Term 2a was full on for Crew Malala. We have completed our SLCs, where students spoke in detail about their learning over the past term and their current progress. They also reflected on their Habits of Work and Learning. It was great to see Crew being able to talk about both their strengths and areas for improvement, as well as considering how they can start to prepare themselves for the upcoming mock exams.
Over half of crew are attending the Valencia fieldwork in two weeks’ time. We can’t wait to hear about their adventures!
Crew’s expedition for Term 2a was Raiders and Invaders – a study of the Vikings. The Guiding Question for this expedition was “How far did the Vikings forge a legacy?” Students learned how the Vikings lived in their homelands, travelled to other lands, traded, raided, and invaded, and the influences that they have left behind. The expedition culminated in a Presentation of Learning where students presented what life might have been like in a Viking village, including the foods they ate and how they forged metal weapons.
Please enjoy the selection of photos from Crew Malala’s SLCs which were held over the last two weeks. We are looking forward to Term 2b and what it might bring.
Yesterday E28/Y10 students had a visit from With Me In Mind, a local organisation which helps students manage anxiety and other mental health concerns. One of the strategies they talked about was mindfulness, and so this morning we are putting that into practise by doing some mindful colouring to start our day.
This term we have begun to use part of our Thoughtful Thursday. Crew have identified their priorities and begun to use time to revise, recall and develop their knowledge of a range of subjects.
Next week we will be looking at revision techniques and bring back to Crew how we have found flash cards, revision diagram and the revision clock.
Crew also received their certificates for successfully achieving our Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award.
For the first week of school, our new Y7s ventured away with many students and teachers that they didn’t know. Although I myself have worked within XP school for over 8 years, I had never had the privilege of having a crew from Year 7 and had never experienced this side of the outward bound experience. So, even for a teacher who is experienced in working with students both in and out of school in a similar situation, it can be eye opening and nerve racking. I remember when I was myself in Year 8, I went away with school and I was terrified, I cannot imagine what it was like for Crew “Chandi” (given through the outward bound trust).
When we arrived in Ullswater and discussed some of the activities we would take part in, myself and our instructors (Dan and Stewart) were met with “I’m not doing that” however it showed even in the first activity “Jog and Dip”, that those barriers, those negative mindsets were falling. I think crew “Chandi” were quite lucky in the sense that there were at least half of its students that didn’t have a problem with outdoor pursuits. However, one of the biggest reasons for the outward bound experience is to push students out of their “comfort zone” to build resilience and therefore open them up to learning new and difficult things in ways that challenge and increase independence of thought.
So the challenges all come for different reasons for different students, be it home sickness, the outdoor activities or speaking up in the presentation at the end of a long, tiring week. Crew Chandi performed all of this in an exemplary manner. Each one of our crew faced their own challenges and not a single student stepped back, only stepped forward.
Three members of our crew were put forward to money off further experiences with the outward bound trust- Sandra, Molly and Lucas showed all of their character traits consistently. Sandra was like my right hand, with the most compassion I’ve ever seen in a Year 7 and on our Gorge Walk, she proved vital when I fell over in the water- Thank you Sandra. Ewan, Sandra and Penelope showed awesome orienteering skills. Ronnie, Lucas and Spencer proved their craftsmanship and Quality whilst helping other crew members to erect their tents. Kaiden showed a lot of courage by standing up for what he believed in. Ewans craftsmanship and quality excelled in preparation for the presentation. The biggest change in mindfulness that I’ve seen came from Spencer, who found that when he went to get a drink, the glasses on the worktop had run out, so instead of just getting himself a glass, he decided to replace all the glasses to help his entire year group.
It was a very tiring week, and I’m certain your children will agree with that. The stories I’ve related are only some of the things I could relate to you. However, if crew “Chandi” carry on in the way they have started they won’t only help each other to get to the top of the mountain- they will move the mountain.
Crew Anning have had a fantastic (if a bit tiring!) first week back at XPE resetting crew. We have checked in after the summer, made time capsules, been on fieldwork to Sandall Beat wood, got competitive with other crews and done our first POL of the year!
Below are photos of this week’s lost property. If you see anything that belongs to you, please claim it at the office. Anything that’s left will be donated at the end of the week.
Walking through nettles. Sitting in the shade. Following the Countryside Code. Helping each other. Making friends with a horse. Digging deep. Laughing. What a day.
Congratulations to all of Crew Malala for completing their D of E Bronze. Massive thanks to Mrs. Mawby who supervised us and made sure we made it through safely. Well done everyone. We are so proud of you.
Crew Malala had a very long, very warm, but very successful Day 1 of their D of E Bronze Expedition. Students packed up and left school this morning, setting off for a 10K walk from Norton Junior School to Brockadale Nature Reserve and back again. Students worked on teamwork, listening skills, supporting one another, and digging deep. It was a tough but rewarding day. Please check out the first round of photos. More to come tomorrow!