Michael Jordan once said……..” talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships…”.
All of the new students within XP Trust have embarked upon the most important championship of their academic (and life) career so far…..and Crew MKE are really beginning to work together as a team.
They have had a solid start to the next phase of Crew. We have collectively and individually developed our awareness and understanding of one another’s needs and abilities – and this is vital if we are to progress incrementally onto the next step, and the next, and so on…
The students have decided on two final Crew names to identify with ( I can tell you that one is a Premier League Footballer who does massive work with charities and has recently managed to change a Governmental decision regarding the allocation of school meals to children who may otherwise go without……and the second is a global pop superstar who has utilised her profile and skills to support social activism in areas relating to mental health awareness and LGBT rights. The students are really excited about these two choices, so we’ll announce the winner shortly.
Friday afternoons are the time when we really get together as Crew and are given the time and the opportunity to show off individual skills in order to develop ourselves and inspire others. The first student to do this was Isabelle, and her session proved to be a bit of a groundbreaker – not only for us as participants, but for Isabelle herself.
Imagine the scene…its Friday afternoon, the students have come to the end of a long and demanding week….and Isabelle has elected to teach a collection of three Year 7 Crews……Origami !!!!
Isabelle wasn’t phased by the task. From the moment she began to demonstrate how to make an origami swan to the group of around 35 students, she had them in the palm of her hand ! As soon as the inevitable pleas of ‘I don’t know what I’m doing” and “I don’t know where I am” began to come, Isabelle calmly and confidently went to each student – in the guise of a Florence Nightingale figure – and tended to every students needs. She was AMAZING…
When the class was complete and the students had gone, just one solitary swan sat on top of a desk, as if to pay tribute to Isabelles display of character. WELL DONE ISABELLE !!
On the basis of this session, we have decided to introduce a Crew MKE ‘Superstar of the Week Award’ and the title will carry a trophy which the recipient will take home for a week and then present to the next winner on a Friday afternoon. The first recipient of this trophy (when it arrives ) will be Isabelle.
This weeks Friday Figure It Out session will be presented by Sofiya who will be teaching Sign Language ! Well done Crew MKE….