World Cup Draw

Blog Post by Brendan.

On Thursday 14th June we drew our World Cup teams out of a hat.  So whichever team we got we have to follow that country.  Whoever’s team gets the furthest gets a prize (to be decided!)

It was really funny to see the reactions of the people in my crew as most people wanted certain teams, for instance Megan wanted Germany and got Argentina; Mackenzie wanted France and got Egypt and Peru.

To be honest I think I was the only one who got the team that they wanted, so lucky me! (I wanted Russia.)

Here’s the full list:

Ali – France and Poland

Noah – Portugal and Mexico

Megan – Argentina and Australia

Mrs Parker – Korea and Spain

Tom D –  Belgium and Tunisia

Nicole – Senegal and Denmark

Thomas H – Germany and Saudi Arabia

Aden – England and Columbia

Brendan – Russia and Morocco

Mackenzie – Peru and Egypt

Libby – Uruguay and Ireland

Dakota – Japan and Iceland

Bryn – Sweden and Panama

World Cup Sweepstake!

Crew JSM have had a football focus on the world cup. With a focus on geography and sharing of knowledge of other countries cultures. Raven picked England for the sweepstakes, however Alfie picked the giant slayers and the favourite underdog Iceland! The crew favourite went to Corey who took Portugal. Tuesday crew will be missed for the Police coming in to give a talk about Internet safety for our students.


Crew 7DPE update

Monday 10th June – On Monday, we checked in on how our crew members’ weekends had been.

Tuesday 11th June – Today, we looked at Rebus puzzles and are planning to make our own for other crews. An example would be Mil1ion. This is 1 in a million! Another would be DAYSALLWORK= all in a day’s work. Rebus puzzles encourage lateral thinking and are a great way to exercise our brain cells!

Wednesday 13th June – Today, we did our weekly Accelerated reader.

Thursday 14th June  – Today, we joined Mr Smith’s Crew and began to make our own Rebus puzzles. A number of us had pivotal roles to play in the XPosé Conference – exciting times!

Friday 17thOur whole school Community Meeting provides a weekly opportunity to give apologies and pledges, share appreciations and make stands for things that we feel strongly about.

Thank you to Ella for editing this week’s Crew blog.

Are we crew?

I can’t believe we’re now in the last term of our first year at XP. East… and what a journey it’s been! It seems a good a time as any to reflect on our time together so far, so over the next few weeks our crew will be taking it in turns to present to us how they feel about crew.

I’ve asked them to focus on the following questions: what does crew mean to you? More specifically, what does “our” crew mean to you? Any examples of when we have really pulled together as a crew? Examples of when our relationship has broken down, maybe? What could we do to improve our crew (if anything!)?

We’ve been through so much together as a crew, so I’m sure everyone will have a lot to say.

I can’t wait to hear our crew present their thoughts and I will, of course, report back here!

Our Crew time this week was dedicated to the production of the pledges made by members of the public at the Frenchgate Centre last week, as we reach the culmination of our “Stand Up!” learning expedition. The week was as follows:

Monday 14th May – Crew members’ weekly check-ins and a look forwards to the week ahead.

Tuesday 15th May – We used Crew time to capture the pledges made by members of the public using professional Canva digital software.

Wednesday 16th May – We completed our Canva pledges and used the remaining time to refine our speeches ahead of our Celebration of Learning.

Thursday 17th May – We dedicated this time to quiet reading under the Accelerated Reader programme.







Friday 18th May – Our whole school Community Meeting provides a weekly opportunity to give apologies and pledges, share appreciations and make stands for things that we feel strongly about. XP East usually holds a further school-specific Community Meeting in the afternoon.

A reminder that students with excellent attendance and punctuality are regarded favourably by university tutors and employers, so we are striving to improve our current ranking on the whole school attendance league tables. This week we finished in a disappointing fourth place, in the tables. This is not a place where 7DPE are accustomed to being!


Today is the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan, and one of our fellow students from another Crew will be participating for the first time this year.

My Crew had lots of questions about Ramadan, some of which were able to answer between us, but we have decided to invite Adam M. to our next Crew session to tell us more about Ramadan, and why he has to fast during this period.

Meanwhile, this link from BBC Newsround provides some useful information.




See Dyslexia differently!

Four of our Crew have Dyslexia.  One student in particular has been feeling a bit upset about this over the past few days, so we thought it would be useful to discuss how his Dyslexia effects him.  We used the recently released video from The British Dyslexia Association – it’s a really useful introduction to the subject.

Big thanks to Ali, Mackenzie and Bryn for speaking so open and honestly about their experiences with Dyslexia, and even bigger thanks to all the Crew for showing empathy towards their fellow students during the discussion.

A short week for Crew 7DPE!

Tuesday 8th May – Due to Bank Holiday Mayday Monday we checked into Crew on Tuesday instead, and also seized the opportunity to contribute to a shared debrief about the second round of Student-Led Conferences.

Wednesday 9th May – Accelerated Reader programme, allowing us to engage in collective silent reading for 40 minutes and/or to complete a comprehension exercise based on the books that we have just finished.

Thursday 10th May – Outside in the sunshine for a Danish Longball tournament…..and OUR CREW WON THE ENTIRE EVENT….YAY!!!!

Friday 26th JanOur XP Trust Community Meeting provides a weekly opportunity to give apologies and pledges, share appreciations and make stands for things that we feel strongly about. XP East usually holds a further school-specific Community Meeting in the afternoon.

And finally a polite reminder that – as we have worked so hard to currently rank first place (overall) for our cumulative Crew attendance – routine appointments and holidays should be arranged for out-of-term time please. We cannot afford to allow Mrs Parker’s Crew to catch us up and overtake us!!!

Crew SLCs


A big thank you to all the parents who made it to SLCs this week.  The biggest thank you should go to the students’ themselves, for their portfolio work, their preparation, their presentation, their self-reflection and for all their hard work during this term’s expeditions.

SLCs are always a bit nerve-wracking, but all my crew did themselves, their parents and (most of all) me proud 🙂

(Apologies for my terrible photo-taking skills; Megan and Brendan somewhere on this picture, I promise!)

Our second round of SLCs..

This week saw the culmination of the second round of 7DPE’s Student-Led Conferences. I had the pleasure and privilege of attending all thirteen of my Crew’s SLCs and I was again delighted with the quality of conversations about learning that took place between our students and their parents.