This is the guiding question E25 students will be pondering for the next 14 weeks as we embark on our new STEAM expedition, Escape Earth.
We are just coming to the end of our immersion activities, which included:
- a visit to the Diamond Building at the University of Sheffield, boasting cutting edge physics facilities, as well as giving us the opportunity to take part in higher education access workshops and a tour of the university campus;
- a Notice and Wonder Gallery Walk activity in a circle around a large cardboard geodesic dome (hinting at part of the final product!);
- watching our Anchor Text DVD: The 11th Hour, which documents the impact humans are having on the earth’s climate and the changes we need to make if we are to save the human race from extinction;
- an expert visit from astrophotographer Chris Peace, who took us on a journey through space and time, showcasing his spectacular images of deep space objects.
Our first case study, Our Place in the Universe, is just the beginning. Make sure to ask one of our students what they think so far!
Please do check out our expedition website and watch it grow and develop as we move through the expedition.