Y11’s Final Push! (updated 28/4/22)

We hope you have had a wonderful Easter break, and wanted to highlight some important steps for our awesome year 11 students as we push through their final weeks before their GCSE exams!

This is our final term for Y11 to prepare for their final examinations. All Government guidance states that exams WILL take place this year. Therefore, it is crucial that students are ramping up the amount of revision being completed to maximise the impact this is having. Staff continue to work hard and offer extra academic sessions as seen on our enrichment timetable to ensure students are best prepared for their GCSE’s – students also have a wealth of materials readily available to focus their revision around.  We ask that you support us by reminding them of the need to be working hard outside of school hours, too – any support or guidance you can offer at this time really will make a difference!

To further boost our Y11’s academic success, D6 also resumes this Saturday, 23rd April, from 9am – 12:30pm. We have only 7 more weeks of D6 after this: Saturday April 30th, Saturday May 6th, Saturday May 13th, Saturday May 20th, Saturday May 27th, Saturday June 3rd and Saturday June 10th! D6 is open to both Y10 and Y11.

It is also important to note that our Y11’s last day in school will be July 1st, 2022. 

Please also see here the final exam timetable for our 2022 GCSE Exams:

**PLEASE NOTE: The final 2 exams on 24th and 27th June fall on Staff Days… Y11 will be in for exams though!** 

If there are any questions or concerns, please contact Crew Leaders, or ourselves at [email protected] and [email protected].

Mrs Parker & Miss Cocliff x

C24/Y11 Science Update

Yesterday we received the exam board guidance on what the “major focus” will be in each of the exam papers in Combined Science. The exam board has made it clear that the students may be examined on other content in “low tariff and linked content” questions. It is also worth noting that the Physics exams use around 20% multiple choice questions, and therefore a broad knowledge base is useful in determining wrong options. Students are still expected to apply their knowledge in unfamiliar contexts. 

Our guidance is that our students should revise as broadly as they can, whilst ensuring that they have deep knowledge of the content highlighted by the exam board. This is highlighted in the table below for each paper. Please note that the content may be different for foundation and higher levels.  

The exam board guidance can be found here 

Any queries regarding this please contact [email protected] 

E24 Active Citizenship Investigation

Despite an intense couple of weeks sitting the first set of Y11 mock exams, E24 haven’t put the learning brakes on and are continuing to work hard across all sessions.

I have been particularly impressed with the focus in Citizenship this week as students prepare their investigation portfolio, which is worth 15% of their final grade.

This part of the qualification focuses on active citizenship and asks students to explore through case studies and by their own actions how citizens are able to try to make a difference to society. Our students have always been encouraged to be activists, starting way back in Y7 with our Stand Up expedition, so researching and producing this investigation portfolio is right up their street!

Here are some of the topics being explored:

  • How can we encourage Society to better accommodate those with hidden disabilities advocate for them?
  • Why do 1 in 4 people in the UK experience a mental health problem each year and as citizens of the UK, how can we fulfil our moral duty to support them?
  • As members of UK society we have a moral duty and a responsibility to protect all living things. How do we ensure that our most vulnerable living creatures are looked after?

The class are already having considered, insightful and mature discussions around their chosen topics not just in their Citizenship lessons, but in Crews too.

Absolutely fantastic, Y11!

E24/Year 10 Day 6 Invite

D6 is our voluntary sixth day of school which will take place each Saturday during term time. D6 is led by ex-students of XP who are returning to provide our current students with peer to peer academic study support. There will be additional support from our school learning coaches and members of the Leadership Team. Existing students in Year 10 will be able to come into school on a voluntary basis on a Saturday morning from 10.00-12.00 each week to access this additional support.

The long-term plan is to open this up to students in all year groups, but in light of the recent lockdown, we are currently only extending this invitation to students in Year 10 as an additional layer of support in response to the previous lockdown. Whilst we understand that there may be some concerns around coming into school on a weekend, we feel it is justified in light of ensuring our students are able to access the education and additional support they deserve. Therefore, all Year 10 students are welcome at XP from this Saturday 17th April. Sessions will usually begin at 10.00 until 12.00 for the time being.

Appropriate risk assessments and protocols around safe and hygienic working have been prepared, and we will ensure that rooms used in the school have been sanitised before and after use. Refreshments will also be provided.

We hope students in Year 10 along with XP and year 10s and year 11s can join us this Saturday! If there are any questions or concerns please email Mr Smith at [email protected]

E24 Community Meeting- Week 6


We are entering into the 7th week of online learning at XPE- with seemingly, no end in sight, and so our community meeting was focused around strategies to beat the screen fatigue, and a challenge to to get us all out of the house this weekend!

We started off with a brilliant check in of superhero names, based on dates of birth- some absolute, moving then onto apologies, appreciation and stands. Some fantastic work going on- as shown by the appreciation from staff and students within crew Churchill, for the work around student led crew sessions.

See all E24 apologies, appreciations and Stands made below on the Padlet

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Scan this QR code or see applications here

Community meeting Photography Challenge

To encourage us as staff and students to get time away from the screen, a challenge was set for students to over the weekend take photos whilst out on walks out of the house, to be entered in the following categories, entries must be original, and be taken over the weekend whilst out of the house- see some of the entries posted on the challenge by students in E24-
Voting for category winners will take place in week 7 community meeting.

The categories…

1) Architecture

2) Near and Far

3) Nature

4) Food

5) Frozen

6) Technology


E24 Original photos, submitted by Alfie C, Chloe T, Summer, Keisha 

YEAR 9: New birdwatching world record*

We have a new record in Year 9 for the most birds spotted in a single session.

Kyle in X24 spotted an incredible 60 birds from 14 different species, including a sparrow hawk and two herons.

Whilst we have not set any work for students in Year 9 to complete over the two week break we would love it if they continued with their birdwatching, bug hotels and bird boxes. Please remind them to send us lots of photos. We are in competition with XP for the most birds spotted. This means we need to up our game, as E24 are currently behind X24 in the leaderboard.

*not verified by Norris McWhirter

E24 – Closing circle hangout meeting

This afternoon at 3.00pm we will be hosting a hangout for all of Year 9 across both schools to find out how they have been getting on with their STEAM immersion challenges.

Students can join the meeting by logging into their school account and going to:


Attendance for the launch hangout was fantastic. Thanks to all of our families for your continuing support.


On the 4th of May- all year E24 and X24 at XP Trust will be starting their new expedition for STEAM. This will be starting with a week of immersion, adapted for the current lockdown home learning. Including experts, fieldwork and whole school Google Hangout quiz challenge!

All students in year 9 in both schools will receive a Google Hangout invitation hosted by Mr Smith and Mr Said and learning coaches. This will have key information and challenges for the week to come. 

The Hangout will be 1pm Tuesday 5th of May. 

Below is a Teaser Trailer to the new expedition- Here Comes the Sun!


Hegarty Heroes!

I’ve compiled a blog of truly beautiful work that has been submitted to me over the last few weeks from the Y9s. I felt inspired by the virtual gallery that has been produced by the art teachers, as I’d argue that some of this work could be considered art, with art being interpretive…

Aran K, your work on converting fractions was stunning. I love how you’ve used colour codes to break down your thought process.

Charlie R: Decided to do some of the ‘additional tasks’ that I set weekly. This work he did on translations was fantastic, my only even better if being use a ruler!

Chloe T: I love your use of examples in the videos, that go on to support your work on the tasks. That little ‘convert to make it easier’ is a great tip, and worth taking note to help you get unstuck. Great job!


Tyler B: I have been wow-ed by Tyler’s weekly updates, his notes are really aesthetically pleasing and well ordered. Tyler has been going above and beyond by completing more tasks than I have been outlining, and his hard work isn’t going unnoticed. Check it out:

Lewis D: has produced very methodical working on the percentage multiplier tasks I set a couple of weeks ago. I appreciate that he is starting out each piece of working out on a new line.

& last but certainly not least…

Theone C: I can’t get over the quality and amount of the work that you have produced Theone, except I can because I know how dedicated you are to working hard! Each week your emails exemplify how it should be done, they are a joy to look through and they make me feel extremely fortunate to teach you. You really set a high bar for those hoping to achieve excellence!

Like and Subscribe to Chris M!

Chris Mbano this week has gone above and beyond with his Common Mission work and been extra creative on his Youtube Channel. Chris has been onto old videos on YouTube and re-edited the first day of all students at XPE. Chris said he did this as a little reminder and to cheer people up of what we can expect when we go back to school. 



If you haven’t already like and subscribe to Chris’s channel here. 

Also this week there was some confusion with the day of the crew google hangout this week. As there was an invite sent for both Tuesday and Thursday this week. Big thanks to Corey A who checked in on both!

As for everyone else, most crew members checked into at least one of the sessions, but just to clarify this week, the crew hangout will be on Tuesday at 11:30 as normal.