Year 8 across both XP and XPE will be attending fieldwork to Shrewsbury Prison. This is an opportunity for them to get inside a prison and experience what life would be like. Shrewsbury is a Victorian prison which is now used as a museum and is no longer a working prison.
We will be leaving school at 7:30 on Thursday 30th June. Please can students arrive no later than 7:30. We aim to arrive back at school between 3:30-4 traffic pending.
Y9s had a fantastic experience to Thackray Museum as part of the fieldwork for their expedition ‘You Give Me Fever’ last week. Students took part in workshops and enquiries around the museum which focused on the history of medicine over time. Student conduct was superb, and the fieldwork has helped us to broaden our understanding of the topics that we are studying. Check out the short video below for a brief overview.
An incredibly eye opening and powerful morning of fieldwork for Pioneer and Explorer over the last two weeks. As part of our expedition ‘Small Change’, we visited Balby Church to take part in their ‘Big Sort’ on a Monday morning, providing much-needed clothes, food, toiletries and household items for those who have very little.
Both classes have done the school and themselves proud with their contribution to the ‘Big Sort’ working hard alongside existing volunteers sensitively, respectfully, and with lots of compassion. Well done!
See a bit of the Big Sort for yourself below:
A number of students commented on how lucky they were in their home situation to have easy access to things that are so easy to take for granted, such as soap, basic food and water, and it made them feel more grateful for the things they have. And question what they actually need!
It was also really uplifting to see just how many things are donated, and the variety of donations, reinforcing the positivity and compassion of the local communities providing for those in want.
And yet it is shocking that we learnt that everything would be gone the next day when those in need queue up outside the church in the hope there is enough to go around.
What a wonderful operation being run at Given Freely, Freely Given, and what a privilege it has been for our students to be able to take part and work alongside these amazing volunteers.