I’ve been SUPER impressed with E25 since I’ve worked with them this year! The quality of work being produced is astounding – both in sessions, and outside of the classroom too!
Check out some examples below from Denim in History, and Mollie and Fin in maths, demonstrating excellent Craftsmanship & Quality across subjects.
I’ve also experienced a wonderful gallery walk – Miss Cross transported us to the silent floor of Brumley Museum – some great silent conversations, excellent notices, questions, and wonders!
And finally, I wanted to highlight a beautiful piece of work from Jess R. Jess has been working on this in her own time, as horses are a big interest – but look at the detail on this artwork. Phenomenal – excellent work Jess!!!!

Keep it up, year 10 – I look forward to seeing what you achieve this year!
Miss Cocliff x