Last Friday Crew Malala had their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze practice walk. While at the start of the week we thought the weather might be awful it turned out to be a glorious day!
Myself, Mrs Mawby and Mrs Collinson were extremely proud of their team work and conduct while out on DofE.
There will be an information evening for the students and parents who are going on the fieldwork to Valencia, Spain in February 2025. The information evening will be held in XP East on 16 May at 16:30 and will last approximately one hour. This is an opportunity for us to go through the finer details of the fieldwork and to answer any questions you may have. Looking forward to seeing you on the 16 May at 16:30.
Today Year 7 (E30) learned words and phrases to say what rooms they might find in a home. Students practised the language and then worked together to produce a description of a house in Spanish. Students used sentence builders and graphics to develop their writing. They also worked on building their character traits of respect and integrity by working well and showing kindness to one another in their groups. Some students challenged themselves by adding in negatives and plurals.¡ Buen trabajo!
Crew Malala were on Lost Property duty this week. Please take a look and claim items belonging to you at XP East reception. At the end of the week anything which remains will be donated. Thanks.
Crew Malala in E28 had a great term in Autumn 2023. Here are some of the highlights:
We have been working on our Duke of Edinburgh Voluntary Stewardship by taking our turn to pick up litter around the school site. We have it down to a science, splitting into teams and taking different areas. We can clear the site of litter in around ten minutes!
With 97% attendance, we won the attendance league for Term 1a! We are waiting to see if we can keep the top spot for Term 1b.
At the end of Term 1b, E28 had their termly awards. Crew Malala came out on top with three awards! Fasia won for kindness, Alex for most improved, and Holly won for consistently working hard. Holly was a unanimous decision by all teachers who voted.
Crew Malala are looking forward to what 2024 brings. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from Crew Malala. See you in January.
Please have a look through the pictures and claim anything that belongs to you from lost property. Lost property can be claimed at XP East Office. Any unclaimed items will be donated to charity in the following week. Thanks.
Crew Malala continued their Duke of Edinburgh Voluntary Stewardship yesterday by taking the time to pick up litter around XP East. They have it down to a science, splitting into four teams of three to cover the whole site in around ten minutes. Good work Crew Malala!
Members of Crew Malala have started preparing for the passage presentations in the new year. Passage is where students have the opportunity to show how they have grown and that they are prepared for starting their GCSEs. This morning students reflected on their time at XP East and started preparing what they want to talk about during their Passage presentations.
On Tuesday 14th November, staff and students at XP East helped to raise awareness of World Diabetes Day with the #nailingdiabetes campaign. World Diabetes Day is celebrated by the charitable organisation Diabetes UK – this year marks 100 years since the discovery of insulin, which has gone on to save millions of lives around the world.
Lots of staff and students agreed to have their nails painted blue to raise awareness of diabetes, to generate conversations about diabetes, and to let our family, friends and peers with diabetes know that we are here for them.
Thank you to everyone who got involved! For more information about diabetes, or if you would like to donate, please visit