Crew 7DPE update

Monday 10th June – On Monday, we checked in on how our crew members’ weekends had been.

Tuesday 11th June – Today, we looked at Rebus puzzles and are planning to make our own for other crews. An example would be Mil1ion. This is 1 in a million! Another would be DAYSALLWORK= all in a day’s work. Rebus puzzles encourage lateral thinking and are a great way to exercise our brain cells!

Wednesday 13th June – Today, we did our weekly Accelerated reader.

Thursday 14th June  – Today, we joined Mr Smith’s Crew and began to make our own Rebus puzzles. A number of us had pivotal roles to play in the XPosé Conference – exciting times!

Friday 17thOur whole school Community Meeting provides a weekly opportunity to give apologies and pledges, share appreciations and make stands for things that we feel strongly about.

Thank you to Ella for editing this week’s Crew blog.