Extended Art Learning Labs for year 11

On Tuesday 16th April we’ll have our final Art learning lab before the GCSE Art exam the following week. As it’s the last chance before the exam for students to get some extra time in, we’ll be running an extended session running from 3.30 until 5.30pm. To keep everyone energised and working we’ll have a selection of food and snacks for students who attend.

All year 11 students are welcome, but we’ll be sending invites out to those who we’d really like to see for that final push.

Explorering Science in year 8

8 Explorer took some time out of their Art sessions last week to work on some Physics content. They took to the tennis courts to explore a range of hypotheses based around speed. It turns out that running was scientifically proven to be faster than cartwheeling. Check out Cody trundling along below.