Crew Finch are back on it!


If I had to sum up Crew Finch’s first two weeks back at school in just one word it would be:




I have been absolutely blown away by each and every one of my Crew’s positivity and eagerness to begin their Y9 journey.  In just 2 weeks they have had all sorts thrown at them: Careers, GCSEs, Passage Presentation and Duke of Edinburgh, alongside the usual fieldwork, immersion activities and expert visits.

Oh, and an 8 mile hike on the Monsal Trail. 

And they haven’t batted an eyelid, even though they know that they will have to work harder than ever before to face the challenges ahead.  They know that there may be struggles ahead but while there’s Crew, they’ll get each other through (there’s a song in there somewhere!)

So, my first blog of Y9 is to give a MASSIVE appreciation to Crew Finch for being so enthusiastic and positive about the new school year and everything Y9 has in store for them.  An appreciation for getting straight back into the business of learning and – perhaps most importantly – getting straight back into the business of being Crew.

Year 9 – we’re ready for you!

E24: Visiting Sheffield Hallam University

Day 3 of E24’s first week back saw students visiting Sheffield Hallam University.  This fieldwork was designed to further develop students’ knowledge and understanding of how to get to higher education, what opportunities are available and what university life is like.

Throughout the day students discovered the different ways to get to further education, whether this is by completing A Level courses, maybe BTECs or through an apprenticeship, some of the many different types of degrees which could be studied (who knew that Surf Science was a degree?) and what else makes up life at college or university – anyone for a game of Quidditch at the Harry Potter Society?

A tour of the university allowed students to see the different facilities that are available.  The size of the lecture theatre made students gasp and the flight simulator, used by students studying aeronautical engineering, had them asking insightful questions.

At the end of our visit, feedback strongly showed that the majority of students would like to go to university and now feel more confident knowing how they can access this amazing opportunity.

Well done, E24!  Now, don’t forget your hiking boots tomorrow!

E24: Smashing it!

Following on from a great first day back, E24 (Year 9) have had another excellent day!

It has been wonderful today to see such high levels of engagement, focus, co-operation and graft!

The day started with a crew session where crews were given four different challenges to solve.  These included: Radioactive Isotope, The Floor is Lava!, Precious Trophy and Scientific Breakthrough.

Here we are working as crew!

The next part of our day saw us building on our careers sessions from yesterday by finding out what potential employment opportunities might be suited to us.  Using a programme called ‘Start’, we discovered which careers matched our qualities, skills and interests.  We also researched what salaries different jobs would pay and the availability of specific jobs throughout the country.

Ali discovered that being an author could earn her anything from £9,800 a year to over £2million a year!  She’s already started writing her bestseller!

Rhys is interested in becoming a paramedic.  He researched the qualifications he needs to achieve this and found out that there are over 2,000 job opportunities in this field across Yorkshire.  We’d all be in safe hands with Rhys!

Throughout this session, learning and conduct behaviours from ALL students were exemplary!

The final session of today saw students introduced to ‘Passage Presentation’ which is an important piece of work students complete during Year 9 to demonstrate that they are GCSE ready.  More information to follow about this…

So, tomorrow, we are heading to Sheffield Hallam University.  We can’t wait!

And now we’re checked out!

What a way to end our Y8 journey: cakes, memories and a good old sing song!

Here’s our Soundtrack to Year 8, along with our proudest moments of Y8. We hope you enjoy… Thank you to Ali for introducing me to Twenty One Pilots, but the tune of this soundtrack is definitely ‘Eye of the Tiger’ picked by Mackenzie!

Perfect – Ed Sheeran
I feel like I have had the perfect year compared to Y7! I work hard in class, I haven’t been getting into trouble, and I am managing my anger.

Jumpsuit – Twenty Øne Piløts 
I’m most proud of my last SLC.  I have grown in confidence and I’m getting great grades!

I’ll be there – Jess Glyn
I chose this song because Crew is always there for me. This year I’m proud of  overcoming my challenges, like my dyslexia.

When I See You Again – Charlie Puth 
I’m proud of Sports Day because we had a genuine feeling of Crew. I’m looking forward to seeing you all next year!

Centuries – Fall Out Boy
I’m proud because I have been able to cope with situations better than I did in Y7.

Try Everything – Shakira 
I didn’t believe in myself at the beginning of the year.  I made a pledge to “bring my enthusiasm to school every day” which I have done and I now try my hardest in all lessons.  Thank you to Mr Ryder for encouraging me. 

Eye of the Tiger – Survivor
I chose his song because it reminds me of Sports Day – it was playing as I ran the last 100m of the 1200m. I’m proud because I won!

Thursday – Jess Glynne
My proudest moment was Outward Bound, climbing up the mountain.  In the song it says “Who I am is enough” which reminds me that Crew are accepting of eachother despite our differences. 

Shotgun – George Ezra
My proudest moment was my last SLC.  I got great feedback and am proud of my progress.

3 nights – Dominic Fike 
I chose this song because we spent 3 nights in Wales! This was my proudest moment because we all came together as a Crew.  We had never been through a scenario like that and it tested our ability to get on together in tough times!

Mrs Parker:
You’ve Got a Friend in Me – Randy Newman
I chose this song because it captures what Crew is! My proudest moment was seeing how Crew pulled together after the DD1 results, and how they supported one another to improve their overall HOWLs grades for DD2.

It is such a privilege to share every school day with this lot and I can’t wait to see what Y9 brings for us all.  Crew isn’t just for the 12 young people who sit with me in our circle every morning; it’s for me, too.  I learn so much from them every day (including some new dance moves!) They inspire me to work harder and be kinder every day and, because of Crew, I am a better person.

And now I’m checked out.

As this academic year ends, we’re already looking forward to our first week back!

School starts again on Tuesday 27th August, 8.30am.  Students will require a PE kit for Tuesday and Wednesday, along with their usual stationery (pen, pencil and ruler) A kit list has been provided for Friday’s activity.

**There is no extended study during the first week back**

Tuesday: In school with a normal finish time of 3:15.

Wednesday: In school with a normal finish time of 3:15. 

Thursday: Students are out of school today, within normal school hours.  They should wear their usual everyday clothes and bring their bags and stationery. They will also need a packed lunch and a bottle of water (provided for students on FSM).

Friday: Students need to be at school for 7.45am.  We will be out of school all day so students will need a backpack with a packed lunch, a bottle of water, hiking boots and waterproofs. Students on FSM will be provided with a pack lunch.

Please check the kit list below for further details of the required clothing.  Please can students come to school in trainers, not their walking boots.  We are expected to be back at school for around 5pm (to be confirmed during our first week back.)

Please refer to these important docs and ensure you and your child are familiar with them.  A medical form will be sent home on Tuesday 27th; please return this to us on Wednesday 28th.

Have a wonderful summer break!


We have recently welcomed a new student to Crew Finch – welcome, Kobe!

Kobe joined us at a time when we’ve been busy preparing for SLCs, so I was conscious that – three weeks on – he doesn’t really understand the concept of crew, or why it’s so crucial to us as a school.  This was confirmed to me when I asked him if he felt like he was part of crew yet, and he answered: “Almost.”

Now, I know it’s a difficult transition for any student joining a new school and making new friends, but to join an already formed, tight-knit crew, who have literally and metaphorically climbed mountains together for 2 years, must be doubly difficult.

“Almost” made we realise that we haven’t done enough over the past 3 weeks to make sure that Kobe is Crew and gets Crew.

We took Kobe right back to the beginning of Crew Finch by showing him this video (cue goosebumps!)

It made us all remember what it was like on that very first day, and the feelings we had about joining a new school and making new friends: anxiousness, worried, scared, excited…  But by the end of that day, we had become crew.

It’s true that our shared experiences have made us crew, but we’re excited that Kobe has now joined us just in time for the next stage of our journey: Year 9!  And I hope that when I ask him at the end of term if he feels like crew yet, he will reply with a resounding “Yes!”

One last thing (well done if you’ve got this far!)

A few weeks ago I had the absolute privilege and pleasure of facilitating a workshop for the Trusts’ annual XPosé conference, looking at the power of relationships in crew.  This session was led by Y7 and Y8 students who spoke confidently and passionately about what crew means to them.  As part of this, the workshop participants had been asked to do a mind mapping activity where they had to write down what they thought crew was and I thought these were worth reviewing with crew today.

They looked at the sheets and picked out the words/phrases which really illustrated or reminded them what crew was about.  I was worried that we have forgotten – or become complacent about – the power of crew.  Maybe an “outsiders” perspective would remind us, and give Kobe a better understanding, too.

We had a really interesting conversation afterwards about the impressions of crew from these sheets, and we made a list of the ones that were most important to us.

The most powerful one being this:

XP wouldn’t be XP without Crew.

Say no more 🙂

Data drops and highs!

We’ve been analysing and discussing our DD3 (data drop) grades and, whilst I’m pleased with Crew’s progress, there have been a few slight drops in grades which unfortunately will see us slipping down the HOWLs league table.

Having said that, I’d just like to take a moment to celebrate Bryn’s progress.  It’s fair to say that he didn’t display the best learning behaviours at the beginning of the year, and this was reflected in DD2’s habits of work and learning grades.

This was discussed during his last SLC and, since then, we’ve been having regular check-ins to make sure he has been working hard, getting smart and being kind in all lessons.

Just take a look at the difference between DD2 and DD3 (in bold):

Work Hard Get Smart Be Kind Work Hard Get Smart Be Kind Work Hard Get Smart Be Kind
DD2 2.8 2.5 3.0 3.0 2.9 3.5 2.3 1.8 2.5
DD3 3.2 3.3 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

I’m sure you’ll agree that Bryn’s improvement in his HOWLs are outstanding. Jaw dropping, in fact!

He knows that he still has to put more effort in towards working hard and getting smart, particularly in relation to extended study and he discussed this during his SLC.

Crew would like to say a massive “Well Done” to Bryn for responding to feedback after his last SLC and DD2, getting his head down and working exceptionally hard.  His class members tell me that he has been showing perseverance and resilience in all classes, particularly in Maths.  I’d also like to thank his teaching staff, especially Mr Ryder, for always pushing him, supporting him and making Bryn realise his own potential.

Keep it up, Bryn.  You’re absolutely flying into Year 9!

But don’t forget to do your homework 😉

Kicking off our SLCs!

A big well done to Noah and Mackenzie for kicking off Crew Finch’s last Student Led Conferences of Year 8!

Both boys spoke articulately and with confidence about their learning and progress to their guests, as well as reflecting openly and honestly about the areas they need to improve on.

For example, Noah said that he needed to try harder to manage his distractions in class and stay 100% focused at all times.

Mackenzie acknowledged that he needs to get better at doing his homework.  He has therefore pledged to stay for extended study at least once a week, either to complete his homework or just to extend his learning by using the resources on the Expedition website.  He recognised that this would help him improve his grades moving forward into Year 9.

We’ll be checking-in weekly to make sure that both boys are sticking to these pledges!

I’m really looking forward to attending the rest of my Crews SLCs over the next couple of weeks.  If any Crew Finch parents haven’t yet booked a slot, you can book here:  Crew Finch SLC Booking (June 2019)


Taking responsibility for our own learning

As Crew prepare for their SLCs, they have been given their new HOWLs grades.  I’ve encouraged them to compare their Data Drop 3 grades to their Date Drop 2 grades, and reflect on why they may have scored lower or higher than last time.

One member of my Crew has respectfully challenged the grades given to her here, and it shows how students at our school feel comfortable and confident enough to approach teaching staff to talk about elements of their learning and behaviour.

This message is a good example of how much our students care about their learning and grades – they’re not just numbers in a spreadsheet.

Well, I think so anyway!

Yes – it’s student-led conference time, where our students get to share their learning and targets with their family.

Crew will spend the next couple of weeks preparing for their SLC, which involves reflecting on their learning and selecting the work that:

  • they are most proud
  • they could improve on, and
  • shows mastery in a particular subject.

Crew will also reflect on and discuss their HOWLs, extended study record and general conduct.

I have set my Crew an extra challenge this year of setting a Year 9 Pledge, to get them focussed on the year ahead and their Passage Presentation.

SLCs will commence week beginning 24th June and will run on selected days over the following 2 weeks.  An email with the booking link will be sent to parents before the end of this week.  Hopefully there will be a convenient time slot for you to book but if not, please email me on [email protected] to discuss.

See you soon!