What an amazing day we had on Tuesday!
We started the day with a check in, by looking at images of friends gathered around fires, images of marshmallow being toasted over campfires and commenting on the feelings these images evoke. Most students thought of friendship, happiness, and a sense of togetherness. And this is exactly what I was hoping to achieve by bringing all the XP16 students together for the day as crew.
Our task for the day was to build XP & XP East’s very own fire circle. An outdoor area where crews (staff & students) can come together to engage in shared experiences outdoors.
Our aim for the day was to have FUN! I wanted the students to work together, communicate, grapple, and grow in ways other than just academically but that are just as important.
2020 has been tough for A Level students and it doesn’t look like its going to get any easier as we get closer to the final exams. There’s a sense amongst them that the road ahead is a long and tough one and with the added pressure of the pandemic, feelings of isolation and loneliness and in some cases, what’s the point?
So the reset button was pressed. The student got a day to recharge, laugh, learn new skills, play with their friends and sit around a campfire that they designed and built, drinking hot chocolate and toasting marshmallows.
And what a fire circle they built! A legacy for the XP16 students to say they helped creat the beginning of Forest School for staff and students of XP & XP East schools. Well done guys, I enjoyed every minute with you all, and look forward to spending more crew time with you.
We even had some of their teachers come and join us for a brew and a chat.
Check out the photos below which really sum up our day.