English GCSE Revision

Just to remind all the year 11 students that they have been invited to join two Google Classrooms to support their English revision. These classrooms have advice on timings, practice papers, videos and other revision resources.

Please use these to prepare for your mocks next week.

English GCSE Revision Classrooms

Just to remind all the year 11 students that they have been invited to join two Google Classrooms to support their English revision. These classrooms have advice on timings, practice papers, videos and other revision resources.

Please use these to prepare for your mocks next week.

Y10 (E26) Superstars

Last week we took the opportunity to appreciate our Y10 superstars with a celebration breakfast.

These students have consistently great HOWLs and always demonstrate excellent character values throughout the school day.

Massive appreciation to you all!

Mrs Parker 🙂

Year 11 Extended Study Support Sessions

Dear Families of students in Year 11,

Further to the Spring Newsletter which you will have received earlier in the year, please find the attached letter which details some additions to our current offer of Extended Study and study support. This will come into effect fully after next weeks mock exams and leading up to the start of the summer GCSE examinations which begin during the next half term.

Best wishes,

Mr Voltaire

E26 Year 10 GCSE Spanish Beautiful Work

Last term E26 Year 10 worked hard to produce their second Spanish product. They drafted a written piece about a family (fact or fiction), then recorded themselves describing a family photo. Here is their beautiful work, complete with their crafted voice recordings.

NEU Teachers Union – Strike Days 15th and 16th March 2023

Hello Parents and Carers

Please check your emails as we have sent our XP and XP East School parents and carers a letter to inform you of the plans we now have in place for our students for the upcoming NEU Teachers Union Strike Action days.

These days are Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March 2023.

Many thanks for your continued support

XP and XP East School Office