end of last term, students took it upon themselves to add pictures from their experiences in Wales to our crew wall. Awesome.

Mrs Goddard