Year 11 Mock Exam Results

Dear Families of students in Year 11,

Now that students have sat their first round of mock exams this year, their exams have been marked, moderated and have now been graded. Students will receive their mock grades during Crew time tomorrow morning. Students will also receive a set of predicted GCSE grades for the real exams which take place in the spring. Whilst these predictions are informed by the mock exams, they are also based on other assessments of student work and their current Habits of Work and Learning grades.

Students will reflect on their mock grades and predicted grades in the upcoming Student Led Conferences which will commence from next week. Your child’s Crew Leader will be in touch this week to book in a day and time for their student led conference. The timing of the SLC will allow students to consider any personal pledges that they need to make in advance of the next round of mock exams which takes place in February. More information on the February mock exams will follow closer to the time, but again this will be an opportunity for teaching staff and students to gauge their progress, revise predictions and look at other areas of support before the final exams.

There are a small number of students who may have been absent for some of the mock exams and as such, there might not be a grade provided on their grade card that they receive. These students will have the opportunity to sit missed exams in a formal setting this week and will have their exams marked and grades reported back to them.

If you have any questions in the meantime about any of the above, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your child’s Crew Leader in the first instance.

Best wishes,

Mr Voltaire and the Year 11 Team

E27 Viking Festival

Save the Date! E27 are delighted to invite you to a Celebration of Learning as the conclusion to their expedition ‘Raiders and Invaders’. The celebration will take place at XP East on Thursday 14th December from 5:30pm. We’d love to see you there!

C29 Fieldwork – International Slavery Museum

As part of their ‘Being Human’ expedition, Year 8 students will be travelling to Liverpool to the International Slavery Museum on 16/11/23 XP School and 23/11/23 XP East. Students will take part in workshops led by the museum staff and get to absorb themselves within the stories from the transatlantic slave trade.

We will be leaving Doncaster at 8:00am prompt so students will need to meet on their school’s stairs at 7:40am. They will require a packed lunch (free school meal students will be provided with a packed lunch if they require one) and we will be aiming to leave Liverpool to return home at 2:30pm. Our predicted arrival time back at school will be 5:00pm traffic dependent. The website will be updated on the day with our ETA if it is to be any different.

X29 Admiral & Skipper – 16/11/23

E29 Explorer & Pioneer – 23/11/23

This is a fundamental part of the expedition and it is expected that students attend this fieldwork in order to provide them with the relevant experience and knowledge to complete the Presentation of Learning at the end of this term.

For any further information please contact Harriet Woodward ([email protected]) as fieldwork lead.

Sharing our Stories: 10/11/2023

Beautiful Work This Week

Flying Scotsman Centenary

Students from XP Doncaster were very lucky to be able to welcome Flying Scotsman home today as guests of Doncaster Council. They had the opportunity to see this iconic engine up close and meet so many people who have made this special visit happen. 

They were also able to hand copies of the newly published book ‘Rail CIty’ to those who had so kindly contributed to it … but more on that next week!

Final Product Preview: Beautiful Sewing at Norton Juniors!

XP Gateshead: Unheard voices of WWI

Last year, Y8 at XPG recorded a radio broadcast of unheard voices from WWI. They did this to honour the sacrifices of those who are sometimes forgotten when we remember the victims of WWI.

We are proud to share that this broadcast will be played on Memory Lane Radio on Saturday 11th November at 11am (their Armistice day slot!) Reuben visited the studio with Mrs Downes and was interviewed about the project. We will share a link to this interview in the coming days.

Be sure to tune in tomorrow to hear this beautiful work on the radio!

Top of the Blogs

Getting Smart with Beautiful Revision @ XP Gateshead

C26 Experience the Golden Age at Burghley House @ XP

We Will Remember Them @ Plover

Netball Extravaganza @ Norton Juniors

Spooky Season Reading! @ XP East

Diwali @ Carcroft School

Class 8 – Great use of iPads @ Green Top

Crew Champions @ Norton Infants

We’ve got Vacancies at XP Trust!

Visit to find out more and apply to #JoinOurCrew

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!

Y11 Weekly Planner 13.11.23

Things to note for the upcoming week:

– Students will receive their mock exam results this week.
– Please look out for information from Crew Leaders about upcoming SLCs.

Also – just a reminder that it is an expectation that students attend Learning Labs if they have been asked to do so. We will continue to monitor attendance and contact parents if necessary.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

XP Outdoors: tapping into our creative side

We’ve had a creative couple of weeks in our XP Outdoors sessions, focusing on bringing the outside, in.

This week, we created some fantastic festive pine cone decorations. Students have been tasked with gifting these as part of our Random Acts of Kindness challenge.

Last week, we started to create our indoor Peace Garden. Students got involved by creating Poppy-inspired bunting and having a go and making Origami Peace Doves – these were really tricky but students (and Miss Watson!) enjoyed grappling with these. We’ll share pictures once the final product has been displayed.

Activities for the rest of the term include making bird feeders, tidying up our garden and having another session round the fire pit.

Please make sure your child comes to school with a warm, waterproof coat, hat/gloves and appropriate footwear every Wednesday 🙂

FLU Vaccination 22/11/2023 for All Years

All Parents have been sent a link to their registered email address that the school holds on the school system. The link is different for each school (XP and XP East). The form needs to be sent whether you want your child to have the FLU vaccine or not have the vaccine. If you have not received the email, please follow up with your child’s crew leader so they can forward you the correct link and ensure we have your correct email on our school system.

Tag rugby and Cross country

Please see below the information for these events happening this week. This is only for the students who are involved in these events.

Wednesday 8th November Cross Country- Meet at XP lunch area at 12.15. Finish time 3.30. Students will need PE kit, warm clothes for standing around, water bottle.

Thursday 9th November Year 7 boys tag rugby tournament – Meet at XP East changing rooms at 12.15. Students will need a packed lunch, PE kit, water bottle, warm clothing. Return to school for 4.30.

If there are any delays we will contact parents on return.

Any questions please email [email protected]

C25 Parents and Students: GCSE Presentation Evening

We are looking forward to welcoming you all back to XP/XPE for our GCSE Certificate Presentation Evening – one last celebration of your remarkable achievements!

The Presentation Evening will take place at XP East on Thursday 16th November 5pm-6pm.

Please complete this form to confirm your attendance:

C25 GCSE Presentation Evening

If you are unable to attend this evening, certificates will be available to collect from Monday 20th November. Please email to arrange collection. 

Looking forward to seeing you all again soon!

Angella & Mel