Crew Mandela Passage Presentation

Crew Mandela are continuing their journey towards starting GCSE choice. All students have begun their reflections from year 7 to year 8. It is hard to believe how much some of our crew has changed in such a short space of time, as shown in the video below!


The purpose of the passage presentation is to reflect on ‘what makes me ready to start GCSE’ We did this by following the below three case studies.

Case Study 1 : ‘Where I can be?’

Case Study 2: ‘How to get there ’

Case Study 3: ‘What makes me ready?’

Crew Young’s fieldwork visit to Alton Towers

Crew Young recently joined the other E24/Y9 Crews on a fieldwork visit to Alton Towers, where they learned how forces and energy transfers apply on all of the iconic theme park rides. Following expert tuition in the physics of movement and motion taught in the on-site classroom, they then put the theory into practice on rides such as Oblivion and Smiler.

What makes Crew Parkinson happy?

Each member of crew brought either a photo or an item in which either makes, or represents, something that makes them happy.

It was lovely hearing about the hobbies that Crew does. For example, Callum and his fishing to Marcus and Fortnite to Florence, Rosie and Dylan and their various types of dancing. There were also lots of lovely photos of crew member’s dogs – I always love a cute dog photo!

It was great for crew to share their interests and hobbies with the everyone, why they enjoy them and how it makes them feel. It acted as a great starting point which sparked some very interesting conversations!

At XP East we continue to celebrate our students’ individual successes and achievements, and encourage the positive contributions that they routinely make to the wider community. In doing so, they demonstrate compassion, integrity, respect, courage and craftsmanship and quality often beyond their years.

I am delighted to hear that Ella has recently passed all of her assessments and is now a fully-fledged St John’s Ambulance Cadet.

Can the news make us happier?

Inspired by an activity run by Mrs Parker and Crew Finch last year, in Crew this week we spent some time talking about whether reading and watching the right sort of news can make us happier and trying to find examples of ‘happy news’ articles.

What characterised ‘happy news’?

  • Was it something which made you smile or laugh?
  • Was it about someone showing kindness towards others?
  • Was it about enjoying others’ successes?

It could be all of these things and more.  Here are some articles which brightened up our day; hopefully they will brighten yours too!

Trash man builds free library out of 20,000 books found in bins

Millionaire helps boy studying under a street lamp

Giant inflatable sculpture unveiled in former Leeds church

The community hub made from salvaged wood

Jonas Brothers surprise fan in hospital who missed concert for chemo treatment

Homeless man reunited with family after 24 years of separation

Star Bakers in Crew Parkinson!

Last week we had a baking crew session, making chocolate muffins. Crew worked really well as a team, dividing out the different roles of mixing, measuring and washing up to name a few. They helped each other throughout with everyone getting stuck in and having no passengers. Eating muffins was a lovely addition to our weekly Monday check-in  – shame we can’t do it every week!

Expedition ‘Slow Down’ Immersion E24/Y9

Last week E24 started their first STEAM expedition in year 9. We visited the advanced manufacturing research centre in Sheffield where we were able to get a first hand look at the types of careers, technology and equipment being used in engineering today.

The students also recapped concepts of forces by building self propelled lego cars and measuring the speed distance and time.

Watch this video for more information of what year 9 got up to!


A butcher, a baker, a candle-stick maker?

None of these noble professions made it to Crew Young’s current aspirations list when we explored future career pathways in Crew last week. Having studied how a year 11 / X22 student prepared a letter of introduction for passage, annotating her script with our own notices and wonders for follow-up work this week, we were encouraged to research our own career interests. This developed work covered during immersion week, when our Crew created an online profile on the startprofile portal.

Crew Young were most interested in the academic routes into their current career ambitions, starting salary and opportunities for promotion. Lewis now knows the average national starting salary, Adam is aware of what a level 1 qualification means, and Ella appreciates that a future in animal welfare could cover multiple occupations.

Amongst our current interests are careers in: animal welfare, railway engineering, forensic science / criminology, police dog-handling, architecture, airline pilot and the fashion industry.

Aim high, Crew Young, aim high!

Crew Finch are back on it!


If I had to sum up Crew Finch’s first two weeks back at school in just one word it would be:




I have been absolutely blown away by each and every one of my Crew’s positivity and eagerness to begin their Y9 journey.  In just 2 weeks they have had all sorts thrown at them: Careers, GCSEs, Passage Presentation and Duke of Edinburgh, alongside the usual fieldwork, immersion activities and expert visits.

Oh, and an 8 mile hike on the Monsal Trail. 

And they haven’t batted an eyelid, even though they know that they will have to work harder than ever before to face the challenges ahead.  They know that there may be struggles ahead but while there’s Crew, they’ll get each other through (there’s a song in there somewhere!)

So, my first blog of Y9 is to give a MASSIVE appreciation to Crew Finch for being so enthusiastic and positive about the new school year and everything Y9 has in store for them.  An appreciation for getting straight back into the business of learning and – perhaps most importantly – getting straight back into the business of being Crew.

Year 9 – we’re ready for you!

Showing we are ready to start

E24/Y9 completed an 9 mile hike in the peak district.

Why? Because for the students to understand the planning, preparation to start GCSE and Duke of Edinburgh, where better place to start than meeting the demands of the great outdoors as a first crew expedition. All students were a credit to XP East whilst on the hike, watch this video to see more!