E30’s Powerful Work on Macbeth

As part of E30’s expedition ‘Fight the Power’ they are grappling with the anchor text, Macbeth. Me and Mr Portman have been blown away by every single students’ engagement, effort and focus so far. Our Friday session 5 drama sessions are quickly becoming the highlight of our week.

Not only this but their analysis work, interpretation of key scenes and characters and book work is beautiful. They are really embodying XPE’s HOWLs in their lessons. Keep working hard, getting smart and being kind guys.

See a sneak peak below of some of our thespians in action. Get ready for the POL! Details of which will be sent out asap.

Thank you for making our week – Mrs Desborough and Mr Portman

Crew Anning (ACO): Our first week back

Crew Anning have had a fantastic (if a bit tiring!) first week back at XPE resetting crew. We have checked in after the summer, made time capsules, been on fieldwork to Sandall Beat wood, got competitive with other crews and done our first POL of the year!

E30 (Year 7) Presentation of Learning

Just a reminder that XP east E30 (Year 7) Presentation of Learning is on Tuesday 9th July 2024. The Presentation of Learning will start at 4:30pm at XP school. We are looking forward to our last PoL of the school year!

Year 7 Spanish describing a house!

Today Year 7 (E30) learned words and phrases to say what rooms they might find in a home. Students practised the language and then worked together to produce a description of a house in Spanish. Students used sentence builders and graphics to develop their writing. They also worked on building their character traits of respect and integrity by working well and showing kindness to one another in their groups. Some students challenged themselves by adding in negatives and plurals.¡ Buen trabajo!

Mrs. Collinson

World Diabetes Day 2023

On Tuesday 14th November, staff and students at XP East helped to raise awareness of World Diabetes Day with the #nailingdiabetes campaign. World Diabetes Day is celebrated by the charitable organisation Diabetes UK – this year marks 100 years since the discovery of insulin, which has gone on to save millions of lives around the world.

Lots of staff and students agreed to have their nails painted blue to raise awareness of diabetes, to generate conversations about diabetes, and to let our family, friends and peers with diabetes know that we are here for them.

Thank you to everyone who got involved! For more information about diabetes, or if you would like to donate, please visit diabetes.org.uk.

E30 Fieldwork to National Coal Mining Museum 4th October

Students in E30 Year 7 will be visiting the National Coal Mining Museum on Wednesday 4th October. This fieldwork will be part of students expedition “From the Ground up”. We will leave school at 8.30am and return by 3.15pm. Students will need to bring a bag with:

A packed lunch (students on free school meals will be provided with a lunch), a pen / pencil / pencil case to complete work during the day and a warm coat as part of the day is outside.

If your child needs to take any medication, please inform their crew leader so that any necessary arrangements can be made.