This week, all students in E26 will be going on fieldwork for their expedition on Tuesday 19th November. They will need to arrive at school for normal time and should be back at the end of the school day. We will be travelling about 45 minutes away in a coach so please give students who experience travel sickness any medication if necessary and/or bring it with them for the journey home (please hand into staff).
Students will need:
- a warm coat (we will be inside for most of the day but will spend a period of time outdoors)
- a packed lunch and drink (there will be nowhere for students to buy this so it is vital they bring this with them – FSM students will be provided for by school).
- blue/black pens
- a bag to carry the above in.
Students are not allowed sweets or fizzy drinks.

We will reveal the location on the day to the students, but for now – keep guessing!