Our C28 cohort have been working incredibly hard on our Macbeth content including analysis and drama techniques!
The first week back after half term on Tuesday after school we will be hosting auditions for our central characters such as Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and the Weird Sisters. Any students who have put themselves for a lead role will be asked over half term to memorise a number of lines from one of their favourite scenes, in order to perform a portrayal of their chosen character.
The cast will be finalised in the first week after half term.
In the second week back, we will be offering drop-in drama sessions to help with characterisation, line delivery and confidence building.
Further information will be posted on google classroom and parents and guardians will be emailed in due course.
Have a wonderful rest and let’s come back re-energised ready to smash the rest of our expedition!
We would like to thank you for your generous donations for the Earthquake victims in Syria and Turkey. We are thrilled to have your support and compassion through this difficult time.
Your donations will make a difference to the people who have lost everything, and we are extremely grateful!
Let’s start with Praise: Crew have racked up an awesome 82 praises on the dashboard.
Those students at the top of the block and smashing their HoWL’s are:
⭐️ 1st place is: Holly with 15
⭐️ 2nd place is: Tayla with 12
⭐️ 3rd place is: Callum with 11
Amazing to see that they are working hard, getting smart and being kind, a lovely testament to their growth and character, keep up the good work!
Attendance Stars ⭐️
100% attendance for the following students – THIS IS AWSOME! Every day matters! Well done you 3!
⭐️ Holly
⭐️ Isabelle
⭐️ Sofiya
Crew have been working hard on Passage – some are grappling with the content but we still have a few weeks left, so get stuck in and shout for support if you need it guys!
We asked Y10 students to pop along to crew to support some areas of passage. This is a great opportunity for Crew to speak to, to gain knowledge and understanding of what needs to be done. How it went for them and learning from the experience Y10 had previously.
We are well on our way with DofE and we have some exciting things coming up – this will be communicated asap.
Students have been working towards their Bronze award and are currently developing their first aid skills.
Quiz them on some scenarios, so far we have covered:
Asthma Attacks
Broken Bones, Fractures, Spinal Injuries, Dislocated joints, Sprains and strains.
Chest Pains, Choking
Low Blood Sugar
Bleeding and Shock
Extreme Temperatures and Fainting
This is all to support them in life but also to support them with their expedition section of the award. ⛺️
Equipment stand!
Just a mini stand: We have noticed a decline in equipment for some students – not all so thank you to those who have all their equipment.
Just a reminder please ensure that students are fully equipped for learning, which is part of our HoWL’s. Additionally, they must have a device and this should be charged ready to go! The number of times I have leant my charger to Crew (their phones are always charged tho – funny that 🤣).
What’s on our plate next term?
We will be heading into a new case study for our expedition ‘You Give me Fever’.
Parent: look out for a letter for up and coming fieldworks for next term. Some amazing opportunities for greater learning.
Hope you all have a wonderful half term – see you all soon
Hello everyone, long time no see. Tonight in Crew Rowling, we won Inter-Crew, have had SLCs and Harvey (with critique from crew!!) writes a blog post.
So, Crew Rowling has finally won a sport! And the sport I hear you ask? Corner Hockey. Crew were determined to finally win something, and through team work, we finally came out on top. 2nd place, Crew Obama ended with 35 points while we ended with 7 points more, a whopping 42 points! Our star players were Layton and Shawn, who were clinical in their shots.
So with the exciting news out of the way, we now move onto our Student-Led Conferences. Every single member of our crew has completed our Conferences, and what can I say except they were a success. Unlike our Passages previously, this was a more casual environment where we discussed our work. Well Done to Crew Rowling, we’re all proud of you!!
In other news, our crew has been enjoying the content taught to us currently. In History, our crew are engrossed in the Rise of the Nazis while in English we are enthusiastically reading ‘An Inspector Calls’. Shawn seems to enjoy playing Eric Birling while Harvey seems to be a great Mr Birling.
So, that’s a summary of our term. Eventful, enjoyable, and the ever-looming challenge of GCSEs. Something to look forward to is the upcoming week off, so enjoy the time to relax! Let’s hope to come back even stronger than ever!
As I am sure you are aware, Macbeth is of significant importance this year to students in Year 8 and in Year 11. In Year 8, Macbeth is a key text for their current expedition and, in Year 11, it is a key text for their upcoming GCSE exams.
CAST Doncaster are hosting performances of the play on Tuesday 21st February and Wednesday 22nd February at 7:30pm. The benefits of seeing the performance for students in Year 8 and Year 11 would be huge and would have a direct impact upon the students ability to achieve and succeed in school.
XP have worked closely with CAST in the past and, as such, they have offered us the opportunity to purchase tickets at a discounted price of £10 per ticket. Students under the age of 14 will require an adult to attend the performance with them.
If you would like to purchase a ticket through school, please complete this Google Formbefore 3pm on Friday 10th February (tomorrow). We appreciate this is short notice but we have only just been able to confirm the discounted price and need to inform CAST of the number of tickets required asap.
The google form will ask you to indicate the date of the performance you want to attend and the number of tickets you would like to purchase. Once responses are collated, we will confirm your ticket allocation and add the cost to your ParentPay account so you can make payment.
Tickets will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
This is just a reminder that on the last day of this term, Friday 10th February 2023, the school will be closing for all students at 1:30pm after Crew.
This is so staff are able to prepare for the new term. There will not be any provision for students to stay after this time so all students must leave at 1:30pm.
School reopens on Monday 20th February 2023.
Many thanks as always for your continued support. XP and XP East Office