E24/Y9 First week back

School starts next week on Tuesday 27th August where we will be embarking on a week of crew.

Throughout the week students are required to be at school at normal time (8:30am). We plan to finish all activities with the normal school day apart from Friday where students will return at 4:30 due to field work in the Peak District. Students will require a pen, pencil and ruler this week and a kit list has been sent out for Friday.

The week’s schedule will be as follows:

Tuesday – In school with a normal finish time of 3:15. There is no extended study in school this week.

Wednesday – In school with a normal finish time of 3:15. There is no extended study in school this week.

Thursday – Out of school on a University field work trip- normal time return to school of 3:15. Packed lunch is required.

Friday –  Out of school on crew activities so students will need a backpack with a packed lunch, a bottle of water, hiking boots and waterproofs.  Please check the kit list for further details of the required clothing. Please can students come to school in trainers, not their walking boots.  We are expected to be back at school for around 4:30pm.

E24 (Y8) students have spent the last two terms exploring if we are truly responsible for our own thoughts and deeds as part of their HUMS expedition, ‘Making Your Mind Up.’

Over the course of three case studies, they have studied Macbeth, looked at Hitler’s rise to power, analysed modern media and are now ready to share their learning with you on the following dates:

8 Explorer: Wednesday 5th June, 5pm-6pm.

8 Pioneer: Thursday 6th June, 5pm-6pm.

We look forward to seeing you, and thank you for your continued support.

Final Product Progress: High Voltage

8/E24 Have been working hard this week building their final products. We have used a number of new tools and equipment in our brand new building. As a crew we need to have all work completed by Thursday 16th of May. If any students have any game work unfinished we will be running a product lab in extended study for everyone to get caught up.

E24 Final Product Lab

E24 have started their new final product 

For the final product of ‘High Voltage’ expedition the students will be building and displaying battery powered series circuit games that will be given and left a local primary school for indoor lunch groups. The building of the products will take place in STEAM product lab sessions. The presentation of learning will also take place at the primary school as students will explain their product and build design in terms of circuits, current, voltage. 



Y8/E24 Assessment reminder

Students in C24 have their end of case study assessment on Wednesday 17/04/19 this week. This will be an exam of 1-6 mark questions and a combination of the work we have been doing on:

  • Magnets
  • Voltage, current and resistance
  • Building circuits
  • Electricity and how it works
  • Static Electricity
  • National Grid

For revision students will be able to use the Case Study 2 resources on the expedition website and the explore further page on the website also.

Expedition Website High Voltage