Our Crew check-in this week on our Google Hangout was “what are you most looking forward to when lockdown ends?” and we had some lovely answers!
- Eating at McDonald’s came to mind for Marshall
- I think all of us are looking forward to seeing family and friends
- A number of the Crew are just excited at the thought of being in school (XP East is just that good!)
- Cerys is really looking forward to ice skating – not something you can really practice from home!
- Going to festivals – Zak has tickets to Leeds Festival in August and it is still happening as far as we’re aware…
- What are you most looking forward to?
And what have we been getting up to, to pass the time when we’re not doing our school work? Leoni has been doing mindfulness colouring, Zak is continuing with his basketball and Cerys with her baking – check out the cake below!

Charlie and Ruben have both shaved their heads to keep cool in the warmer weather and keep their hair under control – though we haven’t got photographs to share yet!
In recognition of his participation and commitment to Crew Hangouts every week, I also nominated Marshall for a mention on Mrs Poncia’s Associate Principal blog:

It’s also great to see several of the Crew going above and beyond in their learning, even when working remotely. Special mentions in the last week or so go to:
- Ruben for getting ahead on his HUMAN work and asking for even more before the new expedition started!
- Cerys, Caiden, Leoni, Marshall and Zak for full completion of their HUMAN immersion.
- Cerys, Charlie, Marshall, Ruben and Tom for going above and beyond in Maths on at least one occasion, in Cerys’ case, with every single task!
- Billy, Leoni, Marshall and Ruben completing their STEAM tasks way ahead of this week’s deadline on 8th May.
- Great completion rate across the Arts for Leoni and Cerys, again ahead of the deadline in Leoni’s case.
- Zak, Ruby, Leoni, Lacey, Charlie and Cerys all receiving e-postcards from Mr Pearson in Spanish.
I’m really impressed that there are so many names of our Crew members mentioned by staff in a positive light in the various meetings we have each week. Let’s make sure any deadlines we are behind on are caught up and that we keep helping one another to be successful despite the wait until you can all have a celebratory McDonald’s!