Crew Ali SLC Preparation: Peer critique

Crew Ali are halfway through their SLCs now; congratulations to Cerys, Charlie, Tom, Leoni and Marshall for completing theirs to such a high standard.  I feel privileged to be included in this process and have been really impressed at the attention to detail our students have put into preparing for what is a challenging, nerve-wracking but also empowering process.  Feedback from parents has been positive and the critique the students are giving one another in Crew and outside of sessions is absolutely crucial in improving their delivery.  Charlie said the ‘fishbowl’ activity he had done with Leoni and Kristian (Crew Parkinson) in Extended Study had provided him with “great feedback” to help him prepare for his SLC at the end of last week.


In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

In last week’s Community Meeting I appreciated two students for taking the time to come and check up on me on a day when I was feeling a bit out of sorts.  I thanked them for this and commented that although it may not have seen much to them, their small act of kindness had made my week!  Mr Portman pointed out that other schools have organised “Random Act of Kindness” weeks, but we didn’t need them because our students are kind all of the time.

And I agree… Well, mostly.

Today we had a difficult conversation in Crew.  Over the past few weeks there have been a number of incidents where a couple of members of Crew haven’t been particularly kind to their fellow students, either in their words or their actions.  The majority of Crew Finch are exceptionally kind, and they felt it was time to hold these two individuals to account for their actions.  The Crew had a very mature conversation about they type of people they wanted to be, and all agreed that being kind and empathetic are important traits.  Crew also acknowledged that nobody’s perfect and that we all make mistakes – what’s crucial is that we learn from the mistakes, make pledges to change our behaviour, and consequently become better, or in this case, kinder human beings!

Today’s session wasn’t planned; it just happened in response to a situation Crew weren’t happy with.  Yet again, the Power of Crew in action!

Good Luck to Crew Parkinson!

This week marks the start of the Crew Parkinson’s first SLC. Florence kicked them off yesterday, setting the bar high! In Crew today, she shared with the rest of the Crew her experience of her SLC to help the other students understand what to expect. Thank you Flo!

Most students have nearly completed or have already completed their script. That only means one thing – practice, practice, practice! In Crew today, students were rehearsing their SLCs with each other and giving critique to improve it.

This week we will continue to rehearse, prepare and reflect on SLCs. Good luck to everyone in Crew Parkinson with their upcoming SLCs – the hard work you have put in is sure to pay off!


Crew Shackleton ready to go with SLCs!

So Crew Shackleton are raring to go with their SLCs. We’ve done plenty of paired work, independent work, work with C24, work as a class…and generally just HARD work.


Here’s what they had to say on the matter:

Zach H: “I feel ecstatic and am looking forward to my SLC!”

Jacob: “I’m looking forward to my SLC because I have put a lot of hard work into it and I would like to see them to see what I have been up to in my academic studies AND HOWLs.”

Finley: “I feel excited because I haven’t done an SLC before and I’m excited to show my parents my work.”

Nikodem: “I am really looking forward to my SLC because I can’t wait to share my progress in learning.”

Lilly: “I am really excited and well prepared for my SLC. I can’t wait to share all my work. However, I am still a bit nervous.”

Zach M: “I am really ready because I feel that I’m really prepared and I’m really focussed on the work that I’m doing.”

Woody: “I feel good about it because I’m ready for anything.”

Thea: “I feel good about my SLC and I am excited to show my parents my work.”

Lucie-Mae: “I’m feeling organised but excited to share what I have done here to my mum.”

Denim: “I’m feeling organised and read to do my SLC. I’m excited to talk in front of my parents and share my work with them and share who I am as a learner.”

James: “I feel confident towards my SLC because I have prepared so much and worked really hard on it.”

Faith: “I am really well prepared and excited for my SLC. I can’t wait to present my beautiful work to my parents.”



A rather chocolatey update from Crew Turing

This week I’ve met with almost every member of Crew Turing to discuss the progress they’ve made on the SLC script. We’ve spent 20 minutes doing a read through and making little tweaks, focusing on the craftsmanship and quality of their scripts.

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed catching up with my crew and taking 20-30 minutes out of our days to review and reflect on their work. I am so proud of their portfolios and the graft they are putting into the re-drafting process – their hard work is really paying off. Also, drinking 10 hot chocolates in the space of 5 days has got to be a highlight of my week, it must be said!

The thought of having to stand up in front of my Mum, Grandma and form teacher at just 11/12 years old to present my work in a conference that I was running seems impossibly daunting. Looking back through my old workbooks, I feel no attachment to any of the pieces I completed, it was just another task to be finished and handed in.

Knowing my crew, getting a preview of their beautiful work, and seeing the new-found confidence that 10 weeks here at XP East has given them, I anticipate this SLC period is going to be one of celebration and pride.

Parents & guardians, you’re in for a treat!

‘Fish Bowl’

Crew Mandela are into the final stages of their SLC preparation! Beth was the first to model this using a ‘fishbowl’ protocol for the crew. The fishbowl allows other students to observe and critique the SLC process and give kind specific feedback to Beth using the rubrics. Fantastic feedback was given from Alfie as a reminder to give eye contact during the SLC.

A huge appreciation goes to Beth on behalf of the the crew as it really helped other crew members to see how they could improve their SLC delivery and preparation.

Dress Rehearsals

So we’ve ended our week of SLC prep with a dress rehearsal!

Tom kindly volunteered to run through his SLC in front of his ‘mum’ (Nicole), ‘dad’ (Thomas) and ‘me’ (expertly played by Bryn!)

Noah was in charge of stopping the presentation at any given time by shouting “Freeze Frame!” to discuss key points, or to offer feedback.

This was a really good exercise to end the week on.  It not only gave Tom chance to receive crucial feedback on his presentation, but also helped the rest of Crew plan and make changes to their own presentations.

Crew now need to finish their preparations over the weekend and I’m looking forward to attending my first SLC on Tuesday.

Let’s smash it, Crew Finch!

SLC Preparations

Crew Parkinson have been preparing for their Student Led Conferences over the last couple of weeks. We have watched videos of SLCs, discussed what the role of the student is during them, chosen their work from their portfolio, reflected on their achievements and challenges so far, reviewed their HOWLs and started writing a script. They’ve been busy bees!

Each pupil has chosen a piece of work they are proud of, one they found challenging and one they need to improve on. They have then reflected on their work in regards to the Learning Target, their MEG and the HOWLs. These 3 pieces of work will be central to their SLC.

Here’s Marcus, Dylan, Florence and Harvey in the midst of their preparations.

Working Hard for our SLCs

So, today in Crew Churchill, we have continued to work hard preparing for our SLCs which begin next week.

We have been finishing our presentations, critiquing our partner’s work and supporting each other with sections we are finding challenging.

Parents and carers!  Don’t forget to sign up for your child’s SLC using the following link:

Crew Churchill (Mrs Poncia)