XP East Careers HQ

XP East Careers HQ

At XP East we have always had careers at the heart of our expeditions whether it’s working together with experts, out on fieldwork or creating our products. Given the importance of our career, its time to further develop and improve our programme throughout the school, not forgetting our new XP16 provision

I would like to invite you check out our website.

The website gives information on our career policy and programme we offer, helpful links and tools to aid guidance in GCSE options, post-16 & post-18 opportunities including university, apprenticeships & jobs of the future as well as details of careers related events happening throughout the school.  This website is designed to be continuously updated to make sure our learners:

  • Raise aspirations
  • Develop confidence in making decisions and career choices
  • Develop an understanding of the world of work and how to respond to changes in today’s workplace

Please explore the website and I hope you find it useful when supporting our young people with these all important decisions.  I would appreciate feedback on the website and please, do not hesitate to contact me Kathryn Burns at kburns@xpschool.org

Crew Young…..Back to the Future!

I’ve been really looking forward to returning to school this week, and the opportunity to circle up once again with Crew Young. Almost as hard to believe that we are now entering our fifth year together at XP East, is the fact that some of them have grown even taller (and/or wider) during the summer break! However, whether they’ve grown further in character or in stature, there are some wise heads on these young, broad shoulders…..

Amongst other things, over the past three days we’ve discovered that Summer has almost completed the manuscript draft of her first novel, Maclaren’s alter ego is the superhero “Oven Glove Man” (with some amazing super powers), Lewis still aspires for a career in the police force, I’m rubbish at the rock game, and Isabel has encyclopaedic knowledge of pop stars, media and social influencers.

From our first outward bound adventure in Malham Cove and Kingswood, to the challenges of Aberdovey, to the experiences of the Slave Museum, and leaving an indelible mark on the fabric of our school when signing the central pillar of the building, Crew Young are now well on the way along their learning journey. Today they designed and then described their roadmap to future GCSE success.

Crew Young takes both their name and inspiration from Cliff Young, Australian farmer who won an ultra marathon finishing in Doncaster, a suburb of Melbourne Australia, beating world class athletes by an unorthodox approach to running the event. He is quoted as saying: “I like to finish what I start doing. I like to see it through to the end, to the best of my ability.”

So do we.

Given Freely, Freely Given Fieldwork

An incredibly eye opening and powerful morning of fieldwork for Pioneer and Explorer over the last two weeks. As part of our expedition ‘Small Change’, we visited Balby Church to take part in their ‘Big Sort’ on a Monday morning, providing much-needed clothes, food, toiletries and household items for those who have very little.

Both classes have done the school and themselves proud with their contribution to the ‘Big Sort’ working hard alongside existing volunteers sensitively, respectfully, and with lots of compassion. Well done!

See a bit of the Big Sort for yourself below:

A number of students commented on how lucky they were in their home situation to have easy access to things that are so easy to take for granted, such as soap, basic food and water, and it made them feel more grateful for the things they have. And question what they actually need!

It was also really uplifting to see just how many things are donated, and the variety of donations, reinforcing the positivity and compassion of the local communities providing for those in want.

And yet it is shocking that we learnt that everything would be gone the next day when those in need queue up outside the church in the hope there is enough to go around.

What a wonderful operation being run at Given Freely, Freely Given, and what a privilege it has been for our students to be able to take part and work alongside these amazing volunteers.

Year 8 HUMS Home Learning – Due 30.01.19


Complete a QUOTATION EXPLOSION as we have previously practiced in class on the following quotation from act 1 scene 5″

“Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under’t” – Lady Macbeth

You have creative freedom on this – do it in your books, on a device, use free mind-mapping online.


Wednesday 30th January


Does yours look like this? If it does, then you’re probably working at 3.0+ for WORK HARD.


Click here to watch a video guide to help.


Want to go above and beyond and EXTEND YOUR LEARNING FURTHER? You could turn your notes into a paragraph of analysis about how Shakespeare presents Lady Macbeth’s manipulation of Macbeth.

All hail Macbeth!

Last Friday we invited three very talented actors from Box Clever to deliver our own personal performance of Macbeth, complete with interactive workshop. And what a performance it was!

Year 8 were amazing and were fully immersed in the experience – a real credit to the school! They made such a positive impact on our visitors, who decided to join us for lunch to soak up some of the XP East ethos and chat to the students.

Take a look…