C25: Out here in the fields

Our year 9 students were lucky enough to get out on fieldwork on the final week of term to complete work relating to their ‘Welcome to the machine’ expedition. Over the next seven weeks of the winter term, they will be working on their answer to the guiding question:

‘Do the benefits of industrialisation outweigh the costs?’

For their first STEAM case studies, students have been looking at conservation data, learning about how data can be collected and displayed using multiple representations. They have also been learning about specialisation and ecosystem management.

They visited The Hatfield Moors, our local nature reserve, to examine the extent of the fire damage from earlier this year. Students have been learning about the protected species that can be found at the site, particularly the adder, and how Natural England and the fire service prioritised safeguarding these species during the clear up operation.

While at the site, students conducted a series of sampling techniques, as well as collecting data on the wildlife. Sadly, due to slight delays in being able to visit the site, we weren’t able to spot any adders as they have likely gone into hibernation for the winter, however, students were still able to find other species key to maintaining and supporting the ecosystem at the wetland.

Students also conducted a number of tests on the site, in accordance with their two daily learning targets for the day:

1. I can estimate the population density of a species using random sampling techniques.

Students engaged in data collection of various parts of the site, using quadrats to provide increasingly accurate estimations of species numbers in the areas we sampled. We created a set of axes, used a random number generator to find coordinates to sample, and collected the data from those coordinates.

After collecting data in teams of three, we used all the data collected to calculate the predicted species number, based on scaling up the measurements to accommodate the size of the field. In debrief, due to a large range in answers, we went on to calculate the mean for those estimations, to create a more accurate estimation. We also discussed why using the random number generator was fundamental in keeping our research free from bias.

2. I can investigate the effects of abiotic factors using systematic sampling techniques.

Students then went on to conduct a series of pH tests on the wetlands, again using their quadrats placed along a transect, to link changes in species to abiotic factors of the wetlands. In debrief, we examined the data, looking for patterns relating to the abundance of the plant species and the abiotic factor recorded.

I’d also like to thank our very own Marshall Jones, for taking his time on the day and spare time to create this amazing vlog documenting the day:

I feel incredibly fortunate that we were able to make it out to the site given the current circumstances, and I really look forward to hear how the work the students have done on this series of case studies will inform their guiding question answers over the coming weeks.

E25 Explorer making some Fantastic work

E25 Explore had a fantastic day grappling with a new material in art, as well as developing our ideas and understanding of perspective drawings.


Building on the positive vibes and appreciations this morning some students have really stood out. Beautiful work!


E27 making a mark in art

E27 have really impressed me in their art sessions. They have been learning about line drawing using a range of media including pencil, fine liner, biro and sharpies.

We have looked at how we can use different types of lines to create a range of effects and also grappled with creating a continuous line drawing of a shell (which a lot of pupils found really challenging).

They have listened to my instructions really well and grappled with some new techniques.

All Y7 pupils have also been set homework to create a line drawing of their house, which I am really looking forward to seeing.

Here are some lovely examples of the work E27 Explorer and Pioneer have created in their art sessions.

Amazing oil pastel artwork from E26 Explorer

I wanted to share the beautiful work that E26 Explorer have been creating in their art sessions.

I have been really impressed with this group and they should be really proud of their work.

The examples below have been created by Rihanna Bunting, Layton Allen and Jacob Dawson.

Well done Explorer! Working hard and getting smart!


Beautiful work from Theone and Megan – E24

As part of our learning expedition Here Comes the Sun we have been learning about the building blocks of all living things, cells. These revision diagrams from Theone are stunning!

She has even started doing some initial research on the nightjar ,which we will study in more depth later in the learning expedition.


Theone has also done some extension work on cell division too. Absolutely fantastic effort Theone. Well done!


Also we have been asking students to bird watch throughout the expedition. Megan has put in a brilliant shift these last couple of weeks, well done Megan.

Hegarty Heroes!

I’ve compiled a blog of truly beautiful work that has been submitted to me over the last few weeks from the Y9s. I felt inspired by the virtual gallery that has been produced by the art teachers, as I’d argue that some of this work could be considered art, with art being interpretive…

Aran K, your work on converting fractions was stunning. I love how you’ve used colour codes to break down your thought process.

Charlie R: Decided to do some of the ‘additional tasks’ that I set weekly. This work he did on translations was fantastic, my only even better if being use a ruler!

Chloe T: I love your use of examples in the videos, that go on to support your work on the tasks. That little ‘convert to make it easier’ is a great tip, and worth taking note to help you get unstuck. Great job!


Tyler B: I have been wow-ed by Tyler’s weekly updates, his notes are really aesthetically pleasing and well ordered. Tyler has been going above and beyond by completing more tasks than I have been outlining, and his hard work isn’t going unnoticed. Check it out:

Lewis D: has produced very methodical working on the percentage multiplier tasks I set a couple of weeks ago. I appreciate that he is starting out each piece of working out on a new line.

& last but certainly not least…

Theone C: I can’t get over the quality and amount of the work that you have produced Theone, except I can because I know how dedicated you are to working hard! Each week your emails exemplify how it should be done, they are a joy to look through and they make me feel extremely fortunate to teach you. You really set a high bar for those hoping to achieve excellence!

Another fantastic week for Expeditionary arts at XP and XP East.

So many examples of amazing work being completed by our students.

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Thanks again from the XP Arts team (Miss Jones, Mr Jackson, Mrs Cross and Mr Robins)

The home learning galleries for weeks 1 – 4 can be found on the XP website.

Keep up the fantastic work!

Stay safe.

Crew Mercury

Another fantastic week for Crew Mercury, lots of hard work finishing off expeditions and completing final products.

Have a listen to how amazing Poppy’s speech is for the final product of the expedition ‘Get Up, Stand Up’ with the guiding question ‘When is it right to make a stand?’.

Poppy Speech


Mrs Poncia was over the moon with it! Well done Poppy!

As well as the fantastic learning Poppy has been completing, she has also been enjoying spending time with her sister baking…looks yummy!

And of course, Poppy being the amazing dancer that she is, she has also been doing lots of dancing!

Look at this…!

It was fab catching up with Crew Mercury on our Crew Hangout on Monday, I look forward to seeing you all again next week!