Crew Rowling have once again been busy over the last few weeks. Cerrina, Thomas and Harvey were presented with certificates for their writing achievements during our E26 ‘awesomeness’ community meeting.
Some of our crew members have started up a chess club at lunch, they even attempted to teach me how to play. It is great to see such positivity between students at lunchtime while playing chess. I pledge to attempt to learn how to play chess in the near future so that I can join in!
Some of our crew members also were selected to join a breakfast for students who consistently have really great behaviour. The criteria for these breakfasts will change each term so that everyone has the opportunity to be selected to attend but for this term the students who were selected and attended were Logan, Shawn, Harvey and Cerrina. All of the students who were selected to attend were praised in our community meeting, along with Shawn showing off his hot chocolate skills.
Another great opportunity that I would like to highlight was that two of our crew members attended an event for the premier of the Flying Scotsman documentary. After the event an email was received by Mrs Burns praising the students who attended for their manners and general engagement with the event, so a huge well done to Layton and Cerrina for being asked to attend and for how they conducted themselves.
I have also heard amazing feedback about how much effort crew are putting into their sessions, especially their upcoming English speaking exams. From the snippets I have seen they will do great!
I am also pleased to see that every single member of crew has received praise points in the last few days. There is certainly a positive buzz around students in E26 at the moment and how hard they are working.
Keep it up everyone, you are all amazing!
Mrs Barnes and Miss Johnson 🙂