How can I find the words to describe what crew has meant to me over the last 5 years?
I think I could I write a book about the importance of crew, but I still couldn’t actually find the words that describe what crew actually feels like.

From hiking around Malham Cove on our very first day of crew, to riding the rollercoasters at Alton Towers on our very last day – and everything in between.

It was the best of times: winning the crew badminton tournament; student-led crew sessions; celebrating our successes; charity fund raising; crew breakfasts and the perfect cuppas; student-led conferences and Passage presentations.

It was the worst of times: supporting each other when things weren’t right; challenging attendance; a global pandemic (although not even Covid could stop us from ‘hanging out’!)

We’ve been through all the emotions together – sometimes the whole range during the same crew session! We’ve laughed, we’ve cried, Best of all, we’ve laughed until we cried!

I’m already missing crew so much.
I miss Mackenzie’s cheeky chat-back.
I miss Callie’s famous rants, and fabulous fashion.
I miss Kobe’s incessantly talking over me (yes, really!)
I miss Thomas’ eye rolls.
I miss Dakota’s RBF 😉
I miss Ali’s sarcasm.
I miss Noah’s bright smile and all round fabulousness.
I miss Tom’s expert opinion on absolutely everything (including the goss!)
I miss Bryn casually wandering in wearing his big coat, even in a heatwave!
I miss Aden’s cheery “morning, miss!”
I miss Libby’s kindness.
I miss Megan’s tenacity.
I miss them all for a million reasons more.
But it’s time to let go and they’re more than ready to move on!
Crew has given these amazing kids roots to grow, and wings to fly. They are leaving as some of the most amazing, compassionate, beautiful bunch of humans I’ve ever known and I’m certain they’ll continue to make a positive impact wherever they go.
Thank you all, for making me a better version of myself, too.

As we like to say here: “if we get crew right, we get everything right.” And I think Crew Finch are more than all right 😉
So, how can I find the words to describe what crew has meant to me over the last 5 years?
Easy – I just speak from the heart.
And now, Crew Finch are checked out.
Mrs Parker xxxx